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[Release] Adobe Shockwave Player

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I just did and it don't so can you add support please.

I'm sorry, but this isnt going to happen.

I suggest you contact Adobe Technical Support.

The main reason it failed is that my installer is based on an MSI which i created.

Win98SE doesnt support MSI installers natively.

Are you aware M$ doesn't even support WindowsXP SP1 anymore?


And vista is on his way :P

  • 4 weeks later...

  • 4 weeks later...


in the current FlashInstaller9028 release occurs the following error:

File "C:\WINNT\system32\Macromed\Flas" (or one of it's components) not found.

(tranlated from German)

This error comes only once after the first reboot before desktop loads.

After deinstalling/installing it comes once again.

Unfortunately I cannot look into your package to see what your Installer is doing.

I use W2k german.


in the current FlashInstaller9028 release occurs the following error:

File "C:\WINNT\system32\Macromed\Flas" (or one of it's components) not found.

(tranlated from German)

This error comes only once after the first reboot before desktop loads.

After deinstalling/installing it comes once again.

Unfortunately I cannot look into your package to see what your Installer is doing.

I use W2k german.

That installer is NOT Windows 2000 compatible. sorry.

I will look into compatibility, if i can modify it for you, i will PM you.

[EDIT] PM sent.



Hi Shark007,

it's gotten even worse: During install "FlashUtil9b.exe not found"

I think you have mixed up with a DOS8.3 name.

If you provide Information about your Install procedure, I may check it for W2k compatibility. It worked with your Flash 8.x installer.

W2k,XP,.. should work with the same installer if you go not too deep into system peculiarities.

(The original Macromedia msi installer w. silent switch works well with all OS)

Is annoying Autoupdate enabled or disabled?

Hi Shark007, it's gotten even worse: During install "FlashUtil9b.exe not found"

I never thought of it before, but yeah, you can easily follow the proceedure I used to create your own Win2k compatible installer.

Download my Flash Installer and use WinRAR to extract the files.

You will need these 3 files for the installer: Flash9b.ocx - FlashUtil9b.exe - swflash.inf

Place the 2 W95INF files into your system32 directory.

I'm going to assume your version of this builtin software is similar to mine.

Go to the run... box on the start menu and type; Iexpress

click next

click next

Package title: Flash

click next

click next

click next

Add: browse to and select the 3 files, choose open

click next

Install Program: click the down pointing tringle and select swflash.inf

Post Install Command: <None>

click next

Select [x]Hidden

click next

click next

Package Name and Options: This is going to be the name of your newly created installer, Browse to a save location, and give it a name

select [x] Hide Extracting Progress Animation from User

click next

select [x] No restart

click next

select [x] Don't save

click next

click next

And your done, test it, if it works, please share a link to the file.

I'll add meta data with a flashtype icon and post it on my repository.




I did some more testing and went crazy.

As far as I can see,you have used the original swflash.cab content.

with XP it works all the time,

with W2k it seems to fail also registering immediate browser integration.

(swflash.cab does it either but msi installer does it)

One solution works also within Iexpress:

using: "rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection swflash.inf, DefaultInstall" always works fine.

I will stop investigating because its a minor problem to me.


Hey, iexpress is cool. You actually need 3 XP files : iexpress.exe, makecab.exe and wextract.exe.

Copying them to any folder and using any resource editor on wextract.exe you can, for example, edit your silent installer text and icon.

  • 3 months later...

Just an FYI, the Opera Flash and Shockwave Plugins do not seem to be Vista compatible. The regular installers work fine, I have no idea why the switchless ones do not. Thanks a lot! :D

Just an FYI, the Opera Flash and Shockwave Plugins do not seem to be Vista compatible. The regular installers work fine, I have no idea why the switchless ones do not. Thanks a lot! :D

I'm going to guess you are using Vista x64. At the time I created these installers the x64 file structure was unknown to me. If executing them on an x64 machine they will be installed to \Program Files\ but in reality the target softwares are located in \Program Files (x86)\

I'll create installers specifically for use on x64 machines when time permits.


Just an FYI, the Opera Flash and Shockwave Plugins do not seem to be Vista compatible. The regular installers work fine, I have no idea why the switchless ones do not. Thanks a lot! :D

I'm going to guess you are using Vista x64. At the time I created these installers the x64 file structure was unknown to me. If executing them on an x64 machine they will be installed to \Program Files\ but in reality the target softwares are located in \Program Files (x86)\

I'll create installers specifically for use on x64 machines when time permits.


I am using Vista X86. :( Should it be working? I'll test it in a VM when I get a chance if it is supposed to be working fine.

I am using Vista X86. :( Should it be working? I'll test it in a VM when I get a chance if it is supposed to be working fine.

I havent tested it. i don't use opera myself. My next thought is that UAC is blocking it. Try right clicking the installer and choosing Run as administrator.


Posted (edited)
I am using Vista X86. :( Should it be working? I'll test it in a VM when I get a chance if it is supposed to be working fine.

I havent tested it. i don't use opera myself. My next thought is that UAC is blocking it. Try right clicking the installer and choosing Run as administrator.


I turned off UAC.

I tried running as Admin, but same result.

Edited by No_Style

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