reguerra Posted May 26, 2005 Posted May 26, 2005 Hello, 98SE2ME is really fantastic. Thanks.But I have 2 litlle problems with it, the first (more important) is that after 98SE2ME installation I can't use RasPPPOE (software to connect to adsl using dial-up standard window). It doesn't recognize the "pseudo modem driver" installed. Desinstalling or reinstalling doesn't helps.Second (not very important) is that the links to "my documents", "my networks places", "my computer", etc. in windows explorer doesn't works at all (option 3 installed).Thanks in advance and congratulations for your work
MDGx Posted May 27, 2005 Author Posted May 27, 2005 I've been looking all over the internet for something like the: 98SE2ME.EXEI bought a mass storage device in Hong Kong w/ no driver (didn't need one for XP). But I've been trying to find a driver so I can use it on my old laptop w/ 98SE. Found this site finally, and installed the 98SE2ME.EXE My computer finally recognized a driver. When I click on the Device Manager the note states: "This device is working properly", and that it accepted this driver. I also now show the little "safe to remove" icon in the lower right toolbar. BUT, I cannot access the device. I never get an icon in My Computer that allows me access it. I have tried other avenues and have turned up empty as well. Any suggestions? Please. Thanks.All I can think of right now:1. install 98SE SP 2.0.1: Install 98SE2ME: Install Native USB 2.0 Drivers: Make sure you have no USB: power/ACPI/APM errors/conflicts: Install manufacturer drivers for your USB device, starting with drivers made of WinME (if u find any, and if they'll allow u to install them on 98SE), otherwise install 98SE specific drivers.In certain cases even 2000/XP specific drivers may work [iNF files can be modified to accept 98SE/ME], it's all a "try-and-error" game.USB stuff [see the USB related links]: this helps.
MDGx Posted May 27, 2005 Author Posted May 27, 2005 Hello, 98SE2ME is really fantastic. Thanks.But I have 2 litlle problems with it, the first (more important) is that after 98SE2ME installation I can't use RasPPPOE (software to connect to adsl using dial-up standard window). It doesn't recognize the "pseudo modem driver" installed. Desinstalling or reinstalling doesn't helps.Second (not very important) is that the links to "my documents", "my networks places", "my computer", etc. in windows explorer doesn't works at all (option 3 installed).Thanks in advance and congratulations for your workThanks a lot for your kind appreciation. About your RASPPPOE problem, try this:After installing 98SE2ME, replace these files from %windir%\SYSTEM :NDSWAN16.DLLNDSWAN32.DLLNETAPI.DLLNETAPI32.DLLNETDI.DLLNETOS.DLLRASAPI16.DLLRASAPI32.DLLRNAUI.DLLwith their older Win98 SE couterparts [which probably were on your computer before u installed 98SE2ME] from the 98 SE setup CD CABs.Or if u backed up your OS in C:\W98SEOLD [by running 98SE2ME options 1 or 2], restore these files from there.This zip has a text file called CABL98SE.TXT with the exact location of these files: info on extracting files from CABs: replace some of these files u need to hold down Shift + F5 at the same time during BIOS boot POST (Power On Self Test) sequence to boot into native/true MS-DOS [or boot from a 98SE boot floppy to native MS-DOS], and then move them to %windir%\SYSTEM [usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM].Replace these files in small groups, for example start with:NDSWAN16.DLLNDSWAN32.DLLif that doesn't work, then replace:RASAPI16.DLLRASAPI32.DLLif that doesn't work, then replace:RNAUI.DLLand only after that:NETAPI.DLLNETAPI32.DLLNETDI.DLLNETOS.DLLReboot normal back into Windows.See if that fixes your DSL modem problem, and then please post here your findings.If that is the case, and those files are the "culprit", please let me know so I can remove them from 98SE2ME.Thanks.About links to "my documents", "my networks places", "my computer" not working after installing option 3:I need more details:what language is your OS?If it is any language other than English, it doesn't work properly.98SE2ME is designed specifically for English editions only.Please see the "FAQ" chapter in READ1ST.TXT: more details.Also, if u installed Tihiy's Revolutions Pack, that makes massive changes to the interface, and if that is the case, u need to ask Tihiy, the author: this helps.
Tihiy Posted May 27, 2005 Posted May 27, 2005 USER.EXE without proper USER32.DLL will cause LOCKUP! Have you deleted USER32.DLL also?
MDGx Posted May 27, 2005 Author Posted May 27, 2005 USER.EXE without proper USER32.DLL will cause LOCKUP!Have you deleted USER32.DLL also?Yeah, I've removed both, posted the update, experimented again, then my mouse [+ Intellipoint 4.12 installed] started to move erratically [with USER.EXE + USER32.DLL 4.10.2231 for 98SE], and in the end I thought...this [uSER.EXE + USER32.DLL 4.90.3001] is one of the best features of all ME replacements, so I put them back in. So my little "experiment" is over now.
chankya Posted May 27, 2005 Posted May 27, 2005 Dear MDGxGreat Success in this proj. what about silent update for advance user like /q /n in 98setoMe in dos/windows mode.and kindly post here a full proof proj. just like the one u posted on 15/05/05 with info that it's most tested one so someone can rely better that the beta version i think u like the idea so that u can name it as beta ver for tester.what about adding xp component i am still waiting for that. 98MEXP Edition.by4now.WWW.MDGX.COMBest Site for All Microsoft Operating System All Latest Updates Patches is There even LINUX tutorials and u dont like GAMESBest ever Explorer FirefoxMSFN ENJOY !!!THANKS to all LOVEING people for there sweet suggestions to improve this mission.
MDGx Posted May 29, 2005 Author Posted May 29, 2005 Great Success in this proj. what about silent update for advance user like /q /n in 98setoMe in dos/windows mode.and kindly post here a full proof proj. just like the one u posted on 15/05/05 with info that it's most tested one so someone can rely better that the beta version i think u like the idea so that u can name it as beta ver for tester.what about adding xp component i am still waiting for that. 98MEXP Edition.Sorry, but I'm afraid this is not currently possible, because the 98SE2ME installer as it is today, is made up of 2 parts:1. the part that installs in C:\9!M = does not make any changes to your 98SE OS.This part is compiled with Inno Setup installer: the part that installs the WinME system files = does make changes to your 98SE OS.This part is made up of a bunch of batch, INF + REG files, all of which run from within 98SE2ME.PIF.Because of this structure, it is not possible to run unattended with /C /Q /T:<path> etc switches, which are specific only to installer executables compiled with MS iexpress/cab sdk and similar tools.Maybe in the future, and/if/when I have time, I'll redesign the entire installer from scratch using Iexpress or similar tools. And if/when I'll do this, I'll post it all here. About "fool proof" 98SE2ME:obviously that is very hard to achieve, because 98SE2ME replaces too many files from the WinME CD [~ 710 as of current release], not to create any bugs, errors, minor annoyances, incompatibilities etc.So unfortunately there is always a "trade-off" and error margin we need to account for.But, I can tell you that most major bugs have been squashed as far as I'm aware.Please read the "KNOWN BUGS + FIXES" chapter in READ1ST.TXT for details:READ1ST.TXTAbout 98SE2XP:I'm now experimenting with 2003 SP1, so I think these 2 should be treated as 1 from the point of view of creating install scripts.As soon as I'm sure all these system files work ok, I'll post some scripts here + at my site, and will let everybody know.Untill then, you can cut + paste my scripts from: u wish to install XP SP2 components [not available separately as installers] on your computer.Similarly, u can d/l 2003 SP1 [330 MB ]: then modify the XP SP2 scripts at URL above to extract + copy these files from 2003 SP1 to:- %windir% :HH.EXE- %windir%\SYSTEM :HHCTRL.OCXHHSETUP.DLLITIRCL.DLLITSS.DLLMSHTML.TLBMSHTMLED.DLLMSHTMLER.DLLRICHED20.DLLUSP10.DLL- %windir%\FONTS :ARIAL.TTFARIALBD.TTFARIALBI.TTFARIALI.TTFCOUR.TTFCOURBD.TTFCOURBI.TTFCOURI.TTFGEORGIA.TTFGEORGIAB.TTFGEORGIAI.TTFGEORGIAZ.TTFMICROSS.TTFTAHOMA.TTFTAHOMABD.TTFTIMES.TTFTIMESBD.TTFTIMESBI.TTFTIMESI.TTFVERDANA.TTFVERDANAB.TTFVERDANAI.TTFVERDANAZ.TTFHTML Help files above can also be installed separately: as part of Gape's SP 2.0.1:, if you're wondering what actual files I'm going to include inside 98SE2XP/98SE22K3 installers, I need to tell you that I'm not going to add any files from XP SP2 or 2003 SP1, but only the scripts which will allow you to download these service packs, a dos console command line tool which will extract the files to a temp folder, a couple of DOS detection tools to make sure they can't be installed on anything else except 98SE [see the 98SE2ME free DOS tools I'm using], and that's it.Note that all these files are from the English releases, and are meant *only* for the English release.I'm not familiar with any other language releases, so I don't know which files work or which don't.Hope this helps.
chankya Posted May 29, 2005 Posted May 29, 2005 Dear MDGxThanks for u'r well explained answer.As u mentioned in install the "WINDOWS 98 SECOND EDITION (SE) ESSENTIAL FREE UPGRADES + FIXES" AND the Unofficial Windows 98 SE Service Pack (SP) 2.0.1 [15.5 MB, English, free], and ONLY AFTER that replace Win98 SE system files with the ones from WinME listed below!Is unofficial SP2.0.1 dosenot contain all updated so we still require "WINDOWS 98 SECOND EDITION (SE) ESSENTIAL FREE UPGRADES + FIXES"before killer replacement.i have found these updates if u like i can send it's around 50 files 58MB273991_A3D4C8D71DDD5905F41EF36B5BB3E07C73C1EAE6[1].EXE323172_98_8C18CC16D21737816C36ABE51EB16E21A190BEB5[1].EXE323255_W98_edcf77d7d30b955b4b251552ee51748[1].EXE329115_W98_E99E3479AB8198E03FE5A107BDBBC962BC6C333E[1].EXE811630_W98_CF47941DB1D6B7747FE9FB7EEA966E0198E88326[1].EXE823559USA8.EXE823559USA8_0e714506b380e4be11ff07b31da9da9[1].EXEDirectX9-KB819696-x86-ENU.exeDirectX9-KB819696-x86-ENU_977f8cc86c1e151a0168d1296210913[1].exeJS56MEN.EXEJS56_15B3577990DA7650A1E79DCAA51851CD0E041639[1].EXEMPSetup.exeQ320920.EXEQ330994.EXEQ824145.EXEQ832894_a56d1a98d775e1031c72934a0baa9d7[1].exeWindowsMedia71-KB817787-x86-ENU_d7d598b87d35de7e883e07a6b786c8f[1].exe273991USAM.EXEmsjavwu_8073687b82d41db93f4c2a04af2b34d[1].exeq313829.exeq313829_5EEDD33FA704078BE5873EFA6E8C3D62B82C2EFF[1].exeq316059.exeq329414_mdacall_x86.exeq329414_mdacall_x86_6455F9E15D1FD876A354AC196BCE848B4EA39180[1].exe259728_1F6BE1EC0FCD72AB4A8D0FBB4E6A82918E888392[1].EXEq824145_76dd839870a655458701c0b937b91d6[1].exeq824150.exeq827667.exescr56en.exevbrun60sp5.exewm320920_64.exewm320920_71_24C932549D7BCFAB6954D52590DB7C146A42E8BB[1].exe256015_A570D63F5E6B4F80CC852D2C802AC7D14B32614F[1].EXE245729US8_4D1A7A9CD3703E514D051595BB16A3BC69A0ABE8[1].EXE238453US8_CFED25E588C85FDF548557F04A09892055011D7C[1].EXEWindowsMedia9-KB819639-x86-ENU_bfd620da8e1529c3e4ffadfb93f33fa[1].exe190656_98UP.EXE216641up.exe220460_98up.exe240075UP.EXE241134usa8.exe242975USA8.EXE243450USA8.EXE256015USA8.EXE263044USA8.EXE4756US8.EXE811630USA8.EXEdun14-98.exe310695usam.exewucsp.exey2k.exe273991USA8.EXE98ZAK.EXEq330994_257f5a9aeead109bc4c764ae1b5b00f[1].exeis it sufficient before installing sp2.0.1 and 98se2me.thanks and bye MSFN ENJOY!!!
reguerra Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 About your RASPPPOE problem, try this:After installing 98SE2ME, replace these files from %windir%\SYSTEM :Replace these files in small groups, for example start with:NDSWAN16.DLLNDSWAN32.DLLif that doesn't work, then replace:RASAPI16.DLLRASAPI32.DLLif that doesn't work, then replace:RNAUI.DLLand only after that:NETAPI.DLLNETAPI32.DLLNETDI.DLLNETOS.DLLReboot normal back into Windows.See if that fixes your DSL modem problem, and then please post here your findings.If that is the case, and those files are the "culprit", please let me know so I can remove them from 98SE2ME.About links to "my documents", "my networks places", "my computer" not working after installing option 3: I need more details:what language is your OS?Hello MDGx,thank you very much for your reply.I replaced the files you said, under pure DOS, but the problem continues.I'm sending a few screen captures for you.My OS is Win98SE English version + SP2.0 + 98SE2METihiy package NOT installed.Thank you.
MDGx Posted May 30, 2005 Author Posted May 30, 2005 reguerra:I have received this feedback from a concerned 98SE2ME user who tested his ADSL modem in a similar environment, with 98SE2ME option 1 or 2 installed [they both install exactly the same ME files], and his conclusion is...Some time ago someone reported trouble with 98SE2ME on a computer with a USB ADSL modem.Today [5-29-2005]I installed 98SE2ME (without option 3) on a Pentium II system with a USB ADSL modem.At first, no internet connection could be established, though the ADSL modem itself reported it had connected successfully. But after re-installing TCP/IP and Client for Microsoft Networks, connection worked fine.It was often necessary to reset the IP adresses etc... with winipcfg.exe to get a connection, but this is not related to 98SE2ME because it already was necessary in pure 98SE on this system.98SE2ME option 3 files have nothing to do with the internet/network connection, because installs only UI + Shell controls :Option 3 installs these newer WinME system files [Windows User Interface (UI) Controls]:=> %windir% (usually C:\WINDOWS):- Windows Explorer = EXPLORER.EXE build 5.50.4134.100=> %windir%\SYSTEM (usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM):- Common Dialog 32-bit Control = COMDLG32.DLL build 5.50.4134.100- Active IMM Server = DIMM.DLL build 5.00.3000.1- OLE DOCument Properties = DOCPROP.DLL build 5.00.2136.1- OLE DOCument Properties 2 = DOCPROP2.DLL build 5.00.2136.1- Fonts Folder Control = FONTEXT.DLL build 4.90.3000- My DOCuments Folder Control = MYDOCS.DLL build 5.50.4134.100- Map Network Drives/Network Places Wizard = NETPLWIZ.DLL build 5.00.2136.1- Effects Control = PLUSTAB.DLL build 5.00.2136.1- Shell 32-bit Control = SHELL32.DLL build 5.50.4134.100- Image Preview Control = SHIMGVW.DLL build 5.50.4134.100- Shell Scrap Object Handler = SHSCRAP.DLL build 5.00.2136.1- Web View Control = WEBVW.DLL build 5.50.4134.100- Customize Folder Wizard = IESHWIZ.EXE build 5.50.4134.100Exception:NETPLWIZ.DLL = only maps remote drives/UNC addresses as local drive letters.Please try to reset/reconfigure/reinstall/repair TCP/IP protocols + Client for MS Networks, and see if it works. These may help:Winsock/TCP/IP (DUN/RAS) + Layered Service Provider (LSP) 32-bit repair tools (freeware): WinsockXPFix for Windows 9x/2000/ME/XP: download [1.34 MB]: SockFix for Windows 9x/ME: download [33 KB]: Winsock2 Fix for Windows 98/ME: download [60 KB]: LSP-Fix for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003: download [179 KB]: I can't test your environment because I don't have a DSL modem.Hope this helps.
PsycoUnc Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 -reguerra: let us know if and how that ADSL/network prob gets resolved, I have a friend who could REALLY benefit from 98se2me...>;]
MDGx Posted May 31, 2005 Author Posted May 31, 2005 I have a friend who could REALLY benefit from 98se2me...You don't need to wait for reguerra to do this.You [or your friend] can always install 98SE2ME on your friend's computer, because it backs up the entire OS into C:\W98SEOLD , where the original OS can be always restored from, just in case.Just allow 98SE2ME to create a new backup when u run option 1 or option 2 [those are the only options that need full backup].Hope this helps.
PsycoUnc Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 I have a friend who could REALLY benefit from 98se2me...You don't need to wait for reguerra to do this.You [or your friend] can always install 98SE2ME on your friend's computer, because it backs up the entire OS into C:\W98SEOLD , where the original OS can be always restored from, just in case.Just allow 98SE2ME to create a new backup when u run option 1 or option 2 [those are the only options that need full backup].Hope this helps.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>-true; I just thought, if Reguerra is already working this out, why duplicate the effort? Just wait and see what he comes up with, take it from there... But if he takes too long, I will give it a shot, too...
MDGx Posted May 31, 2005 Author Posted May 31, 2005 -true; I just thought, if Reguerra is already working this out, why duplicate the effort? Just wait and see what he comes up with, take it from there... But if he takes too long, I will give it a shot, too...roger that B)
PsycoUnc Posted June 4, 2005 Posted June 4, 2005 -uh oh, looks like broken link for 98se2me download, MDGx.....-I'll try it on another puter, to make sure, but both browsers here failed...
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