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QUERY: Looking for motherboard still support Windows 98...


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I am wondering if anyone knows if there exists a motherboard with built-in graphics, sound &/or

LAN that still supports Windows 98. I am not the sort of person who buys 2nd hand due to lemon-

market (untold over-clocking, etc). If anyone out there has a motherboard, and definitely knows

their MB manufacter still provides Windows 98 drivers on their website then please let me know. If

the motherboard has built-in graphics & sound (&/or LAN) that are also compatible with Windows 98

then that's a bonus.

I don't want assumptions about whether motherboard will support Windows 98. I need

definite/specific facts. Motherboard can be any CPU chipset (AMD, Intel variations, etc.)


Okay, am not too fussed with Windows 98SE, but at least the built-in graphics, sound and/or LAN in the motherboard is supported by MS-DOS drivers. I don't want to do any emulation with VMWare, DOSBox or VirtualPC.

Edited by dhruba.bandopadhyay
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I suppose it depends what you realy want to accomplish, if you want to use your pc to play later day games buy an xbox 360. If you want to browse the web,p2p,email,word process etc there are countless motherboards on ebay "new" to do this task. If you want to burn 500 watts from the power supply to do the same thing, it would be easy to get a xp3200 and above setup to do the same, I run my xp3200 win98 system when I need to convert movies and I am in a rush, most of the time it is off. Usually I try to accomplish the rest of the tasks on a 10w cpu. I do not put all the lights on in my house to go to the bathroom.

What do you want to do?

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The mainboard listed in my sig (EPoX 9nDA3-J) supports windows 98 and has built in 8.1 surround sound + 1GB Lan. Using a 380watt PSU at the moment so it's not exactly very power-hungry either.

However, it does not have built-in video. As long as it's an NF3 chipset and made by EPoX it supports windows 98.

Just be wary of getting used mainboards off EBAY. Got mine off ebay as it was advertised used but working. However, I went through hell reflashing the BIOS due to it somehow stating a 'lock bit' set in random places which never existed to begin with. Took about 16-17 reflash attempts before it successfully reflashed. Though now the bios is completely fine and no longer gives trouble when needing to reflash to update the bios version.

.. it also has a damaged contact in DIIMM #0 slot but thankfully it goes to an unused contact on the back of the memory chips.

On a side note: there are a few other threads regarding a similar topic in this forum :)

Chipset support?


best/fastest hardware platform that supports 98SE


I Want To Build A Computer Using Windows 98


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Anything based on the Intel 800-series chipset is 100% compatible; the 865 is popular, if you can find an LGA775 board that uses an 875 chipset, it'll provide a better performance.

I recommend the Asus P5P800SE.

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The mainboard listed in my sig (EPoX 9nDA3-J) supports windows 98 and has built in 8.1 surround sound + 1GB Lan. Using a 380watt PSU at the moment so it's not exactly very power-hungry either.

Chipset support?


best/fastest hardware platform that supports 98SE


I Want To Build A Computer Using Windows 98


Nice, I had a look around and found GigaByte, ARock, to still support Windows 98SE. I'll have a look at EPoX too. And thanks to that other guy who mentioned Intel 800 series chipsets support Windows 98SE 100% (hope he is right). Asus is also a common name too. I'll have to compare these 4 motherboard brands...

'Chozo4' - so you have a working Windows 98SE system, and the sound & network builtin are Windows 98SE compatible? What's the CPU?

be easy to get a xp3200 and above setup to do the same, I run my xp3200 win98 system when I need to

What's a xp3200 system?

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I currently own a ECS 915G-A mobo (socket 775) Intel P4, with 512MB DDR (400

or 333 DIMM, not sure). GeForce 4 440 Ti AGP. I have a hard time trying to

get my Intel 915 chipset mobo to work with Windows 98 and everyone knows

that's virtually impossible. So am going to sell my mobo and buy another one

which will support Windows 98 and also can take my socket 775 P4, DDR & AGP


I now got lots of recommendations from people:

1. http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/bv/index.htm

2. http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/

3. http://www.epox.com.tw/eng/products_content.php?ps=323

4. http://www.asus.com/products4.aspx?modelme...l2=11&l3=26

5. http://www.asrock.com/product/K8%20Combo-Z.htm

1. The Intel Desktop Board D845GBV looks small and am not even sure if it'll

fit nicely into my tower case. Though it says it's ATX form factor so I'll

do some measurements. It says it supports P4 in a micro-PGA478 socket???

2. There are too many gigabyte mobos to go through.

3. & 5. EPoX 9nDA3-J & AsRock K8 Combo Z are both socket 939 (AMD). Last

year when I upgraded I should have waited. It was not until after I bought

my P4 that I started to like AMD Athlons because they're 64-bit and Intel is

still lagging behind with 32-bit processors.

4. Should I sell my ECS mobo with P4 together and keep the DIMM and migrate

to AMD side? Or keep the P4 and buy that Asus P5P800SE because it supports

LGA775 & AGP8x?

Hmm, decisions decisions......

PS: motherboard 775 AGP Intel 875 865P 865PE 865G 865GV 848P 845GV 845GE - what's with all the P PE G GV GE letters???

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PS: motherboard 775 AGP Intel 875 865P 865PE 865G 865GV 848P 845GV 845GE - what's with all the P PE G GV GE letters???
If I remember correctly, G means it has integrated graphics, E are higher-spec parts, etc.
865PE (Springdale)

875P without PAT, though it was possible to enable PAT in some early revisions. Also lacks ECC Memory support.


865P - The same as 865PE, but only supports 533 MHz bus and 333 MHz memory.

848P - Single memory channel version of 865PE.

865G (Springdale-G)

865PE with integrated graphics. PAT never supported in any revisions.


865GL - 865G without external AGP slot.

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If I remember correctly, G means it has integrated graphics, E are higher-spec parts, etc.
865PE (Springdale)

875P without PAT, though it was possible to enable PAT in some early revisions. Also lacks ECC Memory support.


865P - The same as 865PE, but only supports 533 MHz bus and 333 MHz memory.

848P - Single memory channel version of 865PE.

865G (Springdale-G)

865PE with integrated graphics. PAT never supported in any revisions.


865GL - 865G without external AGP slot.

So, the 1st & 2nd best ones are (ignoring integrated graphics): 865PE, 865G

865GL? Do you mean 865GV? And what is PAT? So PAT is not supported in any of the 865G series....

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'Chozo4' - so you have a working Windows 98SE system, and the sound & network builtin are Windows 98SE compatible? What's the CPU?

Board specs found here.

Board drivers found here.

... the cool-and-quiet drivers are not available for windows 98 (so it says). However, the CnQ drivers aren't neccessary as it only lets you control how the system handles fanspeeds automatically if enabled to do so. I would rather personally keep the fans running at full to be sure it stays cool all the time.

The CPU is also shown in the signature :)

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ [san diego]. It's stock 2.4ghz currently overclocked to 2.6ghz with a 325x8 multiplier set. My board can support the FX chips (dual core) and the Opteron chips (also dual-core but have an impressive on-board cache). However, windows 98 will not take advantage of the second core but any applications written specifically to handle multiple-cores will take advantage of them if I'm correct.

The sound built-in is a RealTek 8.1 Surround. However, I have it disabled due to the sound hardware not amplifying the output and not covering my needs. Interesting to note that despite this being a windows 98 (32-bit) machine, the 64-bit drivers for the built-in sound did in fact work as well. Also note that most built-in sound is *NOT* hardware amplified and so will require powered speakers to actually get the sound to an acceptable volume. I find it better to use installable sound cards such as a 'Yamaha YMF-724' or 'SoundBlaster LIVE! 5.1 Digital' which actually have amplification and greater compatibility with most apps including legacy (DOS) games.

The built-in LAN i use regularly and have set to max throughput instead of cpu conservation mode (less throughput). No complaints whatsoever with it. Only drawback is that all the other lans I connect to are 10/100 so.. cannot take advantage of the 1gb speed just yet with it.

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I think you've IMO at least two interesting options:

1) ASRock 775Dual-VSTA (based on VIA PT880 Pro/Ultra chipset) and you can still using your CPU, RAM and GPU with possible upgrade to Conroe family + DDR2 (even I'm AMD fan I must admit that this is a hell of the beast).

This motheboard also support PCIe graphic port - the only small cons is it work in 4x mode (normally x16).

Three articles about this motherboard on the Anandtech:




Looks like the chipset support Win98SE: http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageI...&CatID=1110

2) On AMD platform very popular ASRock 939Dual-SATA2 (not K8 Combo-Z which you've mentioned) or just released a newer version 939Dual-VSTA (different audio codec plus couple of the small changes) both on the ULI M1695 chipset (support for all 939 CPU, including Athlon 64 X2, AGP x8 + PCIe x16, possible upgrade to AM2 socket via AM2CPU Board).

Also this chipset support Win98SE: http://www.nvidia.com/page/uli_drivers.html

For more info check this very good forum: http://www.ocwforums.com/bbs/forumdisplay.php?f=31

Chozo4 - you can run Cool'n'Quiet technology on Win98SE using a WinME driver:


To get full advantage of the dualcore CPU you need at least Win2000 (not possible in Win98SE through OS limitations).

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