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Microsoft Update

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Pleas can you help me.

In my unattended installation i have created a .bat for manual integration of ActiveX, i have created a link to Microsoft Update, now i have 2 questions.

1. How i can skip the two windows that Microsoft Update Site ask me (START + CONTINUE)???

2. How can i add my link to the site inside the START MENU???

Thank you in advance :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pleas can you help me.

In my unattended installation i have created a .bat for manual integration of ActiveX, i have created a link to Microsoft Update, now i have 2 questions.

1. How i can skip the two windows that Microsoft Update Site ask me (START + CONTINUE)???

2. How can i add my link to the site inside the START MENU???

Thank you in advance :D


There's no way to skip the initial screens, so far as I am aware of. I'm sure it will be possible in the future. As far as creating the shortcut goes, download shortcut.exe, drop it in \XPCD\$OEM$\$$\System32 (or wherever your UACD lives) and use the following syntax wherever appropriate:

Shortcut.exe /f:"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Microsoft Update.lnk" /a:c /t:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe" /p:C:\WINDOWS\system32\muweb.dll,LaunchMUSite

You might need to modify the syntax above for your environment. The first time you go to the site, the icon for that shortcut will change to what it's supposed to be, but until then it will just be a generic pale blue page-looking icon. Regards :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
There's no way to skip the initial screens, so far as I am aware of. I'm sure it will be possible in the future. As far as creating the shortcut goes, download shortcut.exe, drop it in \XPCD\$OEM$\$$\System32 (or wherever your UACD lives) and use the following syntax wherever appropriate:

Shortcut.exe /f:"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Microsoft Update.lnk" /a:c /t:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe" /p:C:\WINDOWS\system32\muweb.dll,LaunchMUSite

You might need to modify the syntax above for your environment. The first time you go to the site, the icon for that shortcut will change to what it's supposed to be, but until then it will just be a generic pale blue page-looking icon. Regards :)

did it support for pre_install?


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RyanVM's posts are intriguing, to say the least. I'm using a ham-handed AutoIt script to get the job done at present (please do not ask me to post it--it works but I'm not proud of it).

@BoardBabe: the OEM method did not work for me. One author claims DataStore.edb can be deleted and replaced during the install, but most agree that it is one tough nut to crack. Googled "DataStore.edb" and did some reading, turns out it is a database file related to the update feature, no real surprise there. I assume if a current database file can be integrated, then Windows will accept the Microsoft Update feature.

The key, then, is to integrate DataStore.edb and related files from the get-go, the first method preferred by it_ybd.

So I took a look at RyanVM's UpdatePack and found a few entries in the "entries.ini" file that appeared relevant:

;This section contains entries that need to go into the [Files] section of dosnet.inf

;This section contains entries that need to go into the [WinntDirectories] section of txtsetup.sif
242 = SoftwareDistribution\DataStore

;This section contains entries that need to go into the [SourceDisksFiles] section of txtsetup.sif
DataStor.edb = 100,,,,,,,242,0,0,DataStore.edb
muweb.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0

Dropped RyanVM's DataStor.ed_ file in the I386 directory together with my muweb.dll file and expanded DataStor.ed_ as DataStor.edb and DataStore.edb for good measure, dropping them in I386 as well. Updated the dosnet.inf and txtsetup.sif files, but no luck.

@RyanVM: is it bigger than a bread box? Any help here would be greatly appreciated by those of use who are looking simply to integrate this feature. I am certain that I have missed a few files and more.

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I have now done 3 successfull VMware full format/install tests of my UADVD and I got IE Tools>Windows Update to default to Microsoft Update AND skip the initial MU screen, where you have to click Yes... etc.

How I did it?

1. If you have previously installed and ran MU on your local OS:

Boot your computer in SAFE MODEand DELETE DataStore.edb in %WinDir%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore

2. Reboot computer to "normal mode" and run Microsoft Update (You should get the initial welcome to MU screen) follow the steps where you have to click start etc...

3. Again reboot to SAFE MODE and COPY DataStore.edb to desktop or wherever.

4. Boot to normal mode and place the copy you just made of DataStore.edb on your UA CD/DVD in $OEM$\$$\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore

Ofcourse you will have to have MU properly installed and service registered during your UA installation process. Why all the reboots and safemode? Simply to get a "fresh" version of DataStore.edb (Should have a filesize of about 1032kb) that is not locked or used by any process.

This seems to work flawless for me. :thumbup

Edited by BoardBabe
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Nice. So this is what I have:



$Docs\All Users\Start Menu\Microsoft Update

(shortcut to C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\muweb.dll,LaunchMUSite target)

I'm going to try to register muweb.dll from Cmdlines.txt:


"regsvr32 /s %windir%\system32\muweb.dll"

Not sure about that, though. But worth a shot.

Edit: no luck. :no:

Edited by blinkdt
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What did not work? The MU integration or skipping the initial screen?

Make sure you followed my procedure to get a "clean" copy of DataStore.edb. Also I personally register wups2.dll and muweb.dll from cleanup.cmd and not CMDLINES.txt. Don't know if it makes a difference...

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I believe MU integration is fine, but I continue to experience the same situation faced by raduking on page 2 of this thread. That said, MU integration appears to be nothing more than correctly placing and registering one DLL file based on what I have picked up in this discussion. Your procedure for securing a clean copy of DataStore.edb was crystal-clear and makes perfect sense.

I will try to register both .dll's and/or play with this some more.

Edited by blinkdt
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Im not quite sure why it does not wor for you, but it might sem you do not have all the components needed for MU?

If I have understood correctly you will need to install;

Windows Installer v3.1

Windows Update v6

Microsoft Update

To make sure MU works properly. My guess is that you need to double check if you have all of those installed.

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  • 4 months later...

Successfully passed the 2 "activation steps" and got rid of the 0x800... error message.

I backed up a DataStore.edb like BoardBabe said.

and I created a SFX file for it, launched via SVCPACK.inf.

I'm using the wonderfull HFSLIP so this SFX is integrated during the Slipstreming process.

I've got now a Fully automated slipstreamed XP Pro SP2 with MU :)

Thanks :)

Edited by EmRoD
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