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[Release] Adobe Shockwave Player


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For quite some time now I have been trying to track down what was creating an empty 'My Company' folder in Program Files.

'cyberloner' recently informed me that the shockwave installer I distribute was creating this folder.

An update was released today correcting this issue.


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with custom installer for latest Shockwave and corresponding Firefox plugin, I wasn't able to play at www.isketch.net using Firefox : Shockwave game window wasn't loading.

- it is always perfectly working with IE 7.

- it was not working using Firefox then

- tested with several uninstall/cleaning/reinstall...

- no problem before, with Shockwave

just found how to resolve the problem... no, please look at bottom of this post

file ShockwavePlugin.class (I took it from Adobe official installer) needs to be in Firefox\plugins folder, alongside with np32dsw.dll file.

download link for this file

EDIT : no, even with that ShockwavePlugin.class file, it doesn't work... sorry for the confusion. the problem seems to be in the custom shockwave installer...

EDIT 2 : here it is, the only way I found to get Firefox working...

1) no shockwave installed (but some testing made on the system before, so probably leftovers). I install with official installer, then I uninstall it! I choose "custom" uninstall mode. this uninstaller is especially powerful, and it probably remove some leftovers by custom installer (see bottom)

2) I install with official installer (yeah, again) and now it's working!

one last thing : if I install with custom installer, then uninstall it, then install with official installer, it still doesn't work... conclusion, custom installer might break shockwave installation, about its using in Firefox


Edited by OuTmAn
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just installed swInstaller.exe from sharks repository (latest version) with the firefoxshockwaveplugin.exe on a new clean windows installation with firefox running and i really got no problems here :x

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with custom installer for latest Shockwave and corresponding Firefox plugin, I wasn't able to play at www.isketch.net using Firefox : Shockwave game window wasn't loading.

If you're using a custom installation path for Firefox my plugin installer will fail. It's hardcoded to install to the default path.


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thank you Shark, but I've already manually copied np32dsw.dll to the right place

however, I've found this BugZilla thread, and it is exactly my problem

so, I applied this workaroud: I put firefox.exe in "Win2000 compatibility mode", and now Shockwave works on my Firefox... but that's not a very nice fix...

finally, this is a proven bug, related to Adobe and/or Microsoft

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