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missing language, keyboard layout and more...


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I'm having troubles with nLited Windows (nLite.v1.0RC6).

1. Languge of my choice is missing (Polish). The same thing is with keyboard layout (Polish programmers) and Language for non-Unicode programs (Polsih).

I tried a solution form this post http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=66594&st=40 but it didn't work.

Only in Location I'm able to choose Poland.

2. Setting that I made in nLite: Disable system restore, disable shadows and other visual stuff doesn't apply. The same is with an option: "Send an administrative alert" and "Automatically restart after system failure".

The 1st point is most troublesome - I can't work :-|

Here's my ini file: Last_Session.ini

If anyone knows what's wrong - thanks for the anwser :)



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  • 1 year later...

Hi !

any real solution for this annoying bug yet ?

I followed all the possible threads here in addition to http://www.uawiki.org/doku.php?id=wxp:redu...eyboard_layouts

but cant add Polish locale, and its not seen under drop down menu in the Regional (Language, Advanced tabs), althought I did:

1-copied needed kbd*.dll to /system32

2-copied and installed a full original intl.inf to /windows/inf

3-applied the code trick of:

rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection LANGUAGE_COLLECTION.BASIC.INSTALL 00000415 %WINDIR%\inf\intl.inf

4-restarted comp

but cant see the language yet.

any help would be appreciated

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