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Microsoft Update - Genuine Windows Validation Tool

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unattended install method(somebody say it's children method) :

1.download KB892130

2.extract KB892130 you will have 2 files=LegitCheckControl.msi &Setup.exe

3.REG ADD %KEY%\060 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\INSTALL\Update\WGA\LegitCheckControl.msi" /f

integrate method(somebody say it's big boy method) :

1.download LegitCheckControl.cab

2.extract LegitCheckControl.cab you will get LegitCheckControl.dll & GWFSPIDGen.dll & LegitCheckControl.inf

3.add LegitCheckControl.dll & GWFSPIDGen.dll into $OEM$\$$\System32\

4.regsvr32.exe /S %SystemRoot%\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll

Two methods run OK

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and now Windows update seems broken....

Not sure what you mean, as there where some problems with the Windows Update site itself today. The "big boy method" described by hsu22 works fine from here.

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I happened up at the windows update site this past saturday, august 6, 2005 and was made to install the genuine windows validation tool in order to be able to use windows updates again lol as if i really love taking a chance at their updates although at the same time i have to have most of them ...

ok so i did this and when i ran scan disk for errors today i had a lot of corrupted files. i run scan disk for errors every three days and this windows installation was the only thing done out of the ordinary to my system since my last scan disk ran.

well i have a program that i am in and it wasnt working properly so i contacted their support and they had me send in my log to do with the program and then they informed me that my directx was corrupt and directed me to the microsoft site to reinstall my directx 90c endtime whatever ... so i did that ...

the program still wasnt working correctly so i did start to run typed in dxdiag and when that came up it gave three messages stating that d3d8thk.dll and mscat.dll and MSCAT.dll were invalid windows images and to please check this against my installatin diskette ... well i installed this from microsoft website lol so like ok what to do now lol ... i reinstalled directx once again but still all the same stuff happened ...

ok not wishing to have to call dell cuz for one thing that could take forever for another thing i am not in the mood to get ten different people telling me fifty different things to do and i am not in the mood to reinstall my windows cd either like i wanted this fixed and fixed now and as simple as possibly could be done ...

so i did search on the internet and found in a forum where someone had corrupt dll files, not the same as mine but still i felt the information might be helpful so i read that forum and a woman was saying how she ran sfc and it fixed her corrupt files ... not knowing what sfc is i then did an online search for sfc and found out that that is on my system and can fix corrupt files ...

so i went to start to run typed in sfc /scannow and let it scan and it got done and the window disappeared and i sat here for a few minutes thinkin ok are you done like what you aint gonna give me a box stating that ya did anything for me lmao ... and yeah exactly that lolol ...

ok so then i went to start to run typed in dxdiag and all went ok no error messages and i logged onto my program that requires directx and it is back to normal ...

now i have said all of this to try to see if anyone else has had this stupid genuine windows validation tool that was forced upon them to corrupt system files and whatever all else it corrupted that my scan disk had to straighten out and i wrote down all of the darn corrupted mess and i thought about sending email to microsoft to ask them do they ever intend to stop messing up my computer with their whimsical ideas but that would be of no use because they will never admit that what they do does in fact harm others systems from time to time ...

i am so sick of microsoft and their determination to sabotage my system and before sp2 i had my system set up to auto d/l and install windows updates and it put sp2 on my system of which messed up my system and i had to uninstall it and then fix the mess it made messing up my system and now i have windows updates set to only inform me that there are updates so that i can then go do a custom install in order to make sure sp2 never gets placed onto my system again but this validation tool is a requirement like no options to it and i dont appreciate microsoft forcing me to install something that harmed my system and i am really rather sick of their careless antics !!! i have come to feel as if microsoft is the only virus one cannot avoid and the only virus one cannot get rid of permanently !!!!

Edited by Cherry
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I tried inyegrating the Advantage Genuine NOT unattended install method.

I've downloaded KB892130 ,extracted LegitCheckControl.msi and installed (launched) LegitCheckControl.msi

I checked my registry entry as recommended by RogueSpear

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700}]
"Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000400

I can't find {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} key.

Then I tested the second method

1.download LegitCheckControl.cab

2.extract LegitCheckControl.cab you will get LegitCheckControl.dll & GWFSPIDGen.dll & LegitCheckControl.inf

3.add LegitCheckControl.dll & GWFSPIDGen.dll into C:\WINDOWS\System32\

4.regsvr32.exe /S C:\WINDOWS\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll

I checked again my registry entry ... No chance to find {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} key.

In fact this registry entry is the clsid in the [LegitCheckControl.DLL] section into LegitCheckControl.inf

Why i can't find that registry entry???

Do I did something wrong???



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[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700}]
"Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000400

I can't find {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} key.

Why i can't find that registry entry???

Create it! It set the prevent run flag for such ActiveX control.
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I tried inyegrating the Advantage Genuine NOT unattended install method.

I've downloaded KB892130 ,extracted LegitCheckControl.msi and installed (launched) LegitCheckControl.msi

I checked my registry entry as recommended by RogueSpear

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700}]
"Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000400

I can't find {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} key.

Then I tested the second method

1.download LegitCheckControl.cab

2.extract LegitCheckControl.cab you will get LegitCheckControl.dll & GWFSPIDGen.dll & LegitCheckControl.inf

3.add LegitCheckControl.dll & GWFSPIDGen.dll into C:\WINDOWS\System32\

4.regsvr32.exe /S C:\WINDOWS\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll

I checked again my registry entry ... No chance to find {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} key.

In fact this registry entry is the clsid in the [LegitCheckControl.DLL] section into LegitCheckControl.inf

Why i can't find that registry entry???

Do I did something wrong???



The Registry Entry only gets created when you disable the Active X Add-On

To create the entry.

Load Internet Explorer


Manage Add-Ons

Look for Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA)

Click box to disable (under Settings)

If you don't see WGA, then click Show and select alternate option

Now check your registry and you will see that the entries are created.

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TNX all

@Gee: I tested yr method on 2 PC's, i could disable the WGA in "Manage Add-Ons" BUT can't get it writen in the registry.

@Nilfred: Saved it as WGA.reg and launched it... IT WORKS :thumbup

BTW on one of my PC's, the "Automatic Updates" is disabled and grey. I'm not enable to select anything. (see image bellow).


Is there anyhow to reactivate my Automatic updates???



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