prathapml Posted September 11, 2007 Author Posted September 11, 2007 That is because you have two setup source-directories in the same folder as your setup.exeSo just delete the "Visio.WW"/VisPro.WW/VisStd.WW folder (and keep the "Enterprise.WW" folder).Please do post back whether this solves it.
TRuLLi Posted September 12, 2007 Posted September 12, 2007 That is because you have two setup source-directories in the same folder as your setup.exeSo just delete the "Visio.WW"/VisPro.WW/VisStd.WW folder (and keep the "Enterprise.WW" folder).Please do post back whether this solves it.Thanks for the reply. tested ant it worked
kentk Posted September 21, 2007 Posted September 21, 2007 1. If I want to include "all" available servicepacks for Office2007, is it just to put them as they are in "Updates" dir on cd ? (for instance office2007-kb924884-fullfile-x86-glb.exe)2. Is there a way to see exactly what updates I should download to be "up to date" ? (except to install and run update..)Found this list but maybe some updates replace another !? for a great guide
prathapml Posted September 21, 2007 Author Posted September 21, 2007 Well, I'm not sure if exes work, but MSP updates sure do.A scenario tested & known to work is that when the office2007 SP1 beta is extracted, and the MSP files placed in Update folder, these updates get installed automatically.
kentk Posted September 21, 2007 Posted September 21, 2007 (edited) Hm, I tried this file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - <Configuration Product="Enterprise">- <!-- <Display Level="full" CompletionNotice="yes" SuppressModal="no" AcceptEula="no" /> --> - <!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Enterprise Setup(*).txt" /> --> - <!-- <PIDKEY Value="BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789B" /> --> - <!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> --> - <!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="MyCompany" /> --> - <!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> --> - <!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> --> - <!-- <SOURCELIST Value="\\server1\share\Office12;\\server2\share\Office12" /> --> - <!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office12" /> --> - <!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> --> - <!-- <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" /> --> - <!-- <Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> --> <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> <PIDKEY Value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /> <USERNAME Value="." /> <COMPANYNAME Value="." /> <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office 2007" /> <OptionState Id="ACCESSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //access <OptionState Id="OUTLOOKFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //outlook <OptionState Id="PubPrimary" State="absent" Children="force" /> //publisher <OptionState Id="AceRepl" State="absent" Children="force" /> //access db Engine replication <OptionState Id="CAGFiles" State="Local" Children="force" /> //Clip Organizer <OptionState Id="MSSOAP3" State="absent" Children="force" /> //SOAP toolkit <OptionState Id="OsaNonBoot" State="Local" Children="force" /> //new,open office docu lnks <OptionState Id="WISPFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //handwriting <OptionState Id="DocServicesFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //docu update util <OptionState Id="HTMLSourceEditing" State="absent" Children="force" /> //script editor <OptionState Id="DocumentImagingUtils" State="absent" Children="force" /> //scanning,ocr,indexing <OptionState Id="OISFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //picture manager <OptionState Id="OSESupp" State="absent" Children="force" /> //sharepoint support <OptionState Id="QueryFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //msQuery <OptionState Id="VisioPreviewerFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //visio viewer <OptionState Id="XDOCSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //infopath - <!-- These are additionals from Enterprise RTM --> <OptionState Id="GrooveFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //groove <OptionState Id="OneNoteFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //onenote <OptionState Id="RefIEBarFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //research explorer bar <OptionState Id="WebDriveFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //hosted webs <OptionState Id="VBAFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //VB for applications <OptionState Id="OfficeDigitalSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //vba certificates </Configuration>The only thing that was installed was Excel, Powerpoint, Word !? And yes I have enterprise...Hm, found some errors myself, have made a new file an testing again... Edited September 21, 2007 by kentk
kentk Posted September 21, 2007 Posted September 21, 2007 (edited) Nope not working I only get Excel, powerpoint and word... why ??Here is the file i use: (should the key be WITH the "-" between? I have the "-" in my file..)<Configuration Product="Enterprise"><Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> <PIDKEY Value="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" /> <USERNAME Value="." /> <COMPANYNAME Value="." /> <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office 2007" /> <OptionState Id="ACCESSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //access<OptionState Id="OUTLOOKFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //outlook<OptionState Id="PubPrimary" State="absent" Children="force" /> //publisher<OptionState Id="AceRepl" State="absent" Children="force" /> //access db Engine replication<OptionState Id="CAGFiles" State="Local" Children="force" /> //Clip Organizer<OptionState Id="MSSOAP3" State="absent" Children="force" /> //SOAP toolkit<OptionState Id="OsaNonBoot" State="Local" Children="force" /> //new,open office docu lnks<OptionState Id="WISPFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //handwriting<OptionState Id="DocServicesFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //docu update util<OptionState Id="HTMLSourceEditing" State="absent" Children="force" /> //script editor<OptionState Id="DocumentImagingUtils" State="absent" Children="force" /> //scanning,ocr,indexing<OptionState Id="OISFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //picture manager<OptionState Id="OSESupp" State="absent" Children="force" /> //sharepoint support<OptionState Id="QueryFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //msQuery<OptionState Id="VisioPreviewerFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //visio viewer<OptionState Id="XDOCSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //infopath <!-- These are additionals from Enterprise RTM--><OptionState Id="GrooveFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //groove<OptionState Id="OneNoteFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //onenote<OptionState Id="RefIEBarFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //research explorer bar<OptionState Id="WebDriveFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //hosted webs<OptionState Id="VBAFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //VB for applications<OptionState Id="OfficeDigitalSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" /> //vba certificates</Configuration> Edited September 21, 2007 by kentk
kentk Posted September 23, 2007 Posted September 23, 2007 Had to go by the A option instead...Downloaded all KB:s and unpacked them, changed name on .MSP file to KBxxxx.msp and put them in Updates folder on cd...Works fine
chax3000 Posted September 25, 2007 Posted September 25, 2007 Do you maybe know a way to tell setup that I want a customized setup and keep my previous office 2003 installation ?Hi Robert,I believe what you want to do, is to have access to all dialogs, you basically want to just customize the setup defaults & go ahead normally from there on.Here's how:Go to the 2nd line in my example above. You see "Display Level="none"". Change it back to "full" instead of "none". That is all.@clavicleThanks indeed. I just wish someone finds out how to disable the "MSOcache" facility in o2k7.....Great post prathapml,1.Is there a way to modify config.xml so the install will keep my previous Office 2003 install with Display Level="none"? In another word, when I deploy office2007(Minus Outlook 2007) with option B, the end user doesn't have to make any choice of selecting upgrade or others and still have office 2003 installed.2.When I create the .MSP file using option A with User interface set to "Basic" the install still ask me to select a Microsoft Office product to install. Please view attach picture:-- In OCT selecting which Product to create the MSP for: View attachment 1-- Setting User Interface for the MSP: View attachment 2-- Prompt at the Begin of the install with launching command \\server\office2007\setup.exe /adminfile custom.MSP View attachment 3Any ideas? Thank in advance.Jun
yadzil Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Does anyone have list of Office 2007 hotfixes? And How should I slipstream it?
Makave2345 Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Im using this method and installing vi runoncex and everything works fine....The only thing I was wondering is if there is anyway to add a "progress bar" to this.....It takes quite a while to install and would be nice to see how far along the installationactually is.....Nice work everybody.....
yadzil Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 How can I check the hotfixes install succesfully?
DL. Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 How can I check the hotfixes install succesfully?Office update...
rickytheanuj Posted October 2, 2007 Posted October 2, 2007 Sir, Can we decrease the size of Office 2007 by removing unwanted applications from it as we did with office XP and Office 2003.
yadzil Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 If the hotfixes release to replace the previous hotfixes, are both hotfixes will be install if I put them together in the Updates folder?Like Outlook Junk email Filter...are all hotfixes will be install or only the latest?
s.stormont Posted October 5, 2007 Posted October 5, 2007 I have the Professional version and want to install everything that one would normally install doing a "Full" install. Does leaving the OptionState line commented out do this, or does someone have a config.xml file that lists every single OptionState item so that a full install can be completed?Here is what our file looks like now. It looks like it removed all of the Office 2003 items that were installed and installed Access, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Word, and Publisher and I'm assuming that all of the features were installed?<Configuration Product="Pror"> <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="Yes" AcceptEula="Yes" /> <!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Professional Setup(*).txt" /> --> <!-- <PIDKEY Value="BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789B" /> --> <!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> --> <COMPANYNAME Value="IMS, Inc." /> <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office 2007" /> <!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> --> <!-- <SOURCELIST Value="\\server1\share\Office12;\\server2\share\Office12" /> --> <DistributionPoint Location="\\omni\ss\pc_software\Office2007_Pro" /> <!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> --> <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" /> <!-- <Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> --></Configuration>
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