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DirectX Redist Dec05

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Hi !

Yeah, yet another DirectX thread. Sorry, I did a search but seemingly there is no way to install the directx redist silently ?

Mhh, there is a new redist available here.

Or the German version which I would need here

Is there any way to install this silently on WinXP SP2 ?

Thanks for your help !


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I think it's not needed for common people but just for developper ... latest official DirectX will show in Windows Update and it's actually the same of SP2 ... (if you have problem with dll from directx for a game, reinstall game from the cd and dlls will come back ...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

You can use winrar to unarchive the original .exe file. When you've done that you can install Directx silently:


The new DirectX version (for dec2005) is in fact a new version of DirectX, but with not-that-many updates. :)

Edit: Check this link Bink.nu. It's an article where Steven Bink ponders about how/when Microsoft sets versions.

Edited by Anderz
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READ people, READ...

extract the ...... darn thing, to lets say.... C:\directX

in that folder remove al the x64 files (you just dont nead those unles your going to run it on xp64 - than repack the remaining files to a selfextracting 7zip (or rar) file with the @dxsetup.exe /silent command, (or)

start /wait dxsetup.exe /silent - note i dont know if the noreboot is usefull to, - just try and find out yourself.....

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READ people, READ...

extract the ...... darn thing, to lets say.... C:\directX

in that folder remove al the x64 files (you just dont nead those unles your going to run it on xp64 - than repack the remaining files to a selfextracting 7zip (or rar) file with the @dxsetup.exe /silent command, (or)

start /wait dxsetup.exe /silent - note i dont know if the noreboot is usefull to, - just try and find out yourself.....

i tried that it did not work

i got invalid switch command

Edited by troyquigley
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