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I like old fashioned things - like swing, nature, humanity & love ;o]

Albert Mair (1941) & Rens Newland (1953) - Ich kenn' ein kleines Wegerl im Helenental (AT 2003)

Willi Forst (1903-1980) & Michael Jary (1906-1988) - Ich kenn ein kleines Wegerl im Helenental (AT 1942)

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Musikkapelle Fischbachau: Sisi, Franz and lots of music


The musicians of the Fischbachau music band served up a good mood and lots of music at their autumn concerts. Even Sisi and Franz were there this time.



– Once again, the Fischbachau music band played twice in a row on Sunday and Monday for the traditional autumn concert in the monastery hall – to a full house and in a great atmosphere.

This year we went to Vienna, the Eldorado for cultivated and lively music for wind orchestras.

But it didn't just stop with music and a mere sequence of pieces, there was also a scenic comedic part.

First chairman Georg Gasteiger promised the traditional "autumn of brass music" after a two-year dry spell - not completely, as there was an online concert two years ago and last year a small open-air concert - an event with the title "live, genuine and honest".

That was true: carefully and with a steady hand, led by conductor Klaus Taubenberger, the 40-strong band offered a smart concert evening full of Viennese musical delicacies.

Announcer Andreas Estner combined these with his informative and humorous moderation texts to form a successful whole.

"Here we go" was the name of the opening piece, a march by Siegfried Rundel, before Estner named an advantage of the mask requirement.

An elderly lady confessed to him: "Now ko ma aa amoi without teeth, let's go!" In such a humorous mood, the moderator kidnapped the audience to Schönbrunn, Grinzing, to the Prater and to the days of Sisi and Franz -Polka" by Johann Strauss (son) are not missing.

The brass band presented them snappy and jagged and immediately followed with the lush concert waltz "Roses from the South".

"Please, thank you, everything waltzes," Estner said before "perhaps the most beautiful music of all time".

After the march "Vienna remains Vienna" by Johann Schrammel, which was performed in an unusual instrumentation with transverse flute, bass clarinet and three "normal" clarinets,

A feature of the autumn concert is that it sometimes works with smaller casts and ties a "colorful bouquet" of music and a bit of entertainment.

The band then also played in smaller formations, for example in Wilhelm August Jurek's "Deutschmeister Regimentsmarsch", as a six-piece music, as a dance music or Schrammelmusi with "Heit kemman d'Engerl auf Urlaub nach Wien".

Hans Estner convinced as a soloist on the trombone in "Bbrennende Herzen".

In addition, announcer Andreas Estner repeatedly provided historical information about social life, the relationship between the imperial couple, the conditions in Vienna at the time and the cross-connections to Bavaria.

But there was also plenty of acting, Viennese spoken and the Sisi-Franzl cliché served.

Because in impressive costumes, with a real carriage and a lovingly built Ferris wheel as a stage set, between the pieces of music and above all in a large scene, the following appeared again and again: Duke Max in Bavaria, the court marshal, a carriage driver and, of course, Empress Sisi and Emperor Franz. Together In the Viennese dialect, they provided all sorts of slapstick and good humor for the audience, who were once again musically richly gifted by Klaus Taubenberger and his musicians with the powerful "Radetzky March".

- by Reinhold Schmidt

Here: https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-11-02-musikkapelle-fischbachau--sisi--franz-and-lots-of-music.HJGRkItkHs.html

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