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Mozilla Vs. Internet Explorer


What browser do you prefer?  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. What browser do you prefer?

    • Plain Internet Explorer (IE6)
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Mozilla Suite
    • Opera
    • IE based: Maxthon
    • IE based: Avant
    • IE based: CrazyBrowser
    • Other IE based (which one?)

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I like firefox. Someone mention tweaking it, how and what are the benifits?

The tweaks add greater fuctionality, security, etc. Probablly one of the largest sources for extensions is this site:


Also there are all so sorts of modifed versions that are optimized for your type of processor:




A version that will fit on a usb drive:


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There's also a tool named FireTune.

I like Firefox, because it's open-source, I'm using Windows only to see my mathematical Word-Documents from my Teacher correctly, as soon as OOo 2.0 releases, I will change to Linux, completely. leaving Windows running on a VM or Wine...

I also wait to aMSN to get better, it's on a good way.

I hear many people saying Opera is better, but the fact, that it's not Opensource make the Software look bad to me, especially, because Opera costs some bucks to be legaly without banners. It's full featured, that makes it IMO very bloated, however respect to the programmers, making it so small.

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I hear many people saying Opera is better, but the fact, that it's not Opensource make the Software look bad to me, especially, because Opera costs some bucks to be legaly without banners. It's full featured, that makes it IMO very bloated, however respect to the programmers, making it so small.

Why does payware make it a bad thing? It gives some incentive to the programmers to do a really good job if they know their work is going to feed their families at night. Also, remember the old expression - "Too many cooks can ruin the broth". ;)

And you don't have to pay for Opera... look at my post above! I'm 1/10 of the way there in only 4 days! After about a month I'll probably have a second licence for Opera for my desktop (I bought the licence for my laptop).

As for being full featured, that doesn't necessarily make it bloated... the installer is smaller than that of the firefox installer, it starts up faster, and generally uses less memory than FF. I'd rather have features out of the box than have to go digging for hours to get the extensions I'd need to duplicate Opera.

Mind you... I do tell everyone I know to use Firefox instead of IE, but that's just because they're not willing to put the affiliate links on a webpage or the like (or shell out the money...).

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Oh that's my personal opinion, if something is opensource, I have respect, what the programmers have done in their spare time, and I can be very sure, that there are many people, fixing problems and so. I'm just a fan of Opensource, but I can understand your point.

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I vote for Firefox because of the ad blocking and ease of use. There are probably at least 10% of webpages that can only be viewed in I.E. Windows updates being one. For that reason I keep I.E. up to date.

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- FF is w3c conform, IE not, where is the transparent png support m$ where?!

Just a clarification. You can get alpha channel support in IE with PNG. Pretty simple code .

Just because you can add a stupid hack to a web site to enable transparent PNG support hardly makes IE standards-friendly. It's insluting to the W3C and web developers that such a hack is even required. Hell, I'd even say that it's insulting to Microsoft, considering that the Macintosh version of IE actually supports PNG properly. As much as I like Windows, I have to question what the hell their developers were thinking when they did that trick.

I'm all for Firefox. With the exception of the memory leak in the current release, Firefox is generally leaner and functions great. My computer has been spotless since I started using it. The fact that it supports many platforms is even more incentive to use it - Effectively, the "firefox standard" stretches to most operating systems that firefox is available for, so what looks good on Firefox/Windows looks the same on Firefox/Linux and Firefox/MacOS.

Oh, and just for fun...

This is one of the hacks...

Despite the hack's implimentation, it still claims that IE doesn't support 256 colour PNG alpha properly.

A method using PHP

Most webhosts support php, luckily. But it's still ridiculous that this hack is needed.

Javascript PNG Hack

Many users disable Javascript, and IE has had Javascript security flaws in the past. Why not have a properly functioning image library to begin with?

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