cyberloner Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 your problem could be Symantec AntiVirus.msiren the file name to sav.msi maybe help it's doing the same thing I renamed the file to sav.msi and its still opening a blank command window. This is the code I used.START /WAIT "%CDROM%\Apps\Applications\SAV10\sav.msi /passive RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS"Whats going on?? START /WAIT "%CDROM%\\Apps\\Applications\\SAV10\\sav.msi /passive RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS"add double slash see.... \\ my codeSAV\\sav.msi /passive RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS
atomicrabbit Posted July 17, 2006 Posted July 17, 2006 can anyone help me with this problem?? Is anyone experienceing the same problem??
Shark007 Posted July 17, 2006 Author Posted July 17, 2006 Hi all, I am trying to install sav 10 ce using the method explained by shark, but for some reason I am getting an error saying that "/passive" is an invalid switch... this is the code im using to run the installer:START /WAIT "%CDROM%\I386\SVCPACK\Install\Applications\SAV10\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" /passive RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESSAny ideas?? Please advice! TIA!!1st of all, my instruction applied to a Corporate version, you are using CE.2nd, the /passive switch requires windows installer 3.0 or greater. If the passive switch isnt accepted by whatever version of windows you are using, try /qb as a replacement.3rd, I stopped using Symantec because, in my experience, it was a resource hog i could do without. I've personally switched to NOD32 for my antivirus needs.shark
1chaoticadult Posted July 17, 2006 Posted July 17, 2006 Hi all, I am trying to install sav 10 ce using the method explained by shark, but for some reason I am getting an error saying that "/passive" is an invalid switch... this is the code im using to run the installer:START /WAIT "%CDROM%\I386\SVCPACK\Install\Applications\SAV10\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" /passive RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESSAny ideas?? Please advice! TIA!!1st of all, my instruction applied to a Corporate version, you are using CE.2nd, the /passive switch requires windows installer 3.0 or greater. If the passive switch isnt accepted by whatever version of windows you are using, try /qb as a replacement.3rd, I stopped using Symantec because, in my experience, it was a resource hog i could do without. I've personally switched to NOD32 for my antivirus needs.sharkShark you said symantec was resource hog. I failed to see this. Could you explain this a little more? I'm just curious.
PP the sailor Posted July 17, 2006 Posted July 17, 2006 /passive RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS anyone have any experience if this switch will also work for Symantec Client Security?
cyberloner Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 i change my av with kaspersky now.... bye bye symantec ... give chance to use with this av after norton 2005 cause 2006 sux...but symantec av or system security is a failure after all ............detect less... and keep detect the file that is not a virus such as on spyware also let it install .... firewall that block my msn .... a lot problems than help me........... slow down my system even more....
Shark007 Posted July 19, 2006 Author Posted July 19, 2006 Shark you said symantec was resource hog. I failed to see this. Could you explain this a little more? I'm just curious.ok, i'll try. resource hog is probabably not the correct term.. I do an extreme amount of file move / copy / delete operations, and this type of activity seemed slow. once i killed the symantec real time proccesses , this again went smoothly. since i switched to NOD32, i dont expererience these slowdowns which to me, were very annoying. I wont go back to symantec simply because i am quite pleased with NOD32's performance and ability, which, in my opinion, matches symantecs.shark
Sunil Posted July 20, 2006 Posted July 20, 2006 pretty good post... Unattended dvds saved me a bunch of time while i was doing my final projectSunil
imdos Posted October 9, 2006 Posted October 9, 2006 I have modified the script from jftuga to my own needs. This is for Linux and Unices only at the moment. You could compare it with the script from jftuga which works on Windows.#!/usr/bin/python"""Version 1.02Symantec Antivirus 8.x, 9.x, 10.x Coporate Edition XDB Definition UpdaterMar-17-2005-John TaylorModified by Sander Nieuwenhuizen @ Sep-27-2006Automatically updates XDB virus definitions from Symantec's web site.The program checks if the download directory exists. Otherwise it will create the directory from AVPATH.Checks if it already has downloaded the latest version.If you would like you could modify the variables WEBPAGE, TMPPATH and AVPATH"""WEBPAGE=""TMPPATH=r'/tmp/'AVPATH=r'/install/packages/sav-9.0/update/'"""DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE !!!!"""import sys,re,urllib,urllib2,md5,os.path,os,shutil,time,glob,errnoURLRE = re.compile("""href="(*?)">""",re.IGNORECASE)MD5RE = re.compile("""href="/avcenter/refa.html#md5">MD5</a>:(.*?)<a""",re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)#############################################################################################def _mkdir(newdir): """works the way a good mkdir should :) - already exists, silently complete - regular file in the way, raise an exception - parent directory(ies) does not exist, make them as well """ if os.path.isdir(newdir): pass elif os.path.isfile(newdir): raise OSError("a file with the same name as the desired " \ "dir, '%s', already exists." % newdir) else: head, tail = os.path.split(newdir) if head and not os.path.isdir(head): _mkdir(head) #print "_mkdir %s" % repr(newdir) if tail: os.mkdir(newdir)def main(): _mkdir(AVPATH) print print "Retrieving:" print WEBPAGE local_only = 0 # Just for script development & debugging def_file = None if 1 != local_only: try: url = urllib2.urlopen( WEBPAGE ) page = except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print print e print sys.exit() except: print print "Error retrieving url:", WEBPAGE print sys.exit() data = page.split() for line in data: match = URLRE.match(line) if None != match: def_file_url = break print print "def_file_url:", def_file_url slots = def_file_url.split( "/" ) def_file = slots[-1:][0] test_file = def_file def_file = TMPPATH + def_file print "def_file:", def_file match = md5sum = match.groups(1)[0].strip() print "md5sum:", md5sum if os.path.isfile( AVPATH + test_file): print print "File already exists:", test_file, "@", AVPATH print print "Program is exiting" print sys.exit() print if os.path.isfile( def_file ): print "File already exists:", def_file print "Deleting." os.unlink( def_file ) print "Downloading:", def_file_url urllib.urlretrieve( def_file_url, def_file ) else: # Just for debugging def_file = "vd1cd412.xdb" md5sum="52D5B99589D4D2C01E4E29A2ED2EC3B4" print "Checking md5:", fp = open(def_file,"rb") def_file_data = fp.close() m = m.update( def_file_data ) digest = m.hexdigest().upper() print digest if digest == md5sum: print "MD5 Hashes match." else: print "MD5 Hashes DO NOT MATCH." print "\t expected: ", md5sum print "\t received: ", digest sys.exit() # remove any older .xdb files old_xdb_list = AVPATH + r'*.xdb' rm_list = glob.glob( old_xdb_list ) if len(rm_list) > 0: for fname in rm_list: try: print "Removing old .xdb file:", fname os.remove( fname ) except IOError, e: print "IO Error:", e print "While attempting to remove %s" % ( fname ) print # move def file to it's final destination try: shutil.move(def_file, AVPATH) time.sleep(2) except IOError, e: print "IO Error:", e print "While attempting to move %s to %s" % (def_file,AVPATH) print except: print "Unknown error while attempting to move %s to %s" % (def_file,AVPATH) print print print "Program finished!" print#############################################################################################main()# End of ScriptThe author of this script is John Taylor as mentioned above i only modified it to my needs. You may modify it to your own needs. And don't blame me if it won't work on your system.
Bilou_Gateux Posted October 14, 2006 Posted October 14, 2006 Updating Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition virus definitions without using LiveUpdateWindows XDBdown.cmd script@set COPY_XDB_TO="c:\Program Files\SAV\"@set RAPIDRELEASE=0@set XDBTEMP=%temp%@rem ==============================================================================================@rem Set RAPIDRELEASE=1 to download repidrelease definitions, RAPIDRELEASE=0 for fully QA'd definitions (standard).@rem Change COPY_XDB_TO= to point to the SAV CE server directory (or where you want the XDB file copied)@rem you can also run the script directly from the SAV folder and it will copy the definitions there.@rem XDBTEMP is the temp folder the script will use while downloading definitions, set to %temp% to use system default@rem ==============================================================================================@rem Script for downloading virus definition updates for@rem Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition version 8.x and 9.x@rem This unsupported utility is provided for your convenience only.@rem Symantec Technical Support cannot provide support for the creation,@rem use, or troubleshooting of Windows scripts.@rem ==============================================================================================@echo offrem ========= check that OS is win2k or better ============if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto BADOSif "%APPDATA%" == "" goto BADOSrem ========= make sure to be in script directory ============if exist rtvscan.exe set COPY_XDB_TO=%CD%for %%i in (%0) do @%%~difor %%i in (%0) do @cd %%~piif exist rtvscan.exe set COPY_XDB_TO=%CD%rem =========== get name/size of last file from "xdbdown.lastfile" ============if not exist xdbdown.lastfile goto NOLASTfor /f "tokens=1" %%f in (xdbdown.lastfile) do set lastfile=%%ffor /f "tokens=2" %%f in (xdbdown.lastfile) do set lastsize=%%f:NOLASTrem ========= jump to temp dir ============if not exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp" md "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp"if exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\*.xdb" del "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\*.xdb"pushd "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp"rem =========== make ftp script for checking xdb directory on ftp ===========echo open> check.txtecho anonymous>> check.txtecho>> check.txtset xdbfolder=xdbif "%RAPIDRELEASE%" == "1" set xdbfolder=rapidreleaseecho cd AVDEFS/norton_antivirus/%xdbfolder%>> check.txtecho dir *.xdb chk.lst>> check.txtecho bye>> check.txtrem =========== get filename and size from ftp ============if exist chk.lst del chk.lstftp -s:check.txtif not exist chk.lst goto ERRORfor /f "tokens=9" %%f in (chk.lst) do set xdbfile=%%ffor /f "tokens=5" %%f in (chk.lst) do set xdbsize=%%fif "%xdbfile%" == "" goto ERRORif "%xdbsize%" == "" goto ERRORrem =========== compare ftp name/size to local ============if not "%xdbfile%" == "%lastfile%" goto DOWNLOADif not "%xdbsize%" == "%lastsize%" goto DOWNLOADpopdecho.echo Already downloaded latest %xdbfolder% file: %xdbfile% - size %xdbsize%echo %date% %time% Already downloaded latest %xdbfolder% file: %xdbfile% - size %xdbsize% >> XDBdown.loggoto END:DOWNLOADrem ========= make ftp script for downloading new xdb file =========echo open> down.txtecho anonymous>> down.txtecho>> down.txtecho cd AVDEFS/norton_antivirus/%xdbfolder%>> down.txtecho bin>> down.txtecho hash>> down.txtecho get %xdbfile%>> down.txtecho bye>> down.txtrem ============= download new file =================ftp -s:down.txtfor %%i in (%xdbfile%) do @set newsize=%%~ziif not "%newsize%" == "%xdbsize%" goto ERRORmove %xdbfile% %COPY_XDB_TO%if exist %xdbfile% goto ERRORMOVEpopdecho.echo %xdbfile% %xdbsize% > xdbdown.lastfileecho Downloaded new %xdbfolder% file: %xdbfile% - size %xdbsize%echo %date% %time% Downloaded new %xdbfolder% file: %xdbfile% - size %xdbsize% >> XDBdown.loggoto END:ERRORpopdecho.echo ERROR: problem downloading %xdbfolder% definition file. xdbfile=%xdbfile% xdbsize=%xdbsize% newsize=%newsize% (lastfile=%lastfile% lastsize=%lastsize%).echo %date% %time% ERROR: problem downloading %xdbfolder% definition file. xdbfile=%xdbfile% xdbsize=%xdbsize% newsize=%newsize% (lastfile=%lastfile% lastsize=%lastsize%). >> XDBdown.logtype "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\chk.lst" >> XDBdown.logecho. >> XDBdown.loggoto END:ERRORMOVEpopdecho.echo ERROR: problem moving definition file to SAV folder. COPY_XDB_TO=%COPY_XDB_TO% newsize=%newsize% (lastfile=%lastfile% lastsize=%lastsize%).echo %date% %time% ERROR: problem moving definition file to SAV folder. COPY_XDB_TO=%COPY_XDB_TO% newsize=%newsize% (lastfile=%lastfile% lastsize=%lastsize%). >> XDBdown.loggoto END:BADOSecho.echo ERROR: this script needs Windows 2000 or better.echo %date% %time% ERROR: this script needs Windows 2000 or better. >> XDBdown.loggoto END:ENDif exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\check.txt" del "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\check.txt"if exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\down.txt" del "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\down.txt"if exist "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\chk.lst" del "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp\chk.lst"rd "%XDBTEMP%\xdbtmp"set COPY_XDB_TO=set RAPIDRELEASE=set lastsize=set lastfile=set newsize=set xdbsize=set xdbfile=set xdbfolder=set xdbtemp=
1chaoticadult Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 Shark you said symantec was resource hog. I failed to see this. Could you explain this a little more? I'm just curious.ok, i'll try. resource hog is probabably not the correct term.. I do an extreme amount of file move / copy / delete operations, and this type of activity seemed slow. once i killed the symantec real time proccesses , this again went smoothly. since i switched to NOD32, i dont expererience these slowdowns which to me, were very annoying. I wont go back to symantec simply because i am quite pleased with NOD32's performance and ability, which, in my opinion, matches symantecs.sharkI switched to NOD32. Alot better than Symantec. I now see why u switched.
mazin Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 (edited) can anyone help me with this problem?? Is anyone experienceing the same problem??I've just started to read this topic, to see if there's something new that I could play with, since I've already had SAV 10!I can't see what's new here. Silent switches I used for SAV 9 are what I use for 10.They are the same: /QB RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=ReallySuppressSo, what's different here from the other 13-page thread? @ atomicrabbitIf you haven't got a solution yet, this works for me:START "" /WAIT "%CDROM%\Apps\Applications\SAV10\sav.msi" /QB RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=ReallySuppressIt's exactly the same line I used for SAV 9! Edited October 18, 2006 by mazin
owikh84 Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 but the autoupdate still pop up after installation completed...
Floppy Posted November 10, 2006 Posted November 10, 2006 HeyDoes anbody know the size of SymantecAntiVirus 10.1.5.My old 10.0.1 was 210Mb, but the one I got now (10.1.5) is about 28Mb
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