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[Release] cmdhide.exe


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All seams to work perfect now.

Good job!


If you want to get creative cmdow has the option to unhide a window.

I have only used it once but not sure if anyone else would need it.

It could just introduce more bugs so maybe it's not worth the headache.

Thanks again.

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There has been application called run.exe available for a long time from makers of cathy.exe to run applications/ batch files in the background without any window being created.

Just for the record:

Actually, "run.exe" has nothing to do with cathy.exe, :no: , it is part of the cygwin utilities:


It's use is advocated in an article related to cathycmd.exe, though ;) :


Cathy homepage:



I got them both from the same site I believe. Anyway I use it for anything where I do not want a window to open or the user to cancel it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've noticed that you're compiling your app as a "standard" win32 executable, outputing a 180Kb .exe file even after upx compression...

It is possible to make .exe files for win32 only as console, making much smaller apps around 10Kb..

Here is a small app I've made some time ago using delphi. There are quite a few others much better than mine. You might find interesting the discussion topic on this.


Special remark: most antivirus will report these exe's as being virus since they share the same code techniques usually used by virus to stealth their trojan executables, this is the reason why cmdow and hideExec are reported as virus. (don't know about my own hide.exe because AVG hasn't complained, but I don't know about others like norton, kaspersky..)

Here's the source code:

program hide;


Handle : THandle;
i : Integer;
Parameters : String;


if paramCount < 1 then exit; // no parameters? exit..
for i:=2 to paramcount do parameters := parameters + paramStr(i);
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', pChar(paramStr(1)), Pchar(parameters), '', SW_HIDE); // run hidden


I know you've probably used another programming language other than delphi, but shellexecute is a standard win32 API available in most win32 languages.

The code could even get more reduced, I forgot this was not needed:

Var Handle	 : THandle;


ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', pChar(paramStr(1)), Pchar(parameters), '', SW_HIDE); // run hidden

could also be:

ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', pChar(paramStr(1)), Pchar(parameters), '', SW_HIDE); // run hidden

This was made for windows PE environment with very limited resources, if you want to hide program windows under a regular windows installation, you could also use invisible.vbs:

If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then
WScript.Echo "Runs an application invisibly. Usage:" & vbCrLf & "Wscript.exe " & WScript.ScriptName & " ""C:\Path\Program.exe""" & vbCrLf & "Where ""C:\Path\Program.exe"" is the path to any program, script, or batch file."
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False
End If

Sized in 356 bytes..


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  • 3 months later...

A Couple Questions about cmdhide:

where do I put cmdhide in this line:



and in this line:



and in this line:





thank you :thumbup:hello::no: John

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