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okay, i found a way to completely protect my computer from every kind of spyware, viruses, general degradation in performance. its veryt simple, but of course it may not work for everybody. i have a 250GB harddrive. i simply created a 20GB partition off of it and turned the small partitoin into my C: drive. so once everything was installed and updated and defragmented, i froze the drive using Deep Freeze! the remaing hundreds of GB i had My Documents root to. so..if anything goes wrong, i simply reformat my C: drive, but i still have all of my work, videos, music...everything. it was temporary at first while i did some experimenting, but i liked it.

there was a problem though.


i love Utorrent. i think its amazing. and im always downloading one torrent or another. the problem is, when i freeze my PC, my downloads dont actually progress. ill freeze while a download is at 54 percent. should it get to....say...80 percent by the time i reboot my PC, i come back and its satill 54! this is confusing to me because all my folder directories, including my incoming downloads folder, are set in the large thawed partition. so whats the deal? freezing my C drive shouldnt affect it. i mean...Utorrent isnt evenm in the registry as far as i know. it has nothing to do with my C: drive.

what do i do? how do i fix this?


By default XP temp drive is the same as it's root (usually C:), so I guess Utorrent sends its downloaded data to pagefile.sys or Windows temp folder, as your root drive is frozen, Windows discard it's temp files


is there anyway to remedy this?

i imagine that if i find away to fix this, it will help me out a in a lot of similar situations. downloading music using Soulseek or kazaa or whatever, for example.

Posted (edited)

This has been the forums many many other times, posted by me actually!

its nice to see more deep freeze believers :thumbup

but next time search the forums!

and as for your question....

It is not deep freeze that is causing the problem,it restricts NOTHING from bring done to your computer it just destroys changes when you restart! it is a existing problem you had on your hard disk (I'm assuming you didn't reformat when you froze the system) because when deepfreeze freezes the hard-disk it freezes (in your case) ALL your system files.

If you did reformat before you froze your disk then its a problem with Utorrent installation.

please note... if you are connected to the Internet while your system is thawed (when you install stuff) IT IS VULNERABLE TO ALL SORTS OF ATTACKS

Edited by wolf74481

sorry wolf, but i dont understand. i guess i mustve messed up my explanations. i dont reformat, ever. but if i do, i have nothing to fear.

i jsut meant that my temp files are reset every time i reboot. i want to root my temp files to my thawed partition.


utorrent by default stores all its settings in %APPDATA%\utorrent. this will more than likely be stored on C:\

take all of the files from the appdata\utorrent folder and place them in the same folder as utorrent.exe which should be on ur large partition. You should find ur problem fixed


im going to try that out Scuba steve, but first i wanted to post a message thanking you for that link to firefox myths. i use opera myself anyway, but i was ...jsut about ten minutes ago, looking into how IE 7 doesnt cooperate with widnows explorer and all the talk about activeX and everything, and i was donering about firefox and activex and that web site answered my questions. so thank you!


sorry wolf, but i dont understand. i guess i mustve messed up my explanations. i dont reformat, ever. but if i do, i have nothing to fear. i jsut meant that my temp files are reset every time i reboot. i want to root my temp files to my thawed partition.
Ohhhhhhh ic now, then just throw your temp files in with your thawed partition ("c:/windows/temp").
I am a fool that uses some unreliable program for protection and I have no idea what a write filter is.

Get a write filter. -_-


I have assembled PE so many times that I truly understand how Windows operates. o_O

It's rediculous to have some program write progressive changes only to have that progress removed at shutdown. I have my first drive protected and my storage drive under heavy monitoring. I'm fine with this.

Posted (edited)


Businesses and schools around the world use its reboot and restore magic!

with deepfreeze the virus scanners and spyware scanners and reg scanners and all that crap beomes useless and stupid!

so to answer your question, NO! IMHO it is the most reliable piece of software for the PC!

Edited by wolf74481


While it sounds like a good idea...what happens if you get a virus that infects all of your Word documents or Excel spreadsheets (for example) on the "thawed" area?

The best option is to not give users Admin privs like soooooo many "network admins" do. I put that in quotes because any real, self-respecting admin will never give their users admin privs under any circumstances. Does it make things a little more difficult to do? Of course it does. But that's the price you pay for having total security.

We don't even give our users Power User access. Since we have everything properly locked everything down we've had ZERO problems with adware, spyware, viruses or any other nefarious/malicious software. This is simply because the users don't have access to write into the critical areas where these types of programs want to write into.

We also compiled a fairly large list of where the most common spware/adware applications install to by default. We then wrote a script the creates these directories and removes access for any and all users. They can't delete the directories and they can't write into them either. Remember, most adware/spyware applications attempt to install in the background without the users knowledge so there's no option to choose another install location. Sure, their own files can still get infected, but the infection is contained.

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