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What Anti-Virus do you Use/Recommend?

What Anti-Virus do you Use/Recommend?  

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  1. 1. What Anti-Virus do you Use/Recommend?

    • AntiVir
    • Avast
    • AVG
    • BitDefender
    • ClamAV
    • eTrust
    • F-Prot
    • Kaspersky
    • McAfee
    • NOD32
    • Norton
    • Symantec
    • Trend Micro
    • Other - ?
    • None!

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I also take additional precautions such as using Sandboxes and Virtual Machines to execute suspicious or potentially unsafe files...


...reducing the privileges of entry point programs such as browsers and chat programs, using Windows only in a Limited User Account...

I use the Admin account, have never had a problem.

...and finally, keeping the OS and all its software up-to-date :)

I don't bother with Windows Updates. I just use RyanVM's pack when I reformat (doesn't happen too often) but I do keep all my software up-to-date.

The software I have installed on my C: is as follows: Clicky the linky

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What then? :ph34r:

Hardware firewall for starters. It's not the best, but it's better than nothing. I'm on a wired connection, not wireless, so no wise-a** is going to crack through some "open access point". I have just my OS and Program Files on mY C: drive and everything else on D:. I use Opera and Ad Muncher so no ActiveX, Java, JavaScript or other scripting features are enabled and all the ads and banners are removed, not that I'd click on them if they did show up.

I don't open unknown e-mails or attachments. I question file transfers from those on my MSN and if someone adds me and immediately tries to send me something, its kind of obvious what the intention is.

I image my HDD and can easily restore if anything bad happened. But if I ever noticed someone who managed to hack through a router, I'd simply pull the ethernet cable out of the router. Give my setup, I'd love to see someone hack through air.

The problem is most people feel that if they don't have loads of security suites installed that they will be infected. This is not the case. If you want to get infected, go out and get yourself infected. Accept those transfers, open those downloaded EXEs and ZIPs off LimeWire, open that attachment and click on that bouncing "you're our 999,999th customer, click here for your free laptop!" button.

Hell, anyone ever heard of DeepFreeze and a ThawSpace? Reboot and everything's fine!

Well I'm on a router firewall and yet observe most of your security tips all the time. However, I still feel the need of using the lighweight Avira AntiVir along with my precautionary measures.

On the other side, I've read about DeepFreeze sometime ago. I don't know, too good to be true..

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Well, deep freeze is the best, my friends internetcafe is using it, found it very stable and hard to penetrate even though i know how to do it.

Its better then Norton GoBack!..

For, antivirus, my penny goes to these 3:

1. Kaspersky (the ultimate in detecting)

2. Nod32 (the ultimate also but once any trojan virus infect the system files of xp, it cannot remove!)

3. Avast (the third best, overall its also the same like Nod32, But on user GUI its a bit hard to configure and scan)

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My top 3:

1. Symantec Client Security (AV/Firewall)

2. NOD32

3. AVG Free

Symantec is a resource hog! But it has a very good removal engine and has gotten so good at protecting/removing spyware that a separate utility is not needed.

NOD32 is very light-weight, fast, and has great protection ratings. My best-bet for underpowered systems. Needs separate anti-spyware utility for best results.

AVG-free is my only "FREE" recommendation.

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...and hard to penetrate even though i know how to do it.

How to: Booting to a CD and renaming or deleting the virtual drivers in system32 IIRC (been a few years and I'm too lazy to Google right now). :P

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...and hard to penetrate even though i know how to do it.

How to: Booting to a CD and renaming or deleting the virtual drivers in system32 IIRC (been a few years and I'm too lazy to Google right now). :P

Exactly right... :thumbup

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
AVG Free Edition is the best. :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

Virus Bulletin Comparison on Nod32's site

I know it's on Eset's website (home of NOD32) but it's a report from Virus Bulletin (You have to login to the Virus Bulletin website)

I love the second graph: Missed in the Wild Viruses - AVG's figure? 'Truncated to fit on graph' - Class!

Interestingly they don't compare Avast which I thought was pretty popular these days. I've used Avast for about four years but I'm fed up with it's increasing sluggishness. I've been trialling NOD32 for the last week or so and I have to say I'm impressed. Fast as hell and low memory footprint.

Edited by Dobby
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...but mediocre detection, at least in my experience :ph34r:

Huh ??? NOD32, Kaspersky, AntiVir and Norton/Symantec AV is among the very best when detection accuracy is concerned(AV Comparatives).

I personally use NOD32 because of it's great detection rates, low memory footprint, unbloatedness, nice clean interface and as it dosen't bother you much and you just set it and forget it.

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...but mediocre detection, at least in my experience :ph34r:

Huh ??? NOD32, Kaspersky, AntiVir and Norton/Symantec AV is among the very best when detection accuracy is concerned(AV Comparatives).

I personally use NOD32 because of it's great detection rates, low memory footprint, unbloatedness, nice clean interface and as it dosen't bother you much and you just set it and forget it.

I agree that NOD32 is rated as one of the 'best' AVs out there from reputed sources (specifically av-comparatives tests, which I strongly trust). First, I consider myself a medium-high risk surfer. In my experience, however, nod32 failed in detecting a lot of trojans hidden on files downloaded from internet. I double checked them before opening with an up-to-date nod32 and got often 'clean' results with it, then re-checked those files with other several online virus scanners and... surprise :angry:

I must note I'm not talking about false positives, they were real malware that I always sent to eset for analysis but never got replied (I saw they added signatures for these about one week after!).

Personally, I think they rely too much on its heuristics but at same time they are incredible slow releasing signature updates.

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Thank you for your explanation, mate :) I'm pretty surpriced at your discoveries i must admit, but however i do believe what your saying, though :) I generally just look at the total detection scores on the AV Comparatives tests(instead of checking e.g. trojans or viruses by itself), so i don't really know what the tests says about NOD32's specific trojan detection capabilities. Personally, then i have never been infected with anything myself, but still use NOD32 just in case, and so i generally just trust the AV-Comparatives scores, as i don't really have much experience with this myself.

Anyway, thank's again for elaborating, mate :)

CU, Martin.

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