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Office 2007, Unattended Setup & Fine-tuning

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Posted (edited)

Hey guys,

I have Office Professional Plus and i have my config.xml file all done, i have been fiddling around trying to get it to install from my vista dvd...

<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<Path>cmd /c %AppsRoot%\Install\Microsoft\OfficePro\setup.exe /config %AppsRoot%\Install\Microsoft\OfficePro\Pror.WW\config.xml</Path>
<Description>Installing Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Plus Please Wait...</Description>

Right now, I am running or rather attempting to run setup from <settings pass="auditUser"> since that is when i install all of my other applications. (unless i should install them all during <settings pass="oobeSystem">..... please let me know)

Here is my Office Pro Plus Configuration file...

<Configuration Product="Pror">

<Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="no" AcceptEula="yes" />

<Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Professional Setup(*).txt" />


<USERNAME Value="William Johnson" />

<COMPANYNAME Value="The Windows Blog" />

<INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" />


<OptionState Id="ACCESSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="EXCELFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="OUTLOOKFiles" State="Local" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="PPTFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="PubPrimary" State="absent" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="RosebudMSIFiles" State="Local" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="WORDFiles" State="Local" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="SHAREDFiles" State="Local" Children="force" />

<OptionState Id="TOOLSFiles" State="Local" Children="force" />

<Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" />


Thanks in advance for your help....


Does anyone know how to get Adobe Photoshop CS3 to install during Vista setup (on the vista dvd as every other applicatoin)

Once again, thanks for your help...

Edited by Computerpro2


i want to install ms office 2003 and 2007 also i dont want to upgrade i want use two packages at the same time and i want to reduce the msoffice installtion folder size totally it has 558MB only the Enterprise.WW folder is 281MB in this folder i has a file of ENTERWW.cab the size of this file is 252MB it contains all the files of access, outlook, publisher, word,excel, powerpoint etc...

but i want to install only word, excel,powerpoint only how i can reduce them and i have a multilingual pack i want to integrate it

please help me

i want to install ms office 2003 and 2007 also i dont want to upgrade i want use two packages at the same time and i want to reduce the msoffice installtion folder size totally it has 558MB only the Enterprise.WW folder is 281MB in this folder i has a file of ENTERWW.cab the size of this file is 252MB it contains all the files of access, outlook, publisher, word,excel, powerpoint etc...

but i want to install only word, excel,powerpoint only how i can reduce them and i have a multilingual pack i want to integrate it

please help me

You cannot reduce the size of the installation folder for either version of Office.

extract the setup and place the msp files inside the update folder on your Office CD. While installing Office 2007 the updates are applied

thats not slipstreaming :rolleyes:

I have no idea why Microsoft does not support slipstreaming anymore. But maybe there is a way still ?



  • 3 weeks later...

Here are some cool infos regarding customizations using /adminfile switch LINK

and other cool thing that might come in had is small info for switches LINK

All this is mention before.

However I would like to ask something, I have English version of office Enterprise, But I'm not shure should I download SP for local language since I wont to have profiling tools in local language? Can somebody remind me? :unsure:

Posted (edited)

Noob here (be gentle, I'm learning on the fly)...following is an exact replica of the orig config.xml, modified for an unattended install with corresponding changes on first line, "reboot" line, user, company, and key (not shown of course). Figure if I could get this to work, the rest should follow. I know this install/key works because I installed office on my host Vista computer. I copied the Office CD contents to the XP Pro guest drive image (using virtualbox) and placed the modified xml file in same folder as setup.exe. Then ran the command line.

Office install starts up but immediately asks for the key. Hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction...TIA

<<Configuration Product="Enterpriser">

<!-- <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="yes" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> -->

<!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Enterprise Setup(*).txt" /> -->

<!-- <PIDKEY Value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /> -->

<!-- <USERNAME Value="Owner" /> -->

<!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="Own Inc." /> -->

<!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> -->

<!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> -->

<!-- <SOURCELIST Value="\\server1\share\Office12;\\server2\share\Office12" /> -->

<!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office12" /> -->

<!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> -->

<!-- <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" /> -->

<!-- <Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> -->


update: figured it out, need to uncomment the pidkey value

Edited by 70runner



i want to use arabic langauge pack and how to installl it

very sorry for my very late reply my dear....really I didn`t see your post as such topic needs printing to read each post carefully!!!post are too much !!!!!!

did you download it?

simply double click it>then,start,all programmes,microsoft office,microsoft office tools,microsoft office language 2007settings>chose Arabic in the both tabs ((or as you like))...or u can simply choose (apply Windows language) if u are using Arabic windows....

Not all Office software will be applied....details avalable in the Office Online website...Word,etc will be in Arabic UI ((if wanted so)),but some software will not..

concerning usage,just click F7 to have all features!!!!!and u can use word(,etc)`s above panel to adjust ur settings(if u want urs one instead of the default ones),there a no spesific bottom for it,just merged in the menus...for example you will find related settings under language correction tab((you will see another name,I am using an Arabic UI))

login to Office online >(Microsoft Office System)>and use will see it in the left panel under(more features) item

any question??

just ready 4 u

plz send me an private msg when u post a question for me so that i know you posted one easily


extract the setup and place the msp files inside the update folder on your Office CD. While installing Office 2007 the updates are applied

I used this procedure with an unattended Office 2K7 Enterprise install. Everything seemed to go normally. When completed, I noticed the version number did not change. So I ran the SP1 exe and the first thing it does is run an update detection. It apparently did not detect SP1 so proceeded to install. When finished the version number did change. I ran the exe again to see if it would detect SP1 - it did and reported SP1 already in place.

So heres the question - will the method above install the SP1 components without registering as an official SP1 update?

extract the setup and place the msp files inside the update folder on your Office CD. While installing Office 2007 the updates are applied

I used this procedure with an unattended Office 2K7 Enterprise install. Everything seemed to go normally. When completed, I noticed the version number did not change. So I ran the SP1 exe and the first thing it does is run an update detection. It apparently did not detect SP1 so proceeded to install. When finished the version number did change. I ran the exe again to see if it would detect SP1 - it did and reported SP1 already in place.

So heres the question - will the method above install the SP1 components without registering as an official SP1 update?

It should register properly. did you make sure you cleared out all the .msp files in your /Updates folder except SP1 and your admin .msp file? there is a noticable delay at the end of setup where the progress bar climbs to 100% and stops on 'Applying Updates'. If you did not see that then the .MSP may not be getting applied at the end.


Thx for reply. I found a thread which listed the individual msp files. For some reason my extraction missed a couple. I tried it again and, as you say, the updates installed at the end of the office install. Version updated as well.

Now, if I could only figure out how to merge the unattended office2K7 install with an unattended XP Pro install - one DVD - life would be good.

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