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98SE2ME = Killer Replacements: ME -> 98 SE

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All uninstalling the 98SE2ME does is empty the program's directory. This does not undo any of the enhancments made to Windows. So, in my view, this is a good thing to do before installing a newer version (of almost anything, not just this).

Note that between the time you have uninstalled 98SE2ME and reinstalled the newer version, you will not be able to restore the backup Windows folder of original Windows files. So, for that brief time (what, a minute?) you will not be able to restore your system to the way it was before you ran 98SE2ME.pif the first time. Ehh? I'll live dangerously for a minute.

Once the new one is installed fresh like this, you can be sure that none of the older version's files will be used since you uninstalled them. Now, an install over the top will usually be fine as well, but this just ensures that no older things can conflict with the latest release.


Already, new changes? Okay, it only takes a few minutes. Heh, heh. One of the advantages of using my Voodoo 5 5500 was not having to install a new Catalyst driver every month. But, then again, new drivers that fix stuff and make things go better is a good thing. Just, a tiny bit annoying.

But, don't take that seriously. I love it. Thanks.

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All Right!

New version installed, no problems.

I do want to mention something. Each time I reinstall, I've got to go to the Space Cadet Pinball's right click Properties menu and put "C:\WINDOWS\PINBALL" in the "Start in" box. This is to fix the bug in the Windows Me version of Pinball that it won't play the music background when clicking "Music" in the drop down options menu.

I don't think it's necessary to take the trouble to figure out how to fix this when it installs as part of 98SE2ME since it's so easy to fix by the user. However, perhaps the readme can make mention of the fix. Some folks new to Windows Pinball might be wondering why they can't get the music to play. (The sound effects always work fine, but the backgroung music is cool!)

I think you mention this somewhere in your website, and Microsoft has a KB article explaining the fix, but perhaps a short comment on how to fix it would be helpful to folks just reading the 98SE2ME readme.

Ya know, the improved version of the game in Maxi's Full Tilt! Pinball (also on the Pinball Madness cd) includes a seperate track that plays whenever you reach a goal. No reason to bring it up other than it sounds cool to be rewarded with more music when reaching a goal.

If anyone reading this has that stand alone version, the other tables game music is fixed by lowering the audio hardware acceleration to basic in your Sound and Audio or Multimedia Properties applet in Windows Control Panel.

It is midi music, so it also helps to have something other than Microsoft midi installed. A lot of modern cards leave this out. Anything Creative and you're all set. Otherwise, Yamaha SYXG-50 or WinGroove will do it. WinGroove is easier to get these days. Just pay the guy, will ya? I can't stand people using cracks when that guy worked out a complete midi driver that even runs on XP (with the beta version). And, even on 9x, use the Beta. It's really the final, with a bunch of fixes.

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I just saw your reply in the Service Pack forum to my problems with the USB Cable Modem drivers.

The only way for me to test that again would be to either muck around with my current, working great on ethernet, system, or to switch motherboards in my older (currently KT7A) box back to the Asus SPAX-M SiS5598 board (made for HP Pavilion 4430 and 4440) and reinstall all the stuff to duplicate what happened to it that time.

Uhh, nobody else has had any problems with USB Modem drivers?

It's really not that I don't want to help! But I'm just starting to install some games and have some fun with my new A7V333. Just don't want to tinker right now.

I'm sorry that I posted in the other area, too. I just didn't know which program might have caused the problem. I do know that Windows wouldn't let me install the driver, and that it did install properly previously when I hadn't run these updates.

And that Windows Me driver signing check bit me when I tried installing the unsigned Creative 383 Audigy 2 drivers on my SB0224 SBLive 5.1. It greyed out the Advanced button where you'd check "Warn" instead of "Prevent" unsigned drivers. The official cd with unsigned 252's installed fine and let me click the Advanced button and select "Warn." However, unlike on Windows Me, it doesn't seem to remember it for future installs. (I had to click "Advanced" and do that for another driver later.) It's all okay though. I'm satisfied with the official drivers and software. Whenever I try and see what the hoopla over alternate drivers for the Creative stuff is (like at Driver Heaven) I usually find that what the manufacturer offers winds up to be the least buggy way to go. Sounds fine, too.

I've been reading your website for years and find it amazing! Nearly everything anyone would ever want to know about running and optimizing any kind of Windows is on that website! (Johnny Carson couldn't argue that.)

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All Right!

New version installed, no problems.

I do want to mention something.  Each time I reinstall, I've got to go to the Space Cadet Pinball's right click Properties menu and put "C:\WINDOWS\PINBALL" in the "Start in" box.  This is to fix the bug in the Windows Me version of Pinball that it won't play the music background when clicking "Music" in the drop down options menu.

I don't think it's necessary to take the trouble to figure out how to fix this when it installs as part of 98SE2ME since it's so easy to fix by the user.  However, perhaps the readme can make mention of the fix.  Some folks new to Windows Pinball might be wondering why they can't get the music to play.  (The sound effects always work fine, but the backgroung music is cool!)

I think you mention this somewhere in your website, and Microsoft has a KB article explaining the fix, but perhaps a short comment on how to fix it would be helpful to folks just reading the 98SE2ME readme.

Your wish is my command... ;)

I fixed 2G.INF which creates the game shortcuts.

You don't need to add the folder name to the "Start in:" box anymore. :)

Please d/l the revised 5-19-2005 98SE2ME edition.

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<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>98SE2ME · UPDATED · 5-19-2005</span>

By popular demand... :blink:

98SE2ME is the automated installer which performs all Killer Replacements 98 SE -> ME "transplant" operations completely unattended, a.k.a. "hands-free". :thumbup

Download 98SE2ME.EXE [2 MB, English].

MUST read READ1ST.TXT *carefully* BEFORE running 98SE2ME.PIF !



* Replaced WinME system file [%windir%\SYSTEM]: SYSTRAY.EXE 4.90.3001 with newer SYSTRAY.EXE 4.90.3002 from Q298058 Hotfix into options 1 + 2.

* Replaced WinME system file [%windir%\SYSTEM]: SYSDM.CPL 4.90.3000 with newer SYSDM.CPL 4.90.3001 from Q272620 Hotfix into options 1 + 2.

* Replaced WinME system file [%windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS]: USBHUB.SYS 4.90.3000 with newer USBHUB.SYS 4.90.3002 from Q278289 Hotfix into options 1 + 2.

* Fixed PINBALL.EXE Game shortcut "Start in:" folder error in 2G.INF. [thank you Eck]



Installed 5-19a and sysdm.cpl went to WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/drivers and old version in WINDOWS/SYSTEM was still there--SYSTRAY.EXE was not installed at all

but USBHUB.SYS did install? Also only 709 files installed not the 710 ?

THANKS again for all the work and help.

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MDGx, can I install your SP on my Polish Win98 SE? Any risk involved? If the only problem is to have the OS mixing two languages, I don't mind. Thanks in advance.

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Wow, that was fast! It must have been easier to change the inf than I thought.

Well, I downloaded and will store it on a cdr but will await the next update before running it again. I already have installed the update that has all the other additions mentioned. No need to double fix pinball!

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Installed 5-19a and sysdm.cpl went to WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/drivers and old version in WINDOWS/SYSTEM was still there--SYSTRAY.EXE was not installed at all

but USBHUB.SYS did install? Also only 709 files installed not the 710 ?

THANKS again for all the work and help.

-confirmed: windows/system/systray.exe is still 3001, not 3002. Option #1 didn't update it, tho usbhub is updated... the only 3002 version of systray.exe on my HD is in \9!M... (707 files copied)

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double high 5's :thumbup:thumbup on all this work....... no problems at all upgrading as long as the original 98SE unit is 'tight'....... i have two on my desk......... one a 300mhz gateway and a 1.4ghz to its right....... i run the 1.4 for 3 days before i upgrade the other one...... i seem to have lost my blue screen syndrome.....lol........

one question-------- :whistle: i see that the msdos.sys file is totally changed from the original 98se........... can it be put back in............ to what advantage/disadvantage.......?????? :w00t:

p.s........... coincidental or a bug????? i dunno.......... but i just discovered that my regional clock settings were wiped out when i saw that my antivirus was running 2x per scheduled run and when i double checked the scan program there was no a.m. or p.m. finally went into the control panel regional settings and all's well............

still the dbbl hi 5................

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-MDGx, I have need of your infinite wisdom yet again: when trying to export the registry in real-mode dos (from ebd, using regedit), I get "unable to open registry (1,016)..." ? -I was only trying to test the registry editor for my new modified EBD, on a good-working system, in case of a need to edit the registry in real-dos mode emergency... MS has an article, but of course all they say to resolve it is "do it in protected-mode"... that's not helpful, as usual... do ya know of any real-mode dos registry editors that actually work with real-sized registries?

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double high 5's on all this work....... no problems at all upgrading as long as the original 98SE unit is 'tight'....... i have two on my desk......... one a 300mhz gateway and a 1.4ghz to its right....... i run the 1.4 for 3 days before i upgrade the other one...... i seem to have lost my blue screen syndrome.....lol........

one question-------- i see that the msdos.sys file is totally changed from the original 98se........... can it be put back in............ to what advantage/disadvantage.......??????

p.s...........  coincidental or a bug????? i dunno.......... but i just discovered that my regional clock settings were wiped out when i saw that my antivirus was running 2x per scheduled run and when i double checked the scan program there was no a.m. or p.m.  finally went into the control panel regional settings and all's well............

still the dbbl hi 5................

1. Many thanks for your kind appreciation. Glad it works. ;)

2. Do you mean your msdos.sys file is changed after installing 98SE2ME?

Because it doesn't touch it at all.

Complete MSDOS.SYS guide:


3. Never heard of such bug, but I'll try to find out if it is related to 98se2me, and will get back to you.

IMHO I don't think your regional clock error is related to 98se2me.

Weird, maybe there is a chance this is related to the antivirus tool you're using?

Also, have u installed Gape's SP before installing 98se2me?

If u have, most all system errors that plague "out of the box" 98SE OS should have been fixed.

Hope this helps.

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-MDGx, I have need of your infinite wisdom yet again:  when trying to export the registry in real-mode dos (from ebd, using regedit), I get "unable to open registry (1,016)..." ?  -I was only trying to test the registry editor for my new modified EBD, on a good-working system, in case of a need to edit the registry in real-dos mode emergency... MS has an article, but of course all they say to resolve it is "do it in protected-mode"... that's not helpful, as usual... do ya know of any real-mode dos registry editors that actually work with real-sized registries?
I need more details, please:

- were u using the regedit.exe from WinME [modded by Tihiy] that is installed by 98se2me? If not, which regedit.exe were u using? The 1 from 98SE setup CD? Or maybe the fixed 98SE regedit.exe from this archive:


documented here:


- were u using a batch file to backup your registry? If u were, can u post its contents here?

- what is the size [in Bytes] of your SYSTEM.DAT + USER.DAT files found in %windir% ?

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