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why do ppl make viruses?


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Its harder to get something to work then to create a virus to get something not to work. Like its easier to crash a car than to build it. In short, its a way for the almost could haves to deny their miserable puniness. :) Is there really money in it. No.

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Well I use to create viruses, to learn how they work, how they function, and I learned how to avoid such menaces...

Most viruses are for education, but some moronic fool spreads it, and 80% of the time causes havoc in some way or another!

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I'm wondering if there will ever be so many viruses, that one day people will just give up on using the internet or could it be that eventually one day there is so many viruses, that they could destroy the net???

Um, which is it...

WWW World Wide Web or WWV World Wide Viruses??

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Why do people write grafitti or commit other senseless crimes? For notoriety mostly, I think. Some people can create things and those who can't can destroy things.

It's just a fact of life that those who want to have computers must have enough processing power, memory, and programs to protect themselves from the people who would wreak havoc. In the same way that we have lots of people employed, and money invested, in police forces. If there were no criminals in society, and no need to protect ourselves against them, then a lot of people would be unemployed.

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