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After I looking and reading all over the forum I managed to get it working it’s perfects I like to say to all the people who worked hard in developing and improving WPI Well-done and Thanks.

I one question, Where should I put my tweaks.reg file to be installed as the last programe?

My folders tree:








thank again to all.

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dont matter since you use a path to run them .

normally i use a folder called APPlications (near the WPI directory) where i store all my stuff .

if you dont want to copy all to harddisk , use a folder outside of $OEM$ folder

and run them from the CD (isnt normally to copy 200..400 MB to harddisk and after that to run apps who need just 10..30 MB space .)

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dont matter since you use a path to run them .

normally i use a folder called APPlications (near the WPI directory) where i store all my stuff .

if you dont want to copy all to harddisk , use a folder outside of $OEM$ folder

and run them from the CD (isnt normally to copy 200..400 MB to harddisk and after that to run apps who need just 10..30 MB space .)

sorry I didn't get what you mean.

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You are probably using cmdlines.txt to import Windows-specific reg tweaks. I like to take advantage of WPI's awesome features to import program-specific reg tweaks. You can import reg tweaks before (regb) or after (rega) the commands, for example:

prog[pn]=['XP PowerToys']
desc[pn]=['<center><img src="./icons/power.png" width="128" height="128"><br>Useful collection of non-intrusive power user tools.</center>']
cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Programs\\PowerToysXP\\TweakUI.msi /qb']
cmd2[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Programs\\PowerToysXP\\PowerCalcPowertoySetup.exe /s /v/qn']
cmd3[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Programs\\PowerToysXP\\CmdHerePowertoySetup.exe /s /v/qn']
cmd4[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Programs\\PowerToysXP\\TaskswitchPowertoySetup.exe /s /v/qn']
cat[pn]=['Geek Tools']

...or as part of a command line itself:

prog[pn]=['WinZip 9']
desc[pn]=['<center><img src="./icons/Winzip.png" width="128" height="128"><br>An essential tool for creating<br>and opening .ZIP format files.</center>']
cmd2[pn]=['REGEDIT /S %windir%\\Temp\\WinZip.reg']
cmd4[pn]=['\"%programfiles%\\winzip\\winzip32.exe\" /noqp /notip /autoinstall /cleaninstall']
cmd5[pn]=['REGEDIT /S %windir%\\Temp\\WinZip2.reg']

If you have one large reg file, maybe consider adding it to the last item being installed. Hope the examples help.

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@1to1 , maybe you arent so specific with what you want

i understand some , @blinkdt give an answer very documented

with what he understand .

normally all of us as last command we use something called

cleaner , this can be one or more commands (.cmd) , and/or , one or more

set o registry commands (.reg) , for cleaning links , move links , folders...etc

executed like @blinkdt show you in different ways .

be sure that this entry of WPI have the bigger number here

ordr[pn]=[999] <---
to be the last command executed and of course is selected when you run your WPI.

if you can be more specific with what you want ...

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i say the best way is to envok them during cmdlines that way you can create your user accounts before that so all users there after,, will inherit the regtweaks

Please can you explain in easy way for none programer user.

best regards.

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ok here goes

with on your $oem$ directory which should be here


create 3 files

cmdlines.txt this file will automatically be picked up before wpi ever starts it calls out to the 2 files mentioned, it gets executed at the T-12 mark


"REGEDIT /S .\RegTweaks.reg"

useraccounts.cmd this creates the user account with administrative rights


NET USER "xxxx" "" /ADD /COMMENT:"Generated Administrator Account"

NET LOCALGROUP Administrators "xxxx" /ADD



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


;Operating System Tweaks


;Speed up shutdown



;Disables Error Reporting, but notifies when errors occur



and so on and so on

you should really read the unattended guide it should be your first step on any learning process towards the unattended scene


pls read that for any further questions

best of luck.. hope this helps out more

Edited by Lost Soul
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ok here goes

with on your $oem$ directory which should be here


create 3 files

cmdlines.txt this file will automatically be picked up before wpi ever starts it calls out to the 2 files mentioned, it gets executed at the  T-12 mark



"REGEDIT /S .\RegTweaks.reg"

useraccounts.cmd this creates the user account with administrative rights


NET USER "xxxx" "" /ADD /COMMENT:"Generated Administrator Account"

NET LOCALGROUP Administrators "xxxx" /ADD



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


;Operating System Tweaks


;Speed up shutdown



;Disables Error Reporting, but notifies when errors occur



and so on and so on

you should really read the unattended guide it should be your first step on any learning process towards the unattended scene


pls read that for any further questions

best of luck.. hope this helps out more

It's might sound a bit stupid but my problem in which directory should I place the



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ok here goes

with on your $oem$ directory which should be here


create 3 files

cmdlines.txt this file will automatically be picked up before wpi ever starts it calls out to the 2 files mentioned, it gets executed at the  T-12 mark



"REGEDIT /S .\RegTweaks.reg"

useraccounts.cmd this creates the user account with administrative rights


NET USER "xxxx" "" /ADD /COMMENT:"Generated Administrator Account"

NET LOCALGROUP Administrators "xxxx" /ADD



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


;Operating System Tweaks


;Speed up shutdown



;Disables Error Reporting, but notifies when errors occur



and so on and so on

you should really read the unattended guide it should be your first step on any learning process towards the unattended scene


pls read that for any further questions

best of luck.. hope this helps out more

It's might sound a bit stupid but my problem in which directory should I place the



reread my post it has the answer to your question you just asked , all 3 files go in the same folder

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