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Windows XP SP2 Post Install Script Pack V1.02

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The first thing that is done is that up to two 7-Zip archives are decompressed. If 101_AllUsers.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %AllUsersProfile%. In some circumstances I throw in some shortcuts to Start Menu or the Desktop folders. If 101_ProgFiles.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %ProgramFiles%. If a registry file named 101_Registry.reg is found, it will be merged.

Any chance you could share an example of these files? 101_AllUsers.7z - I wish to see how you have set this up if possible :blushing:

Edited by piXelatedEmpire
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I try now in new BTS DriversPack 6.5 for me work.

I did change presetup.cmd likie this

FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO IF EXIST "%%i:%TAG%" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:

IF EXIST %OEM%\7za.exe Copy %OEM%\7za.exe %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\7za.exe

IF EXIST %OEM%\DP*.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %OEM%\DP*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
IF EXIST %OEM%\000_WinDir.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %OEM%\000_WinDir.7z -o%SYSTEMROOT%
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_WinDir.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_WinDir.7z -o%SYSTEMROOT%
IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SystemDrive.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %OEM%\000_SystemDrive.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SystemDrive.7z 7za.exe x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SystemDrive.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SystemDrive.7z DEL %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SystemDrive.7z

IF EXIST %OEM%\SetDevicePath.exe SET SDP=%OEM%\SetDevicePath.exe
IF EXIST %OEM%\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe SET WDSP=%OEM%\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe SET WDSP=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7z.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\finish.7z -o"%SystemDrive%"
COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\cmdow.exe %SystemDrive%
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7z.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DP*.7z -o"%SystemDrive%"
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\OEM\*.ins %SystemDrive%
IF EXIST %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\DevPath.exe %SystemDrive%\D

%SDP% %DP%


looks in folder OEM is like this


THX a lot sir RogueSpear


Edited by Yurek3
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I've changed 070_VMwareTools.vbs, as VMtools are differents and incompatible between VMware workstation 5.5.1, server 1.0 and GSX 3.2.1.

I knew they were different but why do you say they are incompatible? I have an XP Pro VM running in Workstation 5.5.1 which I upgraded from Tools 19175 (the latest build from Workstation 5.5.1) to 24927 (the build which comes with Server 1.0 RC1) and everything seems to be working fine under Workstation 5.5.1. The service starts, mouse capture/release is automatic, all features of the tray icon works, no errors are logged in the Event Log, nothing looks unusual at all.

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Hello All,

First of all brilliant work RogueSpear,

My guestion is how can you make post install more secur, for instance while application is installing someone can interrupt installation, is there any way you can lock during installation.



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I knew they were different but why do you say they are incompatible? I have an XP Pro VM running in Workstation 5.5.1 which I upgraded from Tools 19175 (the latest build from Workstation 5.5.1) to 24927 (the build which comes with Server 1.0 RC1) and everything seems to be working fine under Workstation 5.5.1. The service starts, mouse capture/release is automatic, all features of the tray icon works, no errors are logged in the Event Log, nothing looks unusual at all.
I've tried with GSX 3.2.1 and VMtools from Server 1.0 .... and it does not work very well. I use VMtools included in differents VMware versions. Maybe VMware workstation 5.5.1 is more "tolerant" to latest VMtools than GSX Server 3.2.1 !
My guestion is how can you make post install more secur, for instance while application is installing someone can interrupt installation, is there any way you can lock during installation.

Create a new script with this code :

On Error Resume Next
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run "%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation"

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The first thing that is done is that up to two 7-Zip archives are decompressed. If 101_AllUsers.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %AllUsersProfile%. In some circumstances I throw in some shortcuts to Start Menu or the Desktop folders. If 101_ProgFiles.7z is found, it will be decompressed to %ProgramFiles%. If a registry file named 101_Registry.reg is found, it will be merged.

So, let's get into the settings.


These entries all have to do with the Start Menu. All of the entries beginning with "Del" indicate shortcuts or subfolders of Accessories that are to be deleted from the All Users Start Menu and are dependant on the CleanAllUsersStartMenuYN entry. The CleanUserStartMenu entry when enabled deletes all shortcuts and the Accessories subfolder from the User Start Menu. This will not prevent creation of shortcuts to the User Start Menu from the registry (ex: \Accessories\Address Book).

If my understanding of this particular script is correct, when the 101_AllUsers.7z is decompressed it wont actually delete anything from the Start Menu just add whatever is within the 7z file?

Therefore the only way to delete things from the Start Menu is with the CleanAllUsersStartMenuYN=Yes command and following Del statement?

Basically what I am saying is is it possible to create a custom AllUsers.7z that will completely overwrite the default Start Menu (delete everything from it) and only install what is within the AllUsers.7z?

I hope that made sense :blink:

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No, the decompression of the .7z file is just that.. decompression. What I've though about is adding an option to completely 100% delete the All Users Start Menu. Then it would be up to the user to include everything that they need in the .7z file.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Version 1.03 is released and can be found here.

While very long overdue, this release is not very big on new features but there are a lot of changes to maintain compatibility with Bashrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks and to blend in with AutoImage. And of course there are some improvements and bug fixes.

I have a few ideas for new features to be implemented in v1.04 which should not take nearly as long now that the major changes and testing with AutoImage have been completed.

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I use your Script Pack for instal few aplikatons.

This is very interesting metod

i did put in 7zip file programs after instalation and registrations andactivations

from file Programs File to 101_Prog.7z, from Windows\system32 to 000_WinD.7z , from Documents and Setings to 000_Syst.7z and Menu Start to 101_AllU.7z and .reg for apllications from registry.

This is OEM dorectory











After instalation I got all programs in my Menu Start and all work good


Edited by Yurek3
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  • 2 weeks later...

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