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Restarting w/out permission


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OK, right I checked all that doggie, it's all fine, but I remembered that John gave me those 2 articles to read cos now it come up with "Windows just recovered from a serious error" thing every time I reboot, so now downloading a patch, hopefully this'll sort it

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I was getting the same message (bsod) several times a day. Turned out to be NAV2002 conflicting with Zone Alarm. I uninstalled Zone Alarm and installed Sygate pro instead and have not had any problems since - it's been almost a year now.

Could be another conflict - - -

Take a look at this IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error thread: http://www.techzonez.com/forums/showthread...ight=Zone+alarm

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I was getting the same message (bsod) several times a day. Turned out to be NAV2002 conflicting with Zone Alarm. I uninstalled Zone Alarm and installed Sygate pro instead and have not had any problems since - it's been almost a year now.

i had the same problem with zone alarm once,

it may cause problems, not nesseserely with nav2002, mine was conflicting with some other software,

uninstalled zone alarm, and it worked great.

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There's nothing wrong with Norton Antivirus. I use it myself. It is Zone Alarm that causes many problems. Norton Antivirus is a good idea.

Another potential problem, one that I had, is having 2 antivirus - like Trend and NAV together. Sometimes applications just don't get along with each other - depends on your configuration.

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Most PC's come with Antivirus already installed when you buy them - unless you build it yourself. Many come with Trend's "PC-cillin" - Which, in my experience, conflicts with NAV. So you are sure you don't have 2 antivirus?

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The Microsoft report is wrong about it being a device driver. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in conjunction with a memory dump is specifically related to memory issues. The problem is memory related and is one of three things; the RAM, your Swap File, and in rare cases the cache file. There are numerous threads on this forum where we have provided the solution to the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. Normally, XP will message IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and later the BSOD. Your problem falls into this category.

Lets approach the three separately:

1. RAM. I doubt it is the RAM considering that the PC is relatively new. However, low quality RAM is found in new PCs and usually becomes faulty after six months.

2. Swap File. This is a area of virtual memory or empty space on the hard drive that Windows uses dynamically. It is best managed by windows, but can be manually manged by the user. Little know fact is the swap file can be defragmented, but not with Windows built-in defragmenting tool. Use Windows "Help" and search swap file or virtual memory to learn how to manage the swap file.

3. Cache. Your browser manages cookies that are stored in a temporary file called a cache. Actually, there a number of cache files on your PC. In Internet Explorer Browser you can manage the cache through Tools > Internet Options > Temporary Internet Files.

Do the easiest thing first beccatigger. Delete the Temporary Internet Files (cookies and files) and let us know what happened.

Have you or your Mom defraged the hard drive lately?

Edit, I should comment that after reading the other troubleshooting posts, especially the system properties results, that I am quite impressed with you all :)

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