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Everything posted by imdos

  1. I have modified the script from jftuga to my own needs. This is for Linux and Unices only at the moment. You could compare it with the script from jftuga which works on Windows. #!/usr/bin/python """ Version 1.02 Symantec Antivirus 8.x, 9.x, 10.x Coporate Edition XDB Definition Updater Mar-17-2005 -John Taylor Modified by Sander Nieuwenhuizen @ Sep-27-2006 Automatically updates XDB virus definitions from Symantec's web site. The program checks if the download directory exists. Otherwise it will create the directory from AVPATH. Checks if it already has downloaded the latest version. If you would like you could modify the variables WEBPAGE, TMPPATH and AVPATH """ WEBPAGE="http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/download/pages/US-SAVCE.html" TMPPATH=r'/tmp/' AVPATH=r'/install/packages/sav-9.0/update/' """ DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE !!!! """ import sys,re,urllib,urllib2,md5,os.path,os,shutil,time,glob,errno URLRE = re.compile("""href="(http://definitions.symantec.com/defs/xdb/.*?)">""",re.IGNORECASE) MD5RE = re.compile("""href="/avcenter/refa.html#md5">MD5</a>:(.*?)<a""",re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE) ############################################################################################# def _mkdir(newdir): """works the way a good mkdir should :) - already exists, silently complete - regular file in the way, raise an exception - parent directory(ies) does not exist, make them as well """ if os.path.isdir(newdir): pass elif os.path.isfile(newdir): raise OSError("a file with the same name as the desired " \ "dir, '%s', already exists." % newdir) else: head, tail = os.path.split(newdir) if head and not os.path.isdir(head): _mkdir(head) #print "_mkdir %s" % repr(newdir) if tail: os.mkdir(newdir) def main(): _mkdir(AVPATH) print print "Retrieving:" print WEBPAGE local_only = 0 # Just for script development & debugging def_file = None if 1 != local_only: try: url = urllib2.urlopen( WEBPAGE ) page = url.read() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print print e print sys.exit() except: print print "Error retrieving url:", WEBPAGE print sys.exit() data = page.split() for line in data: match = URLRE.match(line) if None != match: def_file_url = match.group(1) break print print "def_file_url:", def_file_url slots = def_file_url.split( "/" ) def_file = slots[-1:][0] test_file = def_file def_file = TMPPATH + def_file print "def_file:", def_file match = MD5RE.search(page) md5sum = match.groups(1)[0].strip() print "md5sum:", md5sum if os.path.isfile( AVPATH + test_file): print print "File already exists:", test_file, "@", AVPATH print print "Program is exiting" print sys.exit() print if os.path.isfile( def_file ): print "File already exists:", def_file print "Deleting." os.unlink( def_file ) print "Downloading:", def_file_url urllib.urlretrieve( def_file_url, def_file ) else: # Just for debugging def_file = "vd1cd412.xdb" md5sum="52D5B99589D4D2C01E4E29A2ED2EC3B4" print "Checking md5:", fp = open(def_file,"rb") def_file_data = fp.read() fp.close() m = md5.new() m.update( def_file_data ) digest = m.hexdigest().upper() print digest if digest == md5sum: print "MD5 Hashes match." else: print "MD5 Hashes DO NOT MATCH." print "\t expected: ", md5sum print "\t received: ", digest sys.exit() # remove any older .xdb files old_xdb_list = AVPATH + r'*.xdb' rm_list = glob.glob( old_xdb_list ) if len(rm_list) > 0: for fname in rm_list: try: print "Removing old .xdb file:", fname os.remove( fname ) except IOError, e: print "IO Error:", e print "While attempting to remove %s" % ( fname ) print # move def file to it's final destination try: shutil.move(def_file, AVPATH) time.sleep(2) except IOError, e: print "IO Error:", e print "While attempting to move %s to %s" % (def_file,AVPATH) print except: print "Unknown error while attempting to move %s to %s" % (def_file,AVPATH) print print print "Program finished!" print ############################################################################################# main() # End of Script The author of this script is John Taylor as mentioned above i only modified it to my needs. You may modify it to your own needs. And don't blame me if it won't work on your system.
  2. This is just a copy and paste of a post from Admin <unattended-info@internode.com.au>. He has posted it to the unattended mailinglist a week ago. -------------------------------- There are 3 methods for Bashrat's driverpacks. 1 and 3 use the uber-long OemPnPDriversPath which breaks with the 16bit winnt.exe However, there is method 2, which unpacks the drivers from the .7z files after the 16bit installer stage. Here's how you do it with unattended. o Create a method 2 patched version of winxp (this integrates the mass storage drivers so you don't have to fuss with textmode stuff yourself). Enable ktd (since this install will look in c:\d for the unpacked versions of the drivers if you change hardware) o copy the windows installation directory to your unattended os directory cd /path/to/unattended/install/tools/ ./lower-caseify.pl /path/to/unattended/install/os/winxpsp2 cd /path/to/unattended/install/os/winxpsp2/i386 ln -s ../\$oem\$ \$oem\$ cd \$oem\$/\$1 ln -s ../../oem cd d ln -s setupcopyoeminf.exe scoeminf.exe ln -s watchdriversigningpolicy.exe dspolicy.exe sed -e 's/SetupCopyOEMInf.exe/scoeminf.exe/g' \ -e 's/WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe/dspolicy.exe/g' \ -e 's/SetDevicePath.exe/setdpath.exe/g' \ < bts_dps_finish.cmd > bdfinish.cmd unix2dos bdfinish.cmd chmod 644 bdfinish.cmd cd ../../../../i386 sed -e 's/WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe/dspolicy.exe/g' \ -e 's/SetDevicePath.exe/setdpath.exe/g' \ -e 's/DriverPack_/DP_/g' \ -i presetup.cmd cd ../oem mv *_chipset*.7z DP_chp.7z mv *_cpu*.7z DP_cpu.7z mv *_graphics_a*.7z DP_g_a.7z mv *_graphics_b*.7z DP_g_b.7z mv *_graphics_c*.7z DP_g_c.7z mv *_lan*.7z DP_lan.7z mv *_massstorage*.7z DP_ms.7z mv *_sound_a*.7z DP_s_a.7z mv *_sound_b*.7z DP_s_b.7z mv *_wlan*.7z DP_wlan.7z cd bin ln -s setdevicepath.ex setdpath.exe ln -s watchdriversigningpolicy.exe dspolicy.exe UNATTEND.TXT: [Data] MsDosInitiated = "0" [unattended] OemPreinstall = "Yes" [GuiRunOnce] ; Command which runs after OS installation finishes Command0 = "%SystemDrive%\D\bdfinish.cmd" Command1 = "C:\netinst\mapznrun.bat C:\netinst\postinst.bat" the symlinks are because the dos installer can't read beyond 8.3 filenames ditto for renaming the .7z and .exe files you can rename instead of using symlinks if you like. There is a bug that causes a bsod loop the first time the machine boots after graphics setup mode (or maybe before - can't remember exactly. It happened on nforce and v20z platforms for me). If someone knows how to disable the winxp bsod instant auto-reboot functionality via unattend.txt so i can see the stop code I'd be interested). Anyway, just boot into safe mode and windows will detect and load some driver then ask to reboot. It should be fine from there on. Admin. --------------------------------
  3. It works with all versions of XP. Actually i test it on a home edition and that works fine
  4. What would be wrong with sourceforge.net they have unlimited bandwith and are fast and afaik free. Then there would be mirrors over the whole world also I actually don't know what license you have to sign but it might a good alternative / the best solution (choose the right one)
  5. Actually it's a perl thingie from unattended.sf.net which automatically adds all directories to the path. So it is an enormous line with 1024+ characters, but it doesn't seem to hurt. Afterwards the oeminf executable also runs so it should make a differance right?
  6. i did have farious problems, first i tryed method 2; but now i use method 1 with ktd. Have added all drivers and oeminf loads perfectly. I use winnt.exe (remote network installation) and my installation doesn't stalls anymore Apparently for the robocopy bug with method 1 not copying cabfiles_m1.cmd i am fine.
  7. bashrat; i finally managed to get the whole thingy working. I don't have any hardware in my testmachine that is supported; but if i see the setupcopyoeminf running i imagine that it is working ?
  8. It is pretty strange i must admit, but if i remove them, my error is gone. Also i noticed that in the slipstreamer.cmd it was only used once (especially during my error) afaik. hth
  9. @bts; i found the error with the CABfiles_M1.CMD it seems that in the slipstreamer underneath the cabbing entry REM ### Cabs all driver files. ### ATTRIB -R -S /S /D %FOLDER%\DPfiles ROBOCOPY "%FOLDER%\M1" "%CD%" CABfiles_M1.cmd /MOV %RS% >NUL START /WAIT CABfiles_M1.cmd DEL /Q CABfiles_M1.cmd ECHO _ Drivers compressed with CAB compression... ECHO. ECHO _ Necessary files collected... GOTO Complete_Overview The robocopy proces failed. When i manually change it to ROBOCOPY %FOLDER%\M1 %CD% CABfiles_M1.cmd /MOV %RS% >NULIt works like a charm
  10. Actually because i run linux and i don't have a spare-computer.
  11. Actually it is Windows 2000 SP4 running from VMWare. The weirdest thing is that extract.cmd is copyied over properly.
  12. bts; i still have this problem that if i run the BTS_DPs_Slipstreamer_V5052.cmd that the following file can't be found.
  13. If i use method 1; step 1 creating the uwxpcd dir. It complains about a CABfiles_m1.cmd file not available on d:\ if i run the bts_slipstreamer-thingy.cmd v5.05.1 so there could be no spaces in d:\bts_slip i assume
  14. If i use method 1; i get a "can't find D:\CABextract.cmd " or something similar error message and then my drivers won't be compressed if i don't place it in that space myself
  15. Whoohoo it work Bts I have been whining, testing and complaining about my installation with the Dp's that where causing BSOD's. But i finally figured it out; it was caused by the harddrive (2,4 Gb ). I have replaced it with a 30 GB and it seems like it is working like a charm now!! I am sorry for the headache this may have caused
  16. @bts I apologize for my stupidity. I have tested installing with a regular XP Home Edition NL without adding the Dp's and i also get a BSOD. However i am sure that the Pro edition has worked on this machine. So it probably has nothing to do with the hardware. It may be slow but it is only a test. Will get back on this when this is all working (or not)
  17. I have tested the new 5.05 release including the fix and i still get the blue screen mentioned here and here. At the moment i am clueless what can be causing this. Bts; this was the info you requested, don't know if you read it.
  18. @bts: please post your hardware specs. Did you use nLite? Did you use RyanVM's UpdatePack? no, not at all Sorry about the delay, I was busy the whole weekend with birthdays etc. I'm testing on a: p2-266mhz intel pd440fx mainboard 128mb ram awe64 isa intel pro 10/100 + or something Going to test the new version if that fixes the problem
  19. I still get the error mentioned earlier in this post. After the T-39 stage and other stuff windows reboots and then i get this blue screen: STOP: c000021a {onherstelbare systeemfout} Het systeemproces windows subsytem is onverwacht afgebroken met de status: 0xc000000c6 (0x77f55da1 0x0066f228). Het systeem is afgesloten. In english this is: "Stop: c000021a {Fatal System Error} The Windows subsystem system preocess terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xC0000006 (0x77f632fc 0x004ff228) The system has been shut down." I allready tried to remove the LAN DP-package but that didn't help either. Any suggestions? O btw this is on a SP1(a) source
  20. I can confirm that there are double entries in winnt.sif. mine had 3 entries of MSDosinitiaded and 2 entries with OEMPreinstall
  21. For my first test i got a blue screen with "STOP 0x21a or 0xC000021A" error. Nevertheless i am enhusiastic about this because this means progress. It is for the first time that i got to this point. Will check tomorrow if time is on my side or else after the weekend. P.S. microsoft link is corresponding the most. It said something more about 0xC0000006 and sytem logon. So maybe it is being caused because my intel pro/100(+?) is unable to logon. This has been mentioned by another member.
  22. I allready had a shot with option 2 and a RIS-installation. Where the oem files would sit on the network, but then it halts with an error: Workstation not loaded So i had to find another solution. Now i use a boot-cd with the necessary files on it and a default boot to hdd.
  23. I believe it is on both methods; and will be earlier when using method 1 I geuss, because of the placement of the files
  24. Apart from the directory inside each 7z. Winnt.sif - What else do i need to edit? ← You should edit all the corresponding cmd files presetup.cmd bts*.cmd etc
  25. You could try deleting the pnp680 references so it installs the other driver :? But therefore the corresponding lines need to be accurate so you should check the hw-id's i geuss
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