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Jimmy Buffett - Come Monday (USA 1974)

Donny & Marie Osmond - I'm leaving it all up to you (USA 1974)

Jimmy Buffett - Pencil Thin Mustache (USA 1974)

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On 6/30/2022 at 2:13 PM, D.Draker said:

Depeche Mode - 1990 Enjoy The Silence [CD Single, Great Britain]/ Nice remixes.


Hi there @D.Draker I also enjoy that song and some of the remixed depending on what I'm expecting. Sometimes getting lost in a remix is needed for me. Sometimes takes me to good place and other times not so good. Anyways, just thought I'd ask you as you've still been posting as have it. Where the heck did everybody go? Even a gentleman I've been following for years here completely ignored me the other day, but I'm no losing sleep, least not over that. Ha :) I don't know, insomnia city lately and wake up wrecked from nightmares. Medication is awful, but another story.

I'd hate to see this great forum go quiet and the other XP forum I'm on is also very quiet, as well.

Just thought I'd ask you and hope you're managing well nowadays and take good care. No need to reply if you don't want to.


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Hi ! Yeah , a good song indeed , the early 90's is my favourite time. I don't know about the States , but we had lots of dancing stages here , even at stadiums .

And in Europe, all over Europe, open air dancing parties were pretty popular in that period.

Where the heck did everybody go? There are several possibilities . 

1st - It's just summer . (hellish heat, folks are tired)

2nd -  vacations, went to the islands.

3rd - Generations of PC enthusiasts are gone and what we saw in the last 10 years were the last ones.

4th - Went to fight the commies , there's a good chance to kick their arse now in real time . 

I'm going there for my second time, in August I think , so expect no posts from me either . 

Though, I'm still not 100% decided . On one hand it's kind of another hobby of mine and is very 

pleasant (yet dangerous!) , on the other - I've already been there recently and now I hacked these 

new nVidia drivers for Vista so maybe I'm gonna stay to play and the commies would have to wait.

It's too hot there now anyways. Hot , I mean the weather. What pleasure it would be, if you sweat all the time ? I don't like to sweat .

I'd say the perfect time would be in October . In November maybe already too cold to sleep in the forests or empty houses during nights . 


Thank you for worrying . I 'm fine , how are you ? Why would I not want to reply to you ? 

You're a nice fella .




I don't work for propaganda and NOT suggesting any members to go anywhere and risk their life. Must be your own choice.

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7 hours ago, XPerceniol said:


I love nightmares. I feed from them. Food for my brain. I learned how to make them useful. I now even find them amusing. It all started in the early 80's when the russkies were threatening to kill us with an atomic bomb . Just like now , just like they always do .  I was still a child so I was frightened then . So I decided to join the military and deal with 'em. 


Some might assume I have a disorder, no I don't . I passed all checks when joining the military, even though I was already enjoying my nightmares.

My motto . A good nightmare this night makes your whole new day interesting.


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Will definitely reply is detail later. Touched on so many topics that perked me up.

Lol ... right after posting some came back and even a few new people joined. Ha :)


3rd - Generations of PC enthusiasts are gone and what we saw in the last 10 years were the last ones.

Hate to say it, but I agree on that.

Gosh, the clubs in the 90. Good grief I was always out dancing in the village (every weekend and up till closing at 4am, sometimes not good) and sometimes RI and NY mostly, anybody could call me and I"d pick up. I was social (very social, but always nervous) and just me and free and people that knew me just 'got me'. Now I'm agoraphobic and had anybody told me this would be the case, I'd laughed at them - I'm not even 1/2 the man I once was. Happy to be in bed by 10PM.

Was going to keep writing but will just post this and the keylogger will record what I hid 'backspace' on and deleted. Haha...


Thank you for worrying . I 'm fine , how are you ? Why would I not want to reply to you ? 

That's good and you sound charged. Me, I don't know, doing terrible, I guess but powering through. Just glad it was quiet here as I was expecting worse. Glad to be alone, actually, I don't know.

Will try to find some good music.

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9 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

1 - Will definitely reply is detail later. Touched on so many topics that perked me up.

2 - Lol ... right after posting some came back and even a few new people joined. Ha :)

3 - Was going to keep writing but will just post this and the keylogger will record what I hid 'backspace' on and deleted. Haha...

4 - That's good and you sound charged. Me, I don't know, doing terrible, I guess but powering through. Just glad it was quiet here as I was expecting worse. Glad to be alone, actually, I don't know.

5 - Will try to find some good music.

1 - OK , no hurry.

2- Those are just ghosts , like the ghost of Dixel, for example. I still feel like he's here .

3 - Yeah , the dreaded keylogger remembers everything ! Type in a wordpad and then paste, maybe ?

4 - Thank you ! Terrible ? Please try to rest , distract yourself , take your time.

5 - How 'bout Rockets ? 1976-1982 would be good.

Anyways , no hurry to reply at all.

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a typo
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On 7/3/2022 at 2:19 PM, D.Draker said:

4 - Thank you ! Terrible ? Please try to rest , distract yourself , take your time.

Music is such a nice distraction from the madness to which I (heavily) rely nowadays. 

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