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Everything posted by RickSteele
You have to understand that whenever you mount the wim hives each of the 3 separate hives must have 3 separate unique names. This is the root of your problem in this command. You cannot just load the hives without giving them a temporary name; herein is the problem, you do not know what RT7Lite is naming the hives when loading them, so, your command will do nothing. Plus, you have to watch for conflict For instance, as an example, if setup sees two conflicting GP objects it will load the last one read providing one is not user vs machine (user vs user or machine vs machine; machine=HKLM will override user=HKCU. If the first, say, machine object read contains x number of entries for many different modifications while the second machine entry contains only a few, you will loose all of the first and gain only the second. The two have to be combined into one entry before merging. Carrying this over to RT7Lite, if you allow RT7 to do anything in the registry, then, merge your files correctly, in a worst case scenario you will loose all of the modifications-at least part for sure. Your much better off using one method or the other-RT7 or yourself. One other thing, if you install to VM and go into audit mode following 'tendo64's video, you can just customize the basic OS without installing any apps. Install SP1 (and any prerequisites first), all the runtimes (and any prerequisites first), DirectX, remove any features, apply your GP preferences, stop any services, apply any HCR and HKLM reg customizations etc. sysprep and capture the result as a reference wim. Now you have an up-to-date OS upon which you can add your apps, HKCU tweaks etc. that will not go obselete any time soon. In a nutshell, you are not going to get what you want without first putting in the constructive time-RT7Lite is not, in my opinion, constructive. You can do a much better job of it yourself.
Well as maxXPsoft states you have DISM already, but, you need WAIK (or OPK) for imagex and also require the documentation/help files. I do not believe you have to register for anything to get WAIK. If you want a truly fantastic install, stable, solid, fast and all done without any real workarounds in a fully supported fashion use Group Policy in audit mode. If you are in IT or something and have a server, you can include a standard set of GP objects with your deployment. While this is a lot of work initially, the end result of using GP is phenominal; and much easier to maintain. If doing all this on your personal desktop then a combination of editing GP in audit and reg file merging yields the same great results and of course requires a similar initial effort. No bandaids here; one is working from the inside out. Anyways, each to their own, but, if your at all serious about deployment, or just good solid customization you will have to use WAIK sooner or later. Oh, and by the by, I do all my own; I don't use RT7Lite, or anything else for that matter. Right off the bat, you would have to know what the author is naming his mounted wim hives....mine are as delineated ealier in the thread. You would then have to name the branch paths in your reg files to match his nomenclature....pretty hard to see when there is no pause in the execution.
The following batch will load your wim, then the wim registry hives, apply reg tweaks, save and unload both, or, remark the mount/unmount commands, load the wim in DISM, merge your custom files, do whatever else and dismount with DISM. You wil have to change the paths to your wims and OPK tools. Also, you may choose to name your wim hives something other than WIM_Default....etc.-no spaces, but, the names of the branches in your custom files must match the names you apply to the wim hives when you mount them. The legend is: (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Software\Classes (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Default (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Software (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_System The remarked entries are self explanatory: CLS @echo off REM "C:\Program Files\WindowsResources\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /mount-wim /wimfile:"D:\GRMCULXFREO_EN\sources\install.wim" /index:4 /mountdir:"D:\DISM_Folders\mount" pause reg.exe load HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Default "D:\DISM_Folders\mount\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT" reg.exe load HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Software "D:\DISM_Folders\mount\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE" reg.exe load HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_System "D:\DISM_Folders\mount\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM" pause REM reg.exe import "D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\GRMCULXFREO_EN\ServicesTemplate.reg" REM pause REM reg.exe import "D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\GRMCULXFREO_EN\ContextMenu.reg" REM pause REM reg.exe import "D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\GRMCULXFREO_EN\RegistryTweaks.reg" REM pause REM reg.exe import "D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\GRMCULXFREO_EN\GroupPolicyRegistry.reg" REM pause reg.exe unload HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Default reg.exe unload HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Software reg.exe unload HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_System pause REM "C:\Program Files\WindowsResources\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /unmount-wim /mountdir:"D:\DISM_Folders\mount" /commit REM "C:\Program Files\WindowsResources\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /unmount-wim /mountdir:"D:\DISM_Folders\mount" /discard REM "C:\Program Files\[size="2"]WindowsResources[/size]\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe" -u2 -m -o -lGRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD -b"D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\" -yo"D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\bootorder.txt" "D:\GRMCULXFREO_EN" "C:\GRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD.iso" REM "C:\Program Files\WindowsResources\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\oscdimg.exe" -u2 -m -o -lGRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD -b"D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\" -yo"D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\bootorder.txt" "D:\GRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD" "C:\GRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD.iso" REM pause EXIT
no one believed me when I said it won't go no further and wanted to jump me. Try the RT7 Mod's unpin and let die It's not that maxXPsoft; everybody deserves a chance-especially if their endeavor is good/beneficial. The admins must now decide.......... I do not like RT7-use DISM and imageX, but, I agree; time to close the thread and let it go the way of the dinosaurs. Blue has no intention of ever opening it again and continuing development-for whatever reason; if whatever is the cause of his dismay obviously requires more help. So, thanks Blue, is a good program, but, unless you are capable of at least participating, then, goodbye and good luck-get well soon. "Live Long and Prosper"
Here: read the entire page; you must frequent this forum for any late breaking news/developments. This is the headsup/question/answer place for SoLor's "repository"
- You will need to pass validation to download it and it is a msu file (same format as updates) so you should be able to integrate it using DISM. If that does not integrate without error, perhaps, try integrating this first, then the above:
I completely disable Windows Defender from running at all both in my answer and reg files. I have no scheduling key at all, actually all my Windows Defender keys are empty as a result. So, like the Action center entries, even though the box is checked, scheduling is turned off. You will find the same thing occurs with Action Center settings; all of the messages are turned off and if you open Action Center from the control panel it shows in settings "not monitored", yet, the check boxes remain checked. I fought and searched with this for a week and was able to come up with no cure for the boxes checked-to my knowledge no way around that. However, the targetted service is actually turned off. I confirmed this in the event logs. Also, don't forget to disable it in Task Scheduler. I'm still working on a way to import my exported tasks (xml files) using the answer file, but, have been unsuccessful so far. one last thing, don't forget this setting is entered in WOW6432 as well if memory serves. Sorry I cannot be of more help.
Google is your friend:
OK! Thanks again, RickSteele. I DLed and installed WAIK on my W7 machine. The first time I tried to run your scaled down RegHive.cmd file the Reg Unload got an 'Access is denied' error. I then ran it again (no Load) and included the TakeOwn and icacls commands and the Unload worked. The WIM_Software key is no longer in my Registry. I assume my image now contains my change. I will test the image on my VM later. Thanks and enjoy, John. Yes, if you saved the changes before dismount you should be good to go-assuming you got no access errors merging the reg file containing your customizations. The access denied when loading/unloading is troublesome; I never get that error then. Something is keeping your files locked. I would work on finding out what that is because none of the other commands should be necessary; I have never, ever had to use anything else but the load/unload entries. Glad to see things starting to go your way.
To my knowledge you can only mount the wim and load the wim hives from the native OS on the native OS. You must mount the wim and run the cmd on your Win 7 system only; you will find the wim hive under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Software" in regedit-refer to the WIMRegHivesMounted.7z for some screen captures illustrating what I stated. That is the only way I have used the cmd files. Hope this clarifies it a little for ya' WIMHivesMounted.7z Check out this post: ....may be a workaround.
RickSteele, thanks again. I do use WAIK and have for some time, have an fairly thorough AutoUnattend.xml and have started injecting IE9. I did not use my IE8 tweaks, but customized IE9 and Exported the keys I needed. I Import them on subsequent installs and all seems to be working fine. What I would really like is a way to inject (integrate) SP1. I know RT7Lite will do it but I am beginning to wonder it it has gone dormant. I see only questions (including mine) but no answers lately. I tried to PM bensam56, but his Inbox is full. I would like to know how he injects SP1. Please let us all know if you have an idea. I am not particularly interested in the so called Reverse Integration methods that use Sysprep. I have never used Sysprep since I am a home user not a company support person. Thanks, John. Glad I could be of some assistance. I installed an unmodified Win7(x64), applied all the customizations from the GUI, then, Group Policy, afterwhich I exported all the reg entries I required giving preference to those in HKLM to make the settings default. I, then, merged the files and did several trial installs realtime from USB stick to test the results, adding or removing as necessary to achieve optimal. If you load your wim with DISM, show hidden files first, then, load, then open up Windows Explorer and navigate to your wim mount folder, Windows Update must be renamed manually here after the reg file with that tweak has been merged in a previous session. Also, you can take ownership of and delete that which you do not like, or add some files you want in the wim so that all installs without having to worry about doing it from First Logon etc. I remove all except the default windows/Aero Resources/Themes/Wallpapers and add my custom Themes folder to the Default user folder this way, as an example-works really well; my themes only install; one less thing to worry about...LOL SP1 is superseded by SoLor's pack; seriously, it is really good- is his forum. I have been using it since George King quit his endeavour and SoLor took up the torch-many months now without any issues. It slipstreams using DISM without a problem-I have saved all the cabs which I use with DISM. Many times SoLor has come up with unpublished update/hotfixes that are either included in the following M$ update cycle or published as an out of band standalone soon afterwards. M$ has gone out of their way to ensure nobody can easily integrate SP1; I do not have an answer for that one and agree with you on both Reverse integration and Sysprep-which, as far as I'm concerned, is a whole lot of grief and work for nothing; not to mention it is severely impacted. I'm a home user too; probably much like yourself-to sum it up-a power user.
Thank you. No Problemo', glad I could help SoLor has just updated the pack folders to include todays hotfixes-Oct. 12, 2010; so, you might want to revisit before starting your integration
Client for NFS\ add this to your installation IE8 updates, if you are not using IE9 beta\ add this to your installation if you are not integrating Internet Explorer 9 beta IIS\ MSMQ\ Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications\ Do not add any of these three Integrate to installation media\ extract the two cabs and move the files to your "sources" folder manually replacing the files there
Thank you but I was not asking about the folders in root but about the folders inside Then, I do not understand your question; obviously, anything in the x86 folder is only for 32-bit, the update.html file lists what has been added and removed for both 32 and 64-bit since the last "zip" file. If you're running 32-bit, only download from x86.
Here: Oct 10, 2010 is the latest revision; any updates in the update.html that are 64-bit only are labelled (x64), ie: KB970360(x64) vs KB2297652 for example. they will not be available in the (x86) hotfix folder. You must extract the "Integrate to installation media" and manually replace those files in your installation files folder. If you do not slipstream IE 9 Beta into your wim, then, move all the IE 8 specific updates to the main update folder before beginning. SoLor separated out the IE 8 specific updates (ie: IE 8 cummulatve update for example) with the release of IE 9 beta because if you slipstream IE 9 Beta DISM will remove any specific IE 8 updates in the process. The headsup on the latest here:
RickSteele, I have taken a look and it actually looks fairly straight forward. I did not know that Registry changes could be slipstreamed. I have a question, probably need to ask many, but in your batch file an import looks like: reg.exe import ""D:\DISM_Folders\DISM_Temp\GroupPolicyRegistry.reg"Why the double quotes at the beginning of the file path/name? I have been doing my builds (DISM etc) under XP x64. I assume it is OK to do this. Thanks, John. I cannot for the life of me remember why I left the double quotes in, but, you will experience no concerns with or without the double quotes-I have tried it both ways. I, also, cannot give you a reason why they are there in the first place-old age maybe....LOL. One thing I cannot stress enough is the power of the Windows 7 answer file; that xml can do anything you want with the OS. It really is worth it to spend the time.....; M$ has made it so easy using WAIK. I slipstream and run IE 9 exclusively now so cull the IE 9 entries if you are into IE 8 (there are not many); I use this also:
go here: the date/time stamps on the page headers are sometimes incorrect/superseeded, so, ensure you comb through all the subdirectories-ie: .NET 4.0 client and extended hotfixes comes to mind as an example.The .zip files contain all the hotfixes to the date on the zip file, ie: Sept 15, which he does monthly, the incremental updates are accessible through the x86 or x64 folders as outlined in his updated updates.HTML.
RegFiles.rar Take a gander through the files in this attached RegFiles.rar. Windows Defender can be disabled two ways; in your answer file and through Group Policy registry entries-search in the GroupPolicyRegistry.reg file for that. The wim_reg_paths.txt provides a legend for converting the .reg to mergeable files in an installed Win 7 (64-bit). The cmd file will slipstream all of the reg files as they are in this package into your wim. I turn off all animations, UAC, Windows Defender etc. You must modify all of the paths in the cmd file to suit yours-all the files are fully customizable-comment out any registry entries you don't like. I placed so many pauses in the cmd because I like to see how each step progresses. After loading the wim registry run regedit to view the wim registry in HKLM\WIM_xxxxx. I got the inspiration and headsup for this from here: http://www.wincert.n...dows-7-toolkit/ If you try to modify the Windows Defender HKLM file you will get an access violation on at least one entry. Further, WinXP is a different format. The entries in my GroupPolicyRegistry.reg file will turn it off without error. Download the latest Win 7 WAIK kit-<1gb-and install, then, take the time to learn how to create a truly comprehensive answer file. It is very easy, straight forward. You can disable almost anything from installing, along with any companion services-all fully reversible should the need arise in Programs and Features.
How To Integrate IE9 Beta in windows 7 ?
RickSteele replied to Rafadecai's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
Integrate IE9 as you would any update using this tool: or, whichever program you currently use to integrate your Windows 7 updates/hotfixes. Regards and enjoy -
A visual guide to 7Customizer
RickSteele replied to blue4603's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
You do not need to worry about order etc.; Windows will sort it out, but, if the requisite files are not installed the update will not integrate. As an example I attached a list of files-Requisite.jpg- that must be integrated first before the rest if you were using SoLoR's update repository. Otherwise one or two updates will not integrate; kicking out the update not applicable....7C/DISM error. This list is just to show you an example, but, applies to any update collection. -
Windows 7 Customization
RickSteele replied to RickSteele's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
Ok, that definitely sucks; thanks again for your assistance. I think I'll stick to the time honored method-install the INF via CMD after first logon.