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so i used xpize on win2k


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Hey that's a good idea. I'll see if I can hack in a quick way for the program to read a command file, like IconViewer -cmdfile=c:\xxxxxx\ivcommands.txt or something like that. Maybe I can get it so the XPize installer can automate the process (or if nothing else, people could do that on their own and point a shortcut to it). I'll also see about adding a menu command so you can select everything in the program and have it automatically generate the command file. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to do.

Has anyone tried this program out yet? So far I'm having good results and I'm able to push XPize farther than it currently goes on Win2k. Now if I can only get XPize to change additional files, like browseui.dll so I can have nicer-looking Explorer toolbar icons...


I've made some additions and uploaded a new version for Ðrзω™ to host when he gets the chance...

- It does a better job of reading icons extracted with ResHacker (ResHacker puts wrong values in some header entries so the program needs to be nimble about it)

- It supports automated execution by running IconViewer -cmdfile=<filename> where <filename> points to a text file.

- Includes IconViewer.txt that shows what the valid automated commands are.

- Added "Tools...Make command file" that will prompt you for a .txt file and will make a sample command file for all files in the list that you have selected. This way, even if the XPize installation doesn't use IconViewer, people can easily automate their own installations (though it works by adding each individual file, whereas using the "addfolder" command in the file would work better for people who add new icons).


Many thanks again to Ðrзω™, for updating the file with the new version (same link as before). One other thing I've found since uploading it is that you don't want to load too many icons at a time or Windows will run out of GDI resources (like that 12mb icon ZIP that was uploaded elsewhere in the forum). I'm working on a version that will scale better, but it will be a while since it means not being able to use any GDI resources. In the meantime, just don't load thousands of icons all at once with this one ;)

Edited by WildBill
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Just a small update...the newest version of IconViewer is 1.2, at the same link as before. It's been available for a few days, but I figured I'd better put up a post about it so people know it's there:

- native support for uncompressed and RLE-8 8bpp compressed .BMPs without using any Windows resources (.ICO files are *always* uncompressed). As a result, scales a lot better (I've successfully loaded over 5300 files with no problems). Other types of .BMP files will still consume resources, but they're a lot more rare.

- better support for some weird .ICO variations and is a lot less likely to write corrupt .ICO files

- fixed lots of crash bugs

- added a progress bar so the program doesn't look like it's simply hanging when it's working

- the status bar shows some useful information

- fixed a bug where the wrong resolution image would show when people click on the icon list below the file list

- since the program doesn't do anything to non-32-bit .BMP files, skips them when saving

- loading .BMPs is a lot faster since no Windows GDI resources are used for the most common types

- stenciling is a lot faster

The link to it is here:


For my own use I touched up the "Windows xp" logon .BMPs so they read "Windows 2000" insstead. I could probably send them to Ðrзω™ to host if people want them, but a cooler solution would be something sort of similar but giving Win2k its own color scheme (maybe a darker blue?) Anyone have an opinion on this?

Edited by WildBill
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I didnt have time to read the whole thread, but if you whoever can tell me that this method makes the XPize installation on Win2000 pleasant and worthy, I will make a sticky for it. Probably, some people is interested on this.

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It works great on my box (Win2k HP laptop) :)

I posted a screenie of it on page 2 of this thread. Has anyone else with Win2k tried this yet? Maybe people with Win2k don't bother to check this thread since it's supposed to be for XP only?

Edited by WildBill
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It works great on my box (Win2k HP laptop) :)

I posted a screenie of it on page 2 of this thread. Has anyone else with Win2k tried this yet? Maybe people with Win2k don't bother to check this thread since it's supposed to be for XP only?

I'm on it...but will not install xpice itself..(working on a minimized W2K) ...is it in any means possible to do the alterations directly on the .dll's that holds the bitmaps and icons?

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  • 2 weeks later...

once upon a time on the msfn board, there was a UA - version to patch the files that wer neaded, so caurse my question is. why this dificult.

just patch the darn files that cant be change from a windows theme file...

and let a file like desktop-architect do the rest..

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  • 5 months later...

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