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Office 2007, Unattended Setup & Fine-tuning


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Nothing worked, had to settle with putting unattended file and SP1 in Updates folder.

This truly exceedes my computer skills.

Will try to contact a college in Microsoft for pointers, but dont think it will help much, cause it seems this was made to be used the way it is now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been installing Office 2007 silently using SMS 2003 and it has been going quite well. Usually I will push it out to about ten machine at a time. During the last few times, I had a few that failed. What I discovered was that if the machine has any version of a 2007 component already installed (i.e. Sharepoint Designer, One Note, or Web Design Client, the silent install will fail. Because I have pre cached the files to the machine, I can do a manual install. After clicking the setup.exe a box appears that has the existing component listed as well as the Office version that is to be installed along with radio buttons and a continue button. Because the install was set to be silent, this box will never run when SMS tries to do the install. Does anyone know of a way to bypass this and have the Office install silently? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Hello people

At first, thanks for this thread because it solves many of my doubts about Office 2007 Unatended installation!!!!

The problem I have now is that:

I have a compresed auto-self extracting office2007 installation of other guys and i want to change the modal.msp file for mine. Its possible to view what options they choose or I have to create a new one and replace. I have done this and the installation doesnt work. What can i Do?

I dont know if i have explained it well!!

Thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...
For installing add-ins for Office 2007 do the following:

ECHO Installing 'Microsoft Office 2007 Add-Ins'
ECHO Please wait...
ECHO Microsoft Office Outlook Connector
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Office2007\Add-Ins\msnolcon.msi /q
ECHO Outlook Personal Folders Backup
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Office2007\Add-Ins\pfbackup.msi /q
ECHO Office 2007 Add-in Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Office2007\Add-Ins\SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe /q

PS: You have to extract 'pfbackup.exe' to get 'pfbackup.msi'.

Sorry about this noobie question guys. :blushing:

But is this part of a RunOnceEx .cmd or can it be used from an Office 2007 install DVD?

Also a BIG THANK YOU to Prathapml and the other posters here.

You helped me move from a 500mb download .exe to a Fully Unattended Office2007 SP1 install DVD

Thanks Guys :thumbup

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I'm trying to use the following config.xml file to run some uninstallers (mainly Office 2003 apps) after my Office 2007 Small Business installation. However, the setup.exe file complains that the following XML is not valid. Can anyone tell my why this won't work?


<Configuration Product="SmallBusiness">

<Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/x \\<servername>\deploy$\Office2003\Office\PRO11.MSI" QuietArg="/qn" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" Wait="-1" />
<Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/x \\<servername>\deploy$\Office2003\FrontPage\FP11.MSI" QuietArg="/qn" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" Wait="-1" />
<Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/x \\<servername>\deploy$\Office2003\OneNote\ONOTE11.MSI" QuietArg="/qn" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" Wait="-1" />
<Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/x \\<servername>\deploy$\Office2003\Project\PRJPROE.MSI" QuietArg="/qn" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" Wait="-1" />
<Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/x \\<servername>\deploy$\Office2003\Visio\VISPRO.MSI" QuietArg="/qn" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" Wait="-1" />
<Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/x \\<servername>\deploy$\Office2007CompatPack\O12Conv.msi" QuietArg="/qn" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" Wait="-1" />


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone.

I have checked this forum and tried the suggestions but I still have a small problem.

After removing Office 2003 and installing 2007, my pc reboots.

I have Office Enterprise on a network drive but I'm only installing Pro plus for the users.

I'm using Option A, so I have an MSP.

The MSP is fully silent and I have selected everything that ProPlus allows

I have placed the MSP in the ProPlus.WW folders and the setup.exe as well.

I run the setup files from there using the command (note I haven't included the full path to each file):

start /wait setup.exe /adminfile "OfficePro.msp" /config "norestart.xml"

where norestart.xml contains:

<Configuration Product="ProPlus">

<!-- <Setting Id="Setup_Reboot" Value="NEVER" /> -->


But it still restarts.

I'd like to avoid option B, but any suggestions appreciated.

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<Configuration Product="ProPlus">

<!-- <Setting Id="Setup_Reboot" Value="NEVER" /> -->


I think you should delete the exclamation mark in your xml file. It would be like this:

<Configuration Product="ProPlus">

<Setting Id="Setup_Reboot" Value="NEVER" />


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  • 3 months later...

Is it possible to create installation-point for the MS Project without sources for excel, word, access and so on?

Can somebody tell me: which folders should I use to create separate installation-point for the MS project.

At this moment, root folder contains following directories:


PS: Actually, I must split this source to a 3 separate installation-points :wacko: :

1. MS Office

2. MS Visio

3. MS Projects


I am having the same issue here. I would like to achieve what "Follia" was trying to do. I only want to create an unattened install for Visio 2007 only, and i dont need the rest of the folders. If i try to delete the other folders, such as WORD, EXCEL, it will not work. Is there any way to slim down the installation source??

Also, regarding reboot after install, if i set the display as "basic" and enable "supress modal", does this mean, if a reboot is required, it will do a force reboot? I think this is what has happened to me, so i disabled "supress modal", and modified the XML file, to do a NEVER reboot. However, now i am getting this error in the logs:

Error: Type: MsiRecordSetInteger call failed.. MsiAPICallFailure ErrorCode: 87(0x57).

MSI(UNKNOWN_MESSAGE) terminating install : MsgType='167772160', Msg='1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

Any ideas?

Also, lets say i want to install project and visio, from the same installation source. I have included various updates and Service packs of project and visio into the "updates" folder. When i install Visio, will it attempt to install, all of the updates in the "updates" folder? Or is this smart enough to detect and install only the required updates?

And finally, i noticed that when i extracted the Visio 2007 SP1 update, it produced about 6 MSP's. Only 1 seems to be the SP1 for Visio. Can i just put the VisioSp1 MSP into the "updates" folder, or should i put all the MSP's into the "updates" folder?

Thanks for listening!!


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  • 1 month later...

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to make Nlite addon of Ofiice 2007, as small as possible.

Is there any way to unpack all the office .cabs to some administrative install folder, to reduce size of resulting .7z archive?

Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

got a bit of a weird problem with my silent install..

so i'm using the first method with the MST file..

I set it to install all components except office groove.

save the .MST and execute it

The install goes without errors but afterwards it seems only word, excel, outlook and powerpoint are installed though I've marked publisher, onenote, access, infopath, etc to be installed too..

Am I missing something?

tnx in advance

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hello and thanks for nice guide..

can someone tell me how to make outlook to get exchange server settings automaticly. i mean all users that log on pc

like username, exchange name, when user logs on domain pc

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Hi guys,

I tried this with Option A and i can't get it to work. I keep getting the following error message:

Setup could not find any available products to install. Please contact your system administrator

Hope someone can help,


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i'd also like to add that the guide on page1 was great and easy to follow - i'm confused how some people managed to find rather difficult but hay ho.


same as yourself, OCT says you can add exchange info, but i can;t see where you can do this.

it does mention a prf can be imported to add this stiff, but need to understand how to create that prf file from existing install before all wiped off...

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Thx for reply. I found a thread which listed the individual msp files. For some reason my extraction missed a couple. I tried it again and, as you say, the updates installed at the end of the office install. Version updated as well.

Now, if I could only figure out how to merge the unattended office2K7 install with an unattended XP Pro install - one DVD - life would be good.

Where is that thread? I'm having the same problem with sp1 installing. Otherwise, option b worked great for me! I have Office 2007 Ultimate downloaded as X12-30307.exe. I found another guide to be very helpfull here. The pic below shows the msp's that were extracted from sp1. Is that complete?


Edit:My extraction missed a few files too. I downloaded the service pack again, extracted again, and came up with the files I needed (shown in pic). Now everything's workin great!


Edited by Jackie Moon
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  • 3 weeks later...

hello every one... it's kind of difficult to understand it to me... i'll explain to you what i want to do... i want to make office silent but i want to have only word installed... and delete the other stuff, so it will be lighter... is it possible? what do you suggest me guys? thanks a million in advance for your answer, and sorry again for bothered you with this simple question...

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