RogueSpear Posted April 7, 2006 Share Posted April 7, 2006 (edited) Windows XP SP2 Post Install Script Pack V1.02 - 21.3KBMD5: A1784DF802FF7970D0D956BC45DCD7B5Last Update: 04/11/2006Mirror - At the very bottom of this post, I made an in-post attachment as a mirror of the main file download. My hosting service, DreamHost, seems to be going down on a semi-regular basis these days.Change Log - Also at the bottom of this post.If you have ever installed Windows XP SP2 straight from the CD that you received from Microsoft, then you probably realize that going about it from scratch can take up the better part of your day. If you are reading this, then you have probably already discovered RyanVM's Windows XP Post SP2 Update Pack, nLite, WPI, xPlode, and maybe even have come up with a few tricks of your own. What I've discovered in the last several years are that there is always something that still needs to be done even when it's "done".What I've tried to do with this collection of scripts is sew up some of the remaining holes in the process. This collection consists of VBscripts that I've put together over the last couple of years. Some of the code I came up with ages ago and have adapted it for public consumption. Some of the code is relatively new. Some of it I got from others and made only small modifications. Through this document, I will make every effort to link to where I found a specific set of code and give credit where it's due.Included is batch file, presetup.cmd, one VBscript for cmdlines.txt called cmdlines.vbs, the cmdlines.txt that launches cmdlines.vbs, and then several VBscripts for use during RunOnceEx. You don't need to know one thing about VBscript in order to use these either. All of the user defined settings are contained in one file, 500_Settings.ini. The filenames are such that they correspond with the RunOnceEx step number. I took this a little further and named files which are manipulated during a particular stage and gave them a similar prefix. For instance, the script 070_VMwareTools.vbs installs the VMware Tools. So the filename of the switchless silent installer that the script calls is named 071_VMwareTools.exe. This way your \OEM directory will be full of files that are listed in the order which they are processed. Here is what a full directory would look like:This entire set of scripts were designed to work with either a CD/DVD based install or a RIS based install. For RIS installations, all of the files need to be placed in the \$OEM$\$1 directory in your RIS image. If there is a particular script that you don't want to use, just leave it out. That's it. So if you don't want to be bothered with defragmenting your hard drive during the install, just omit the script(s) that perform that function. I also made provisions for adding your own custom scripts. You can insert up to two custom scripts during the first run of RunOnceEx, and then up to four custom scripts during the second run (after the first set of RunOnceEx reboots). And these don't even have to be scripts. You could always insert an installer file or whatever else you would normally run from RunOnceEx. So without further delay, on to the "how to" part of all this.presetup.cmdThis batch file is a drop in replacement for the batch used in a Method 2 installation of Bashrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks. This will work with either CD/DVD or RIS installs. I also added the ability to decompress two specific 7-Zip archive files, 000_SystemDrive.7z and 000_WinDir.7z. As you may have guessed, 000_SystemDrive.7z is decompressed to %SystemDrive% and 000_WinDir.7z to %SystemRoot%. And here's a little trick I use on CD base installs where you only have 700MB to utilize: I take all of the RunOnceEx scripts, 101_Registry.reg, SetDevicePath.exe, and WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe and compress them into 000_SystemDrive.7z. Sure, one could argue the savings is minimal, but sometimes all you need is that one extra megabyte to make your CD complete.For RyanVM Integrator and nLite users, I made an addon that you can use to automatically place the files and make the appropriate entries to txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf. You can get it here: you'd like a sample 000_WinDir.7z, you can download a version that I use. It contains a several visual styles (requires a patched uxtheme.dll) with corresponding wallpapers and it also has the latest Intel Chipset Driver .inf files conveniently placed in the \INF directory.000_WinDir.7z - 11.7MBMD5: C3AFB035FA03FE275669E828B78EDC50cmdlines.txt and cmdlines.vbsThe included cmdlines.txt has one line and that is to execute the cmdlines.vbs script. This script, like all of the other scripts, will first determine if the working directory is the \OEM directory of your CD/DVD or the %SystemRoot%. After that it checks to see what necessary files are available for use with RunOnceEx. The first four files that the script checks for are switchless silent installers that I've made:010_dotNET20.exe - 15.9MB - Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime V2.0MD5: 28E872B839DF683B8B5B06A28B547286020_VJ#20.exe - 5.91MB - Microsoft Visual J# Runtime V2.0MD5: EEDD42E469EFBEE43A89A31F1A2394D3030_WSE30.exe - 650KB - Microsoft Web Services Enhancements V2.0 SP3 and V3.0 RuntimesMD5: 466C94C0AB82C1298D6A1212F66F8BC2050_DAEMONTools.exe - 2.20MB - This download contains two installers. The first installer, SPTD.exe, must be executed from svcpack.infMD5: 12437CCBF4F5E2E941F61022E2FCCA79To get more information on these installers, please visit my installer thread here: Also of interest here is 080_BTS_DPs_finish.cmd. If you use Bashrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks, you can just add 080_ to the beginning of the filename of his batch file. If you use my AutoRIS utility to integrate the DriverPacks, AutoRIS will place the file for you already renamed.In the 500_Settings.ini file, the very first section [cmdlines] contains a few settings that you can set to suit your needs.[cmdlines]CompressThreshold=10CopySourceThreshold=40These values represent gigabytes. The CompressThreshold value as shown above, will enable the RunOnceEx script, 120_Compress.vbs, to run if the %SystemDrive% is found to be 10GB or less. The CopySourceThrehold value as shown, will enable the 110_CopySource.vbs script to run if the %SystemDrive% is found to be 40GB or larger.Custom130File=130_Student-Streets.vbsCustom130Title=Student and StreetsCustom140File=140_CreateShortcuts.vbsCustom140Title=Create ShortcutsThese entries are where you can define your custom installs or scripts. I've filled in the Custom entries to reflect the two custom scripts that I have included as examples. If are not going to include any custom entries, then replace what I have entered with the word None.DL1Name=ActiveX.7zDL1URL= entries allow you to specify up to three registry files archived with 7-Zip for download and application. The 7-Zip files will be downloaded and decompressed. The extracted registry files will be merged into the registry and then all of the .7Z and .reg files will be deleted. These three files are currently available and you can leave the entries as they are if you would like to use them. If for instance you wanted to download the first and third files only, replace the values for DL2Name and DL2URL with the word None. The registry entries in these files represent a combination of the most recent entries made by Spybot S&D and SpywareBlaster. Lastly, you can place a registry file named cmdlines.reg in $OEM$ and it will be merged as well. Or to take it one step further, you could compress cmdlines.reg to cmdlines.7z and that will automatically be decompressed and merged. Please note that the code for downloading files was adapted from a script example found here: entries are where you define the AutoLogon account information. If you are not going to be using a domain account, then leave the LogonDomain entry as %computername%.060_VPN.vbsThis script will determine the chassis type of the computer it is running on and based on what type it is, it will execute up to two installers.Installer1=061_AirCard.exeInstaller2=062_CiscoVPN.exeInstaller1 and Installer2 represent the filenames of your installers that want to run based on the conditions you set. You can download the installer I made for the Sierra Wireless AirCard 555, but I am unable to provide the Cisco VPN Client installer due to licensing and strong encryption export restrictions.061_AirCard.exe - 2.30MBMD5: 5F30597CF0CDD48EE46EF92AF334BC5C[VPN]Other=NoUnknown=NoDesktop=NoLowProfileDesktop=NoPizzaBox=NoMiniTower=NoTower=NoPortable=YesLaptop=YesNotebook=YesHandheld=YesDockingStation=YesAllInOne=NoSubNotebook=YesSpaceSaving=NoLunchBox=NoMainSystemChassis=NoExpansionChassis=NoSubChassis=NoBusExpansionChassis=NoPeripheralChassis=NoStorageChassis=NoRackMountChassis=NoSealedCasePC=NoThese are the chassis types recognized by Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Please be advised that not all computer and laptop manufacturers properly adhere to these values - particularly a lot of "no name" brands. This script has so far worked for me on Dell, HP-Compaq, and Toshiba laptops. Your mileage may vary.070_VMwareTools.vbsThis script will determine, via WMI, whether or not the "computer" that you are running your install on is actually a VMware Workstation virtual machine. It does this by checking the appropriate BIOS string where VMware had populated the field with their company name. If it is determined to be a virtual machine, the script will execute a switchless silent installer, 071_VMwareTools.exe, that installs the VMware Tools. The script does not have any entries in 500_Settings.ini.071_VMwareTools.exe - 3.12MBMD5: BA06EF25320E613CC032649046C7D6ED090_KtD.vbsThis script will selectively keep device drivers from Bashrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks and register the path in the registry. You must have the DriverPack 7-Zip archive files decompressed either as a normal part of a Method 2 install, or you can use the directory created by a Method 1 slipstream. This script depends on SetDevicePath.exe which must be located either in the root of %SystemDrive% or in the \OEM directory of your CD/DVD install source.[KtD]SourceDir=%SystemDrive%\DDestinationDir=%SystemRoot%\DThe entries are critical to the proper execution of this script. If you enter the path improperly, the script won't go hunting around to find your driver directory. The SourceDir value must begin with either %SystemDrive%, %systemRoot%, or %cdrom%. The DestinationDir value must begin with either %SystemDrive% or %SystemRoot%. Whatever you put in after that is up to you, just so long as it actually reflects where your source really is (or will be). You can make the SourceDir and DestinationDir values the same.CompressFiles=YesThis entry indicates whether or not you want cab (makecab) the compressable files within the drivers. I've found that this saves a considerable amount of space and institues an imperceptable performance penalty when your computer finds a new device.[KtD-List];ChipsetC;CPUCPU;GraphicsG;LanL\ADL\AU ...etc.At the very bottom of 500_Settings.ini is a list of directories that you do NOT want to keep. The default list that I created will remove drivers that do not support devices based on USB, FireWire, or PCMCIA. The logic is that we don't add PCI cards that frequently, but plug in hot devices all the time. Feel free to modify this list as you wish.100_Cleanup.vbsThis is the script that is going to need the most amount of updating right off the bat. I plan on making the Start Menu cleanup and other cleanup chores much more customizable via the .ini file, but at some point I had to say "when" and finally release a version 1.0.The first thing that is done is that up to two 7-Zip archives are decompressed. If 101_AllUsers.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %AllUsersProfile%. In some circumstances I throw in some shortcuts to Start Menu or the Desktop folders. If 101_ProgFiles.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %ProgramFiles%. If a registry file named 101_Registry.reg is found, it will be merged.The first cleanup performed looks for files in the root of %SystemDrive% to delete. These would be the switchless silent installers starting with 010_dotNET20.exe and so on. So, let's get into the settings.[Cleanup]CleanAllUsersStartMenuYN=YesCleanUserStartMenuYN=YesDelWindowsCatalog=YesDelSetPrograms=YesDelMovieMaker=YesDelAccAccessibility=YesDelAccCommunications=YesDelAccEntertainment=YesDelAccSystemTools=YesThese entries all have to do with the Start Menu. All of the entries beginning with "Del" indicate shortcuts or subfolders of Accessories that are to be deleted from the All Users Start Menu and are dependant on the CleanAllUsersStartMenuYN entry. The CleanUserStartMenu entry when enabled deletes all shortcuts and the Accessories subfolder from the User Start Menu. This will not prevent creation of shortcuts to the User Start Menu from the registry (ex: \Accessories\Address Book).RestrictStartMenuYN=YesFolder0=HardwareFolder1=SecurityFolder2=UtilitiesFolder3=These entries are the names of subfolders in the All Users Start Menu that you would like to lock down so that only administrators can view the contents. An annoying aspect to this is that restricted users can still see the subfolders in the Start Menu, even though they can't see any of the shortcuts. You may define up to ten (10) folder names to restrict (0 thru 9). In order for these entries to be processed, CleanStartMenu must be set to Yes.CleanDefaultUserYN=YesWhen this is set to Yes, the following directories are deleted from the Default User profile: Desktop, My Documents, NetHood, PrintHood, Recent, Start Menu, and Templates. This is strictly personal preference, but I prefer that the only thing that is derived from the Default User profile, be the registry. I like to place shortcuts, etc in the All Users profile so I know that they will be there for everyone.CleanLogFilesYN=YesWhen this is set to Yes, all of the .log files in %SystemRoot% are compressed to a 7-Zip archive called SetupLogFile.7z. They are then deleted along with any extraneous .tmp files.110_CopySource.vbsThis script will be registered into the RunOnceEx sequence based on the size of your hard drive relative to the value entered for CopySourceThreshold (see the [cmdlines] section). This script will look to see if there is a Windows XP install CD in the drive. If found it will copy the i386 directory to %SystemRoot%\i386 and register the location. All executable files in the svcpack directory are deleted from the local source.120_Compress.vbsThis script will be registered into the RunOnceEx sequence based on the size of your hard drive relative to the value entered for CompressThreshold (see the [cmdlines] section). Directories that are not often accessed in %SystemRoot% and %ProgramFiles% are compressed using NTFS compression. This yields a pretty modest space savings, but with so many laptops hobbled with 30GB (or less) hard drives, I like to get all the space I can.130_Student-Streets.vbsThis is an example script that I threw in one of the slots for a user custom script. I put in here to demonstrate a couple of things. With Streets & Trips, there is an example of how you can use .msi installers directly within VBscript without the need to invoke an instance of the command interpreter. The code for installing Student is a demonstation of what you can do in VBscript using AutoItX.dll. Just keep in mind that you need to register the AutoItX.dll file prior to running the script.140_CreateShortcuts.vbsThis is another example script. The only thing it does is create shortcuts based on whether or not the target programs are installed.150_DefragHD.vbsThis script will defragment the hard drive(s). It will look to see if PerfectDisk is installed and if it is that will be used instead of Windows Defrag. For offline defrags without PerfectDisk, SysInternal's PageDefrag is utilized. Due to licensing restrictions, I am unable to supply this freeware title with the distribution of these scripts. You can download it from SysInternals directly at If want to use PageDefrag, make sure that it's executable is somewhere in the system path.[DefragHD]OfflineDefrag=YesThe OfflineDefrag setting is a simple Yes or No. It probably doesn't warrant any further explanation than that. If anyone wants me to implement support for Diskeeper or O&O, send me a PM so I can ask you for some information.160_ConfigPageFile.vbsThe sole purpose of this script is to set your page file to a static size. By default, the size is set to two times the amount of physical RAM you have in your computer.[ConfigPageFile]SizeRelativeToRAM=2170_ConfigAccounts.vbsAlmost all of the functions in this script are optional and/or configurable. With everything set to Yes here is what happens: The builtin Administrator account is renamed, disabled, description deleted, and joined to the Guests local group. The builtin Guest account is renamed and the description deleted. A fake Administrator account is created, complete with the default description, joined to the local Guest group and set to disabled. The user registry for the currently logged in user is exported to the Default User profile. A fellow on MSFN with the screen name of BoaSoft gave me the idea for the code to copy the current HKCU to the Default User profile. The original thread is here: script will now take on of two branches of execution. If it finds a file named 171_NameSettings.hta, it will execute that file which brings up a simple interface asking you to enter in the user name, full name, and password (w/ confirm) of an Administrative User and a Restricted User. Additionally you are asked to give the computer a name. This is nice since you put whatever want in your WINNT.SIF file and use the same source on multiple computers. The AutoLogon entries will be populated with credentials of whatever you enter for the Administrative User. This option meant for computers that not domain members. Removing Internet Explorer from your install may prevent the .hta file from executing.The other branch of execution is a simple subroutine and will execute if 171_NameSettings.hta is not found. You need to configure the three entries below that begin with Logon if you want the computer to AutoLogon and complete the second series of RunOnceEx entries. This option can be used for computers that are either domain or workgroup members.[ConfigAccounts]BuiltinAdminName=JerryBuiltinGuestName=KramerDelASPNET=YesDelHelpAssistant=YesDelSUPPORT=YesFakeAdminYN=YesLogonDomain=%computername%LogonPassword=passwordLogonUserName=AdministratorProcessAdminYN=YesProcessGuestYN=YesThe options above should be self-explanatory. The entries DelASPNET, DelHelpAssistant, and DelSUPPORT will delete the extra builtin (and mostly useless) accounts.180_WiFi.vbsThis script is still under developement.190_SetNextBoot.vbsJust like with cmdlines.vbs, this script populates the RunOnceEx registry entries based on what scripts it finds available. You can specify up to four custome scripts or executables to run. The syntax for defining your custom RunOnceEx entries is the same as with cmdlines.vbs. The script will then optionally defragment the registry using NTRegOpt and then reboot. NTRegOpt can be downloaded here: Just make sure it's couple of files are within the system's path. I usually put it in %SystemRoot%\System32.[SetNextBoot]Custom210File=NoneCustom210Title=NoneCustom220File=NoneCustom220Title=NoneCustom230File=NoneCustom230Title=NoneCustom240File=NoneCustom240Title=NoneDefragRegistry=Yes200_ConfigNetwork.vbsThis script performs a few common network configuration chores. I will enable the tray icon for your primary (wired) network connection, rename the connection from "Local Area Connection" to a name of your chosing, hardcode a DNS suffix for your primary connection (this is the box in Advanced TCP/IP settings, DNS Tab, towards the bottom), turn off NetBIOS for ALL network connections, and set your wired connection to a fixed 100-Full Duplex. Thanks to Cluberti for pointing this thread: I adapted code from there for the speed and duplex routine.[ConfigNetwork]ConnectionName=Local Area ConnectionShowTrayIcon=YesDomain=NetBIOS=OffSetSpeed=YesA couple of notes. I have this script run in the second round of RunOnceEx because the Cisco VPN Client needs a reboot before it's virtual NIC can be enumerated. I think the same goes for VMware Workstation (though I always install that from svcpack.inf anyway). This way I am sure NetBIOS will be disabled from any virtual NICs. If you want to rename the primary connection and set a DNS suffix, you must set ShowTrayIcon to Yes.250_FinalDefrag.vbsSee the description for 150_DefragHD.vbs. I like to run a second hard disk defrag because with PerfecDisk at least, it doesn't seem to collect the boot optimizing information until the reboot after the first RunOnceEx scripts run.[FinalDefrag]OfflineDefrag=Yes300_Final.vbsThis script simply clears out the AutoLogon registry entries, deletes the 500_Settings.ini file, and then reboots the computer.999_Template.vbsThis is a totally nonfunctioning script. It's a stipped down shell of how most of my scripts start out. All of the basics are in there to get you started on your way to making your own custom scripts. If you need some help with proper syntax, chances are you'll be able to find an example to help you out in one of my scripts. I am not even nearly qualified with scripting expertise to be able to write a scripting tutorial, so that's not what I'm attempting to do here. I'm just trying to illustrate that it's not so scary or difficult, and that anybody who wants to learn how, can quite easily. There are just tons of resources out there, a good deal of them free, that can help you to learn to script in Windows. Hopefully this collection of scripts will inspire a few people out there to come up with their own time savers and works of art. Please feel free to share your creations with others here in this thread.Version 1.02 - 04/11/2006presetup.cmd - Wildcards implemented for dealing with 000_SystemDrive.7z and 000_WinDir.7z files. This way you can have multiple files of each, for instance differentiating between work sites. Ex: 000_SystemDrive-CompanyA.7z or 000_SystemDrive-Home.7z.cmdlines.vbs V1.02 - AutoLogon entries in workgroup and domain situations not working for some users. Both issues fixed.100_Cleanup.vbs V1.01 - Start Menu cleanup has been broken up between All Users and the User Start Menu. The All User Start Menu cleanup routine is now highly customizable from 500_Settings.ini. Restricting certain Start Menu folders to Admin only access will now accept up to 10 custom folder names and is now seperate from the Start Menu cleanup routine.170_ConfigAccounts.vbs V1.01 - Same issues as cmdlines.vbs.171_NameSettings.hta V1.01 - Same issues as cmdlines.vbs.200_ConfigNetwork.vbs V1.01 - I discovered that not all NICs populate the registry entry for ComponentID the same way. The NIC detection code has been modified to properly detect all NICs. This change required changes to 500_Settings.ini. Also, support for two more NICs added.Version 1.01 - 04/09/2006cmdlines.vbs - There was a typo involving the RunOnceEx registry entries for custom script entries at the 140 level. Fixed.110_CopySource.vbs - The source path was being registered as %systemroot%\i386 instead of %systemroot%. To work properly the entry needs to read up to but not including the i386 folder. Also, there were two registry entries for the source path that I was not populating. Both problems fixed.Thank you to Moonlight Sonata for pointing out both errors and providing working fixes. Talk about service Each script will contain a change log at the very bottom, after all code. This will hopefully make for better tracking of changes.ScriptPack_V102.7z Edited April 21, 2006 by RogueSpear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Djé Posted April 7, 2006 Share Posted April 7, 2006 Wow ! That's an impressive amount of work all together. And I know where I'll go when I'll want a big bunch of consistent scripts to start learning vbs from .Thanks man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KenanBalamir Posted April 7, 2006 Share Posted April 7, 2006 Wow!.. Excellent work RoqueSpear.. Thanks man.! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
donjuan Posted April 9, 2006 Share Posted April 9, 2006 Windows XP SP2 Post Install Script Pack - 20.4KBMD5: AAA704F9A3EC1E14BCC896EE4D2462F9Mirror - At the very bottom of this post, I made an in-post attachment as a mirror of the main file download. My hosting service, DreamHost, seems to be going down on a semi-regular basis these days.If you have ever installed Windows XP SP2 straight from the CD that you received from Microsoft, then you probably realize that going about it from scratch can take up the better part of your day. If you are reading this, then you have probably already discovered RyanVM's Windows XP Post SP2 Update Pack, nLite, WPI, xPlode, and maybe even have come up with a few tricks of your own. What I've discovered in the last several years are that there is always something that still needs to be done even when it's "done".What I've tried to do with this collection of scripts is sew up some of the remaining holes in the process. This collection consists of VBscripts that I've put together over the last couple of years. Some of the code I came up with ages ago and have adapted it for public consumption. Some of the code is relatively new. Some of it I got from others and made only small modifications. Through this document, I will make every effort to link to where I found a specific set of code and give credit where it's due.Included is batch file, presetup.cmd, one VBscript for cmdlines.txt called cmdlines.vbs, the cmdlines.txt that launches cmdlines.vbs, and then several VBscripts for use during RunOnceEx. You don't need to know one thing about VBscript in order to use these either. All of the user defined settings are contained in one file, 500_Settings.ini. The filenames are such that they correspond with the RunOnceEx step number. I took this a little further and named files which are manipulated during a particular stage and gave them a similar prefix. For instance, the script 070_VMwareTools.vbs installs the VMware Tools. So the filename of the switchless silent installer that the script calls is named 071_VMwareTools.exe. This way your \OEM directory will be full of files that are listed in the order which they are processed.This entire set of scripts were designed to work with either a CD/DVD based install or a RIS based install. For RIS installations, all of the files need to be placed in the \$OEM$\$1 directory in your RIS image. If there is a particular script that you don't want to use, just leave it out. That's it. So if you don't want to be bothered with defragmenting your hard drive during the install, just omit the script(s) that perform that function. I also made provisions for adding your own custom scripts. You can insert up to two custom scripts during the first run of RunOnceEx, and then up to four custom scripts during the second run (after the first set of RunOnceEx reboots). And these don't even have to be scripts. You could always insert an installer file or whatever else you would normally run from RunOnceEx. So without further delay, on to the "how to" part of all this.presetup.cmdThis batch file is a drop in replacement for the batch used in a Method 2 installation of Bashrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks. This will work with either CD/DVD or RIS installs. I also added the ability to decompress two specific 7-Zip archive files, 000_SystemDrive.7z and 000_WinDir.7z. As you may have guessed, 000_SystemDrive.7z is decompressed to %SystemDrive% and 000_WinDir.7z to %SystemRoot%. And here's a little trick I use on CD base installs where you only have 700MB to utilize: I take all of the RunOnceEx scripts, 101_Registry.reg, SetDevicePath.exe, and WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe and compress them into 000_SystemDrive.7z. Sure, one could argue the savings is minimal, but sometimes all you need is that one extra megabyte to make your CD complete. Below, I'm providing an example 000_SystemDrive.7z file that you can use or just check out.For RyanVM Integrator and nLite users, I made an addon that you can use to automatically place the files and make the appropriate entries to txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf. You can get it here: you'd like a sample 000_WinDir.7z, you can download a version that I use. It contains a several visual styles (requires a patched uxtheme.dll) with corresponding wallpapers and it also has the latest Intel Chipset Driver .inf files conveniently placed in the \INF directory.000_WinDir.7z - 11.7MBMD5: C3AFB035FA03FE275669E828B78EDC50000_SystemDrive.7z - 31.7KBMD5: DDB7A162C26A2CFBFC163FE5E6A29EAEcmdlines.txt and cmdlines.vbsThe included cmdlines.txt has one line and that is to execute the cmdlines.vbs script. This script, like all of the other scripts, will first determine if the working directory is the \OEM directory of your CD/DVD or the %SystemRoot%. After that it checks to see what necessary files are available for use with RunOnceEx. The first four files that the script checks for are switchless silent installers that I've made:010_dotNET20.exe - 15.9MB - Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime V2.0MD5: 28E872B839DF683B8B5B06A28B547286020_VJ#20.exe - 5.91MB - Microsoft Visual J# Runtime V2.0MD5: EEDD42E469EFBEE43A89A31F1A2394D3030_WSE30.exe - 650KB - Microsoft Web Services Enhancements V2.0 SP3 and V3.0 RuntimesMD5: 466C94C0AB82C1298D6A1212F66F8BC2050_DAEMONTools.exe - 2.20MB - This download contains two installers. The first installer, SPTD.exe, must be executed from svcpack.infMD5: 12437CCBF4F5E2E941F61022E2FCCA79To get more information on these installers, please visit my installer thread here: Also of interest here is 080_BTS_DPs_finish.cmd. If you use Bashrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks, you can just add 080_ to the beginning of the filename of his batch file. If you use my AutoRIS utility to integrate the DriverPacks, AutoRIS will place the file for you already renamed.In the 500_Settings.ini file, the very first section [cmdlines] contains a few settings that you can set to suit your needs.[cmdlines]CompressThreshold=10CopySourceThreshold=40These values represent gigabytes. The CompressThreshold value as shown above, will enable the RunOnceEx script, 120_Compress.vbs, to run if the %SystemDrive% is found to be 10GB or less. The CopySourceThrehold value as shown, will enable the 110_CopySource.vbs script to run if the %SystemDrive% is found to be 40GB or larger.Custom130File=130_Student-Streets.vbsCustom130Title=Student and StreetsCustom140File=140_CreateShortcuts.vbsCustom140Title=Create ShortcutsThese entries are where you can define your custom installs or scripts. I've filled in the Custom entries to reflect the two custom scripts that I have included as examples. If are not going to include any custom entries, then replace what I have entered with the word None.DL1Name=ActiveX.7zDL1URL= entries allow you to specify up to three registry files archived with 7-Zip for download and application. The 7-Zip files will be downloaded and decompressed. The extracted registry files will be merged into the registry and then all of the .7Z and .reg files will be deleted. These three files are currently available and you can leave the entries as they are if you would like to use them. If for instance you wanted to download the first and third files only, replace the values for DL2Name and DL2URL with the word None. The registry entries in these files represent a combination of the most recent entries made by Spybot S&D and SpywareBlaster. Lastly, you can place a registry file named cmdlines.reg in $OEM$ and it will be merged as well. Or to take it one step further, you could compress cmdlines.reg to cmdlines.7z and that will automatically be decompressed and merged. Please note that the code for downloading files was adapted from a script example found here: entries are where you define the AutoLogon account information. If you are not going to be using a domain account, then leave the LogonDomain entry blank.060_VPN.vbsThis script will determine the chassis type of the computer it is running on and based on what type it is, it will execute up to two installers.Installer1=061_AirCard.exeInstaller2=062_CiscoVPN.exeInstaller1 and Installer2 represent the filenames of your installers that want to run based on the conditions you set. You can download the installer I made for the Sierra Wireless AirCard 555, but I am unable to provide the Cisco VPN Client installer due to licensing and strong encryption export restrictions.061_AirCard.exe - 2.30MBMD5: 5F30597CF0CDD48EE46EF92AF334BC5C[VPN]Other=NoUnknown=NoDesktop=NoLowProfileDesktop=NoPizzaBox=NoMiniTower=NoTower=NoPortable=YesLaptop=YesNotebook=YesHandheld=YesDockingStation=YesAllInOne=NoSubNotebook=YesSpaceSaving=NoLunchBox=NoMainSystemChassis=NoExpansionChassis=NoSubChassis=NoBusExpansionChassis=NoPeripheralChassis=NoStorageChassis=NoRackMountChassis=NoSealedCasePC=NoThese are the chassis types recognized by Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Please be advised that not all computer and laptop manufacturers properly adhere to these values - particularly a lot of "no name" brands. This script has so far worked for me on Dell, HP-Compaq, and Toshiba laptops. Your mileage may vary.070_VMwareTools.vbsThis script will determine, via WMI, whether or not the "computer" that you are running your install on is actually a VMware Workstation virtual machine. It does this by checking the appropriate BIOS string where VMware had populated the field with their company name. If it is determined to be a virtual machine, the script will execute a switchless silent installer, 071_VMwareTools.exe, that installs the VMware Tools. The script does not have any entries in 500_Settings.ini.071_VMwareTools.exe - 3.12MBMD5: BA06EF25320E613CC032649046C7D6ED090_KtD.vbsThis script will selectively keep device drivers from Bashrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks and register the path in the registry. You must have the DriverPack 7-Zip archive files decompressed either as a normal part of a Method 2 install, or you can use the directory created by a Method 1 slipstream. This script depends on SetDevicePath.exe which must be located either in the root of %SystemDrive% or in the \OEM directory of your CD/DVD install source.[KtD]SourceDir=%SystemDrive%\DDestinationDir=%SystemRoot%\DThe entries are critical to the proper execution of this script. If you enter the path improperly, the script won't go hunting around to find your driver directory. The SourceDir value must begin with either %SystemDrive%, %systemRoot%, or %cdrom%. The DestinationDir value must begin with either %SystemDrive% or %SystemRoot%. Whatever you put in after that is up to you, just so long as it actually reflects where your source really is (or will be). You can make the SourceDir and DestinationDir values the same.CompressFiles=YesThis entry indicates whether or not you want cab (makecab) the compressable files within the drivers. I've found that this saves a considerable amount of space and institues an imperceptable performance penalty when your computer finds a new device.[KtD-List];ChipsetC;CPUCPU;GraphicsG;LanL\ADL\AU ...etc.At the very bottom of 500_Settings.ini is a list of directories that you do NOT want to keep. The default list that I created will remove drivers that do not support devices based on USB, FireWire, or PCMCIA. The logic is that we don't add PCI cards that frequently, but plug in hot devices all the time. Feel free to modify this list as you wish.100_Cleanup.vbsThis is the script that is going to need the most amount of updating right off the bat. I plan on making the Start Menu cleanup and other cleanup chores much more customizable via the .ini file, but at some point I had to say "when" and finally release a version 1.0.The first thing that is done is that up to two 7-Zip archives are decompressed. If 101_AllUsers.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %AllUsersProfile%. In some circumstances I throw in some shortcuts to Start Menu or the Desktop folders. If 101_ProgFiles.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %ProgramFiles%. If a registry file named 101_Registry.reg is found, it will be merged.The first cleanup performed looks for files in the root of %SystemDrive% to delete. These would be the switchless silent installers starting with 010_dotNET20.exe and so on. So, let's get into the settings.[Cleanup]CleanStartMenuYN=YesWhen this is set to Yes, it obliterates the User Start Menu, deletes all of the subfolders under Accessories in the All Users Start Menu, and secures some subfolders under the All Users Start Menu so that only Administrators can view the contents. The last action is configured with the Folder entries as described below.CleanDefaultUserYN=YesWhen this is set to Yes, the following directories are deleted from the Default User profile: Desktop, My Documents, NetHood, PrintHood, Recent, Start Menu, and Templates. This is strictly personal preference, but I prefer that the only thing that is derived from the Default User profile, be the registry. I like to place shortcuts, etc in the All Users profile so I know that they will be there for everyone.CleanLogFilesYN=YesWhen this is set to Yes, all of the .log files in %SystemRoot% are compressed to a 7-Zip archive called SetupLogFile.7z. They are then deleted along with any extraneous .tmp files.Folder1=HardwareFolder2=SecurityFolder3=UtilitiesFolder4=NoneThese entries are the names of subfolders in the All Users Start Menu that you would like to lock down so that only administrators can view the contents. An annoying aspect to this is that restricted users can still see the subfolders in the Start Menu, even though they can't see any of the shortcuts. In order for these entries to be processed, CleanStartMenu must be set to Yes.110_CopySource.vbsThis script will be registered into the RunOnceEx sequence based on the size of your hard drive relative to the value entered for CopySourceThreshold (see the [cmdlines] section). This script will look to see if there is a Windows XP install CD in the drive. If found it will copy the i386 directory to %SystemRoot%\i386 and register the location. All executable files in the svcpack directory are deleted from the local source.120_Compress.vbsThis script will be registered into the RunOnceEx sequence based on the size of your hard drive relative to the value entered for CompressThreshold (see the [cmdlines] section). Directories that are not often accessed in %SystemRoot% and %ProgramFiles% are compressed using NTFS compression. This yields a pretty modest space savings, but with so many laptops hobbled with 30GB (or less) hard drives, I like to get all the space I can.130_Student-Streets.vbsThis is an example script that I threw in one of the slots for a user custom script. I put in here to demonstrate a couple of things. With Streets & Trips, there is an example of how you can use .msi installers directly within VBscript without the need to invoke an instance of the command interpreter. The code for installing Student is a demonstation of what you can do in VBscript using AutoItX.dll. Just keep in mind that you need to register the AutoItX.dll file prior to running the script.140_CreateShortcuts.vbsThis is another example script. The only thing it does is create shortcuts based on whether or not the target programs are installed.150_DefragHD.vbsThis script will defragment the hard drive(s). It will look to see if PerfectDisk is installed and if it is that will be used instead of Windows Defrag. For offline defrags without PerfectDisk, SysInternal's PageDefrag is utilized. Due to licensing restrictions, I am unable to supply this freeware title with the distribution of these scripts. You can download it from SysInternals directly at If want to utilize PageDefrag, make sure that it's executable is somewhere in the system path.[DefragHD]OfflineDefrag=YesThe OfflineDefrag setting is a simple Yes or No. It probably doesn't warrant any further explanation than that. If anyone wants me to implement support for Diskeeper or O&O, send me a PM so I can ask you for some information.160_ConfigPageFile.vbsThe sole purpose of this script is to set your page file to a static size. By default, the size is set to two times the amount of physical RAM you have in your computer.[ConfigPageFile]SizeRelativeToRAM=2170_ConfigAccounts.vbsAlmost all of the functions in this script are optional and/or configurable. With everything set to Yes here is what happens: The builtin Administrator account is renamed, disabled, description deleted, and joined to the Guests local group. The builtin Guest account is renamed and the description deleted. A fake Administrator account is created, complete with the default description, joined to the local Guest group and set to disabled. The user registry for the currently logged in user is exported to the Default User profile. A fellow on MSFN with the screen name of BoaSoft gave me the idea for the code to copy the current HKCU to the Default User profile. The original thread is here: script will now take on of two branches of execution. If it finds a file named 171_NameSettings.hta, it will execute that file which brings up a simple interface asking you to enter in the user name, full name, and password (w/ confirm) of an Administrative User and a Restricted User. Additionally you are asked to give the computer a name. This is nice since you put whatever want in your WINNT.SIF file and use the same source on multiple computers. The AutoLogon entries will be populated with credentials of whatever you enter for the Administrative User. This option meant for computers that not domain members. Removing Internet Explorer from your install may prevent the .hta file from executing.The other branch of execution is a simple subroutine and will execute if 171_NameSettings.hta is not found. You need to configure the three entries below that begin with Logon if you want the computer to AutoLogon and complete the second series of RunOnceEx entries. This option can be used for computers that are either domain or workgroup members.[ConfigAccounts]BuiltinAdminName=JerryBuiltinGuestName=KramerDelASPNET=YesDelHelpAssistant=YesDelSUPPORT=YesFakeAdminYN=YesLogonDomain=LogonPassword=passwordLogonUserName=AdministratorProcessAdminYN=YesProcessGuestYN=YesThe options above should be self-explanatory. The entries DelASPNET, DelHelpAssistant, and DelSUPPORT will delete the extra builtin (and mostly useless) accounts.180_WiFi.vbsThis script is still under developement.190_SetNextBoot.vbsJust like with cmdlines.vbs, this script populates the RunOnceEx registry entries based on what scripts it finds available. You can specify up to four custome scripts or executables to run. The syntax for defining your custom RunOnceEx entries is the same as with cmdlines.vbs. The script will then optionally defragment the registry using NTRegOpt and then reboot. NTRegOpt can be downloaded here: Just make sure it's couple of files are within the system's path. I usually put it in %SystemRoot%\System32.[SetNextBoot]Custom210File=NoneCustom210Title=NoneCustom220File=NoneCustom220Title=NoneCustom230File=NoneCustom230Title=NoneCustom240File=NoneCustom240Title=NoneDefragRegistry=Yes200_ConfigNetwork.vbsThis script performs a few common network configuration chores. I will enable the tray icon for your primary (wired) network connection, rename the connection from "Local Area Connection" to a name of your chosing, hardcode a DNS suffix for your primary connection (this is the box in Advanced TCP/IP settings, DNS Tab, towards the bottom), turn off NetBIOS for ALL network connections, and set your wired connection to a fixed 100-Full Duplex. Thanks to Cluberti for pointing this thread: I adapted code from there for the speed and duplex routine.[ConfigNetwork]ConnectionName=Local Area ConnectionShowTrayIcon=YesDomain=NetBIOS=OffSetSpeed=YesA couple of notes. I have this script run in the second round of RunOnceEx because the Cisco VPN Client needs a reboot before it's virtual NIC can be enumerated. I think the same goes for VMware Workstation (though I always install that from svcpack.inf anyway). This way I am sure NetBIOS will be disabled from any virtual NICs. If you want to rename the primary connection and set a DNS suffix, you must set ShowTrayIcon to Yes.250_FinalDefrag.vbsSee the description for 150_DefragHD.vbs. I like to run a second hard disk defrag because with PerfecDisk at least, it doesn't seem to collect the boot optimizing information until the reboot after the first RunOnceEx scripts run.[FinalDefrag]OfflineDefrag=Yes300_Final.vbsThis script simply clears out the AutoLogon registry entries, deletes the 500_Settings.ini file, and then reboots the computer.999_Template.vbsThis is a totally nonfunctioning script. It's a stipped down shell of how most of my scripts start out. All of the basics are in there to get you started on your way to making your own custom scripts. If you need some help with proper syntax, chances are you'll be able to find an example to help you out in one of my scripts. I am not even nearly qualified with scripting expertise to be able to write a scripting tutorial, so that's not what I'm attempting to do here. I'm just trying to illustrate that it's not so scary or difficult, and that anybody who wants to learn how, can quite easily. There are just tons of resources out there, a good deal of them free, that can help you to learn to script in Windows. Hopefully this collection of scripts will inspire a few people out there to come up with their own time savers and works of art. Please feel free to share your creations with others here in this thread.Appreciated..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yurek3 Posted April 9, 2006 Share Posted April 9, 2006 (edited) THX RogueSpear i see you profesor herei get few cuestion - you see pictureand i did Presetup.cmd litle difrendSET TAGFILE=\win51ip.SP2FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO IF EXIST "%%i:%TAGFILE%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DriverPack*.7z -o"%SYSTEMDRIVE%"%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\WinDir\000_WinDir.7z -o"%SYSTEMROOT%" %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\SystemDrive\000_SystemDrive.7z -o"%SYSTEMDRIVE%"%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemDrive%\DSTART %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exeEXITbefore do not installs BTS DPYurek3 Edited April 9, 2006 by Yurek3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RogueSpear Posted April 10, 2006 Author Share Posted April 10, 2006 @Yurek3, I'll try my best here as I can't read the error messages in some of your screenshots.Screenshot 1 - Is that the first boot after GUI setup? Did you appropriately set your autologon info in the .ini file?Screenshot 2 - You appear to have the BTS finish batch file scheduled twice and have reordered the execution of some of my scripts. I can't guarantee what will happen if you reorder the scripts. Leaving out scripts is perfectly fine, as I designed all of this around being able to pick and choose. Also, it doesn't appear that there's an error message on the screen. Is there an error I should see?Screenshot 3 - Umm.. looks good.Screenshot 4 - It would appear that you have the option for an offline defrag turned on, but you don't have SysInternal's PageDefrag located within the system path.Screenshot 5 - Similar to screenshot 4. You have the option to perform a registry defrag turned on, but you don't have NTRegOpt located with the system path. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nowinscenario Posted April 10, 2006 Share Posted April 10, 2006 RogueSpear: you think like me with regard to the unified Start Menu (I hate the default XP multimple Start Menus, and the fact that software installs in different locations until you redfine it, such as with TweakUI).What I would like to know is this (I'm sure the fix is an easy one for you--but this part of it is too new to me right now):After install, I have to redefine the Start Menu to only be All Users\Start Menu and then also the Programs to All Users\Start Menu\Programs (for instance with TweakUi or Xteq). I then delete all the shortcuts and default MS directories and replace them with a template of my own that has directories and subdirectories the way I prefer them. I do the same for Program Files (where it's really almost a basic mirror of the same naming conventions and directory structure).So what I'm wondering is do you have a scaled down script I can include in my custom install that will do all this automatically for me, so that it's like that on first boot? (Or is there an easy way to modify yours?)Also (perhaps this is not the place to ask--but I'm sure you have an easy answer), while I do really like the idea of the add-on CABs from the RyanVM forums for installing programs, I would like to know if there's a simple tool to internally alter their CAB path to match my install defaults in Program Files and the Start Menu. (The fact that their default paths are not mine is the only thing that prevents me from using them--and it would seem to be a simpler solution to just alter their work, than starting completely from scratch.)Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RogueSpear Posted April 10, 2006 Author Share Posted April 10, 2006 Version 1.01 - 04/09/2006cmdlines.vbs - There was a typo involving the RunOnceEx registry entries for custom script entries at the 140 level. Fixed.110_CopySource.vbs - The source path was being registered as %systemroot%\i386 instead of %systemroot%. To work properly the entry needs to read up to but not including the i386 folder. Also, there were two registry entries for the source path that I was not populating. Both problems fixed.Thank you to Moonlight Sonata for pointing out both errors and providing working fixes. Talk about service Each script will contain a change log at the very bottom, after all code. This will hopefully make for better tracking of changes.@nowinscenario, something you could consider doing is making a 7-Zip archive named 101_AllUsers.7z with your Start Menu shortcuts in there. The script 100_Cleanup.vbs will look for this file and if found, will decompress it to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%. I actually do this at one location where they have some proprietary applications that don't have any install routine, but for some reason they must be in the root of the system drive. The applications are actually in 000_SystemDrive.7z which gets decompressed from presetup.cmd, then later like I described above, the shortcuts get decompressed.As far as modifying cab addons goes.. I don't think you'll have a whole lot of luck modifying those unless you basically decompress them, perform your modifications, then make the installer all over again. Essentially it would be just as easy to make your own from scratch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thuun derboy Posted April 10, 2006 Share Posted April 10, 2006 RogueSpear,You're just a maniac! Since I'm using almost all the soft you've done scripting for, I'm curious to have a peek.thx. much Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yurek3 Posted April 10, 2006 Share Posted April 10, 2006 (edited) RogueSpear you can explaim moresee picture101_AllUsers.7z 101_ProgFiles.7z whot you put in this 7-zip packsand whot you whont copy to directory %SystemRoot%\ script 110_CopySource.vbs and explame more this script 120_Compress.vbsi know my english is not perfect but i got some expirience in unattended instalationsTHX for your answer my Profesor Edited April 10, 2006 by Yurek3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RogueSpear Posted April 10, 2006 Author Share Posted April 10, 2006 RogueSpear you can explaim moresee picture101_AllUsers.7z 101_ProgFiles.7z whot you put in this 7-zip packsThese are decompressed from 100_Cleanup.vbs as described here:The first thing that is done is that up to two 7-Zip archives are decompressed. If 101_AllUsers.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %AllUsersProfile%. In some circumstances I throw in some shortcuts to Start Menu or the Desktop folders. If 101_ProgFiles.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %ProgramFiles%.and whot you whont copy to directory %SystemRoot%\ script 110_CopySource.vbsIt was pointed out to me that the way Microsoft registers the source location, you should point to the location containing the i386 directory instead of pointing to the i386 directory itself.and explame more this script 120_Compress.vbsThis script will compress, using NTFS compression, certain directories in %SystemRoot% and %ProgramFiles%. The script will run depending on the size of your hard disk. You can set the size of the hard drive at which the script will be triggered in the .ini file. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yurek3 Posted April 10, 2006 Share Posted April 10, 2006 I understood now .I'm sorry my english is l little mess up.I'm very glad testing your job THX a lotYurek3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yurek3 Posted April 10, 2006 Share Posted April 10, 2006 whot i need write in 500_Settings.ini and in 170_ConfigAccounts.vbs or cmdlines.vbsi do not want see this one THX for helping meYurek3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RogueSpear Posted April 10, 2006 Author Share Posted April 10, 2006 (edited) @Yurek3,You have not mentioned it, but I am assuming that your computer that you are installing is not a member of a domain. If this is the case, then would you mind trying out this replacement file for me. I changed the way that the script handles AutoLogon entries for computers in "workgroup" mode.Also, please make the following change to your 500_Settings.ini file:LogonDomain=%computername%Please note that for the moment, it will only effect cmdlines.vbs. If it works for you I will change the other script as well. This is very strange as I've never needed to do this for non-domain computers before. Please let me know.EDIT: Attachment removed. Edited April 11, 2006 by RogueSpear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yurek3 Posted April 11, 2006 Share Posted April 11, 2006 (edited) Almost Bingo all work goodonly this Adnini thinking i did some not good here is my 500_Settings.inicmdlines]CompressThreshold=10CopySourceThreshold=40Custom130File=130_Student-Streets.vbsCustom130Title=Student and StreetsCustom140File=140_CreateShrtcuts.vbsCustom140Title=Create ShortcutsDL1Name=ActiveX.7zDL1URL=[ConfigAccounts]BuiltinAdminName=NoBuiltinGuestName=NoDelASPNET=NoDelHelpAssistant=NoDelSUPPORT=NoFakeAdminYN=NoLogonDomain=NoLogonPassword=NoLogonUserName=NoProcessAdminYN=NoProcessGuestYN=Nonow i put in i386 yours lile presetup.cmdSET TAG=\WIN51IP.SP2FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO IF EXIST "%%i:%TAG%" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:SET OEM=%CDDRIVE%\OEMIF EXIST %OEM%\7za.exe Copy %OEM%\7za.exe %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\7za.exeIF EXIST %OEM%\DriverPack*.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %OEM%\DriverPack*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DriverPack*.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DriverPack*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DriverPack*.7z DEL %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DriverPack*.7zIF EXIST %OEM%\000_WinDir.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %OEM%\000_WinDir.7z -o%SYSTEMROOT%IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_WinDir.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_WinDir.7z -o%SYSTEMROOT%IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_WinDir.7z DEL %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_WinDir.7zIF EXIST %OEM%\000_SystemDrive.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %OEM%\000_SystemDrive.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SystemDrive.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SystemDrive.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SystemDrive.7z DEL %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SystemDrive.7zIF EXIST %OEM%\SetDevicePath.exe SET SDP=%OEM%\SetDevicePath.exeIF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\SetDevicePath.exe SET SDP=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\SetDevicePath.exeIF EXIST %OEM%\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe SET WDSP=%OEM%\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exeIF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe SET WDSP=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exeIF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\D SET DP=%CDDRIVE%\DIF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\D SET DP=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\D%SDP% %DP%START %WDSP%and put in %OEM%7za.exeSetDevicePath.exeWatchDriverSigningPolicy.exenext i did extract 000_SystemDrive.7z and put in SetDevicePath.exeWatchDriverSigningPolicy.exeand did compres again to file 000_SystemDrive.7z next put thisone file in OEM direktotythis is all whot i didTHX a Lot i will work for finishDo not ever give up. Edited April 11, 2006 by Yurek3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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