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98 SE SP 3.32


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1 font from Office 2007

Which one?

The list is just above: :)



BAUHS93.TTF from Plus!98

CURLZ___.TTF from Plus!98

DC______.TTF from Plus!98

JOKERMAN.TTF from Plus!98

OLDENGL.TTF from Office 2007

STOP.TTF from Plus!98

VIXARASC.TTF from Plus!98

WINGDNG2.TTF from Plus!98

WINGDNG3.TTF from Plus!98

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Seems to be working good so far, the only problems I found is with TweakUI and trying the option to repair associations, it asks for the disk with the service pack. Also sometimes on rebooting I get windows file protection warning.

on another note here is a patch for transparency of icon labels.

It is ONLY for shell32.dll version 4.72.3812.717

offsets and bytes are in hex

offset patch

11cbf 33 c9 49 89 4d 08 90

11d2b 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

This patch will NOT work with any other shell32.dll version, so don't even try it.

It is not perfect, if you drag a window over top of them it makes a bit ugly, but refreshing the desktop fixes it. If anyone can improve on it, feel free.

Edited by Nexus_06
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Seems to be working good so far, the only problems I found is with TweakUI and trying the option to repair associations, it asks for the disk with the service pack. Also sometimes on rebooting I get windows file protection warning.

When it ask for the disk you must point to the \Windows\System\Precopy\SP3.CAB. Then the errors will go away.

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I didn't know it either before starting to read this particular page. It's just 3 entries above the previous one I linked to, in an earlier post.

Granted, it took me a few trials before getting to the correct format, maybe because I was trying to watch a movie on TV at the same time.

Anways, since the explanations are not clear enough, let me put it in my own words:

- folder renaming is done just as any file renaming, through registry keys

- all paths that (may) contains spaces must be enclosed in double quotes

- since at least two entries are required, first one will point to the root of the folder that is to be renamed; second entry will contain old folder name and new folder name

In the following example, Im gonna rename the folder G:\Test folder into G:\Renamed test folder. Note that the main registry key to use is HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles" to which arbitrary names can be added to separate different paths; in this case, the arbitrary name is MyDir.



HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\MyDir",,, "G:"
HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\MyDir", "Test folder",, "Renamed test folder"

For further clarification, to rename the folder C:\Windows\Local Settings\Apps into C:\Windows\Local Settings\My applications, one would use the following keys in the [RegEntries] section above:

HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\MyDir",,, "C:\Windows\Local Settings"
HKLM, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\MyDir", "Apps",, "My applications"

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You're welcome.

I forgot to mention that the LDID (Logical Disk IDentifier) codes must be used for a correct setup in any circumstances. You probably know them already - they're listed on this page, for anyone interested.

For example, instead of "C:\Windows\Local Settings", use "%25%\Local Settings".

Oh and please, as long as the releases are still in experimental stage, don't use the FINAL attribute, because it's misleading and may even get frustrating. I've got about 5 such "FINAL" packages and that's only because I skipped a few other releases; over 30MB of a package is not that small for a limited download quota over a GPRS connection.:}

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Just for a quick reference on what MS says cannot be done to files, using .infs:

Limitations of .inf Files

  • Directories cannot be deleted.
  • Files cannot be moved to a different location when using RenFiles. (The RenFiles command only renames a file in place.)
  • Copies of a file cannot be made. (The CopyFiles command only copies files from the source disk to the destination directory.)

Quoted from this page.

@Drugwash: Your explanations are so much clearer than MS's that I cannot resist asking you to consider writing a full ".inf How to" or Tutorial. Please do consider it. :yes:

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@Drugwash: Your explanations are so much clearer than MS's that I cannot resist asking you to consider writing a full ".inf How to" or Tutorial. Please do consider it. :yes:

Sure, no problem. As soon as MS acknowledge Win98SE as their best OS version ever released. :D

Seriously now, I knew absolutely nothing about inf structure before PROBLEMCHYLD first asked for help here; all I did was read the available documentation, pass it through my logical filter and then use trial'n'error until the outcome was satisfactory. Anyone could do this, time allowing. And for what it's worth, my plate's already overflowing (need a pinch roller and a few other spare parts for an AKAI GX635D that I have to fix for a good friend - any idea?) and there's no help in view; not to mention I'm not getting any younger... ;) I feel honored for the offer, though.

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Ok, Drugwash

I tried you method and, I failed :huh:

Maybe I did something wrong. But this is what I'm trying to do

Add JET40REPL.EXE linked here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321076

but when I add it to my inf, it doesn't create the directory with the long folder name Replication Manager 4.0.

Here is what the the MS original inf file looks like. Please help me when you get some time.

DriverVer=6-19-2003, 4.0.7512.
FriendlyName=Jet 4.0



ID1 = "Jetsetup.cab"
Msft = "Microsoft"
PROGRAMF = "Program files"
COMMON = "Common files"
SHARED = "Microsoft shared"
REPLMAN = "Replication Manager 4.0"








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@Drugwash: Well, I guess it's your logical filter that makes the difference, plus a gist for formulating it clearly. :thumbup

(need a pinch roller and a few other spare parts for an AKAI GX635D that I have to fix for a good friend - any idea?)

Yes, but you won't like the prices... <link> Working with such beautiful vintage sound equipment has its downsides, price being the worst one, you know. :D

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@dencorso: Doin' my best to make myself understood, although I sometimes fail miserably - maybe, maybe, not always my fault.

Auction sites don't quite "like" our area - coulnd't blame them, all in all: we got our bad seeds and unfortunately, wind is blowing them towards the most remote areas of the world. I'd rather have some first-hand contacts to deal with, when possible. But thanks for trying to help.

@PROBLEMCHYLD: The original inf file I can read just fine from the package; yours - the failed attempt - is what I can't see anywhere around. If you'd be so kind as to post it, I or someone else could point you to the bug(s).

Off the top of my head, I could think of some quotes missing from folder name, or some section name missing (CopyFiles=[...], RMDIR in [DefaultInstall], possibly).

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