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WPI Configurator

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Not compatible with v5 yet.

This was uploaded before, but I had the time to fix all the bugs I found and here it is a new version.

Actually, this was one of my projects for a national conquest, so I involved a lot of time into making a help file, language support and many others things which are totally useless for you.

So, what is this program able to do: manage your config.js :D

WPI can do that too, but this one can do more than that. Download and experiment it yourself.

I'm extremly busy these weeks, so I hope you like it the way it is, cause I don't have the time to modify it.

Download Link

Later edit: although I see no feedback here, I see that the file was downloaded 70 times already :w00t: .

Edited by sadicq
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I don't know for sure if this is compatible with 5.0. Actually, i really think it is not. I saw that the config now must have a semicolon on every line end. wait and stick to the editor included in the wpi for the moment. It is very fast now and that makes me use it again. :thumbup

I will look at this soon enough, but I have to modify the code in more than one place for it to become compatible with 5.0.

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  • 4 months later...

I've used the WPI Configurator and think time might be better spent putting your ideas into the wishlist for WPI 5.6. With prototypes placing the command line in the proper place (along with mritter's silent USSF) and deps, excl selection from a dropdown/form, filtering and sorting which will lead into auto generation/population of config.js...what else would one need?

You'll be surprised at what this forum can come up with if you just put it in a wish list.

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