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Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition

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Anyone having trouble with programs starting slowly when SAV 10 is installed?

I just updated 3 systems from sav 9 to sav 10. Now all 3 are opening programs very very slowly and shutdowns take 20 min. BUT if you reboot the system is good for a few hours. I have even noticed it on my machine as well. So so far 4 workstations updated from 9 to 10 and ALL are running things VERY slow. but once the apps are open they run just fine and normal. Also on 2 new installs this is also happening.

Almost like the auto protect is causing the slow down of the exe when it tries to run.

Any ideas?



Posted (edited)

Ok let me give some more info.

I am using the version of the antvius.

All scans have already been disabled.

I know how to work and setup sav. This appers to be another bug like I found in 9 about the pagefile issuse.

Simply saying try 10.1 doesnt help.

I am fully aware of the problems of the startup scans, if you look I am one of the first ones to bring it up in this thread.

Edited by smc1979
Posted (edited)

One thing I will try is changing the auto protect to not scan any file that is ran, and just have it scan files that are created.

This should tell me if it is SAV or not.


Holy crap! on 2 systems I just tried, the performace when opening programs has just doubled. Before it would take lets say 3 sec. to open fire fox on my amd 64 3500+ with 1 gb of ddr400 ram. By simply changing the auto protect to only scan files that are created and not ran firefox now opens in a blink of an eye.

Of course this needs more testing, But I do like the performance increase, but I am not sure if it is wise to change the auto protect to not scan ran files. maybe on a non network it would be fine. But I am not sure.

Any thoughts would be great.


Edited by smc1979

Went ahead and uninstalled and reinstalled

So far this seems to have helped, but no way to tell for sure. Remember the systems need to be running for hours before they start messing up. Say if they are turned on at 9 am they will start messing up around 3 pm.

On thing I did notice is when is installed and when the system starts to really mess up the rtvscan.exe is well over 50mb of memory.

For now I will test with

The only reason I wanted these systems updated was with 10 it also helps auto protect agains spy and ad ware. 9 doesnt. other than that 9 worked fine for me.


SAV used to be Symantec's last shining star. Sadly it seems they have managed F that up as well. I fear the horror of what they will do to the Veritas line of products now.


I agree. I remeber when me and you went over the page file issuse with v9

I even got ahold of sysmantec and told them, look here is the problem here is how you fix it. The woman I talked to was very nice and said thank you very much, and she would let the programmers know. She also said they had a help document waiting to be released but it never was. Then it took there programs till v9.0.4.1000 to FIANLLY fix the page file problem with some other bugs. yet they could have fixed it a long time before that.

Now I see a** soon as they get all the kinks out of 9 they release 10 and it is loaded with bugs from day 1. and not minor stuff. things you see right off the get go and yet they still release it. They take forever to release a fix, which now a cd has to be sent to me before I get the updates instead of a download. They say it is to stop pirates, but it makes no differance. So instead I have to suffer for there bone headed programmers and managment.

I must say, symantec was always my fav. But things are really starting to change now.

Only reason I still use them, cause I know they will be around a long time and have years more exp. that other companys. I have tried other antivirus and they suck compared to the test between them and SAV. but sadly now SAV is able to protect against viruses but kills the system in the process.

Anyways, as I find out more I will let you know, and anything you may find out will be great.



There is just NO WAY that V10.0 went through even a modicum of quality assurance before it hit the shelf. If I didn't know any better I'd swear this was a government operation.

Just today I was discussing the situation with a fellow that I do some consulting with. He deployed V10.0 at a rather large law firm and ended up taking down several hundred workstations for the day. Another Symantec customer lost. They may not be around as long as you think.


I guess I have no choice but to stay with version for now. And perhaps for the next few years, I dont know.

I do agree with you. It is just sad though, would have loved to have a reliable antvirus that also protected against spyware too.

Guess I cant win them all.

From here on out I will no longer use 10. maybe when they fix it. Perhaps it is time to start looking else where. But not a lot of good corp. choices out there. So I am lost for now.


  • 1 month later...

Hi guys.

I'd like to update my ua cd from SAV9 to 10 and I'd like to do this the most easy way. I used to install SAV in 2 steps, first update it then install it... you probably will understand as you see this:

@Echo Off
cmdow @ /HID
FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\CD.txt SET CDROM=%%i:

start /wait %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\setup.exe /A /V"/QB TARGETDIR=%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400"
sleep 45
copy %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\lusetup.exe %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\CommonAppData\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LuMMInst\Lsetup.exe
copy %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\README.txt  %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\CommonAppData\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LuMMInst\README.txt

copy %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\SAVCE_9.0.0.1400_AllWin_FR.msp %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\savce1400.msp
start /wait msiexec /p %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\savce1400.msp /a "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\Symantec Antivirus.msi" /QB
del %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\savce1400.msp
ren "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" SAV.msi

attrib -r "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\program files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs\*.*"
start /wait %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\20050707-017-i32.exe /Extract /Q "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs"
copy %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\SAV9.reg %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV91400\SAV9.reg

1- If I replace the files with the ones from SAV10 (and change the foldernames too... duh...) can it install?

2- I have, looked in both english folders on the ftp and I CAN'T FIND the msp to update to i will need it please.

3- Can't we just install new virus defs using the simple .exe extract like I do here?

4- And finally, does this still work to autoliveupdate in 10? (added the key from post43 too, but in HKLM instead of HKCU... should work on all users like the other lines)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Remove QuickScan at Startup
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\Custom Tasks]

;Reglage des options de LiveUpdate

Thanks for taking time to respond as this could be very helpful, and maybe copy pasted by allanoll on the application database from the unattended cd guide, since installing SAV is a bit more complex than simply /S :D


I did'nt stay there waiting, I did my homeworks too (or at least tried).

The code for SAV10 would be

@Echo Off
cmdow @ /HID
FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\CD.txt SET CDROM=%%i:

start /wait %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\setup.exe /A /V"/QB TARGETDIR=%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011"
sleep 45

copy %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\SAVCE_10.0.1.1000_AllWin_ENU.msp %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011\savce10011.msp
start /wait msiexec /p %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011\savce10011.msp /a "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011\Symantec Antivirus.msi" /QB
del %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011\savce10011.msp
ren "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011\Symantec AntiVirus.msi" SAV.msi

attrib -r "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011\program files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs\*.*"
start /wait %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\20050707-017-i32.exe /Extract /Q "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\Virus Defs"
copy %CDROM%\Softwares\Applications\SAVSource\SAV10.reg %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\SAV10011\SAV10.reg

I removed the lusetup entries since there does not seem to have a new liveupdate version to upgrade with 10 (i may be wrong i just guessed)

I changed every path to point to SAV10011.

Ill be waiting for your comments or suggestions, thanks

  • 1 month later...

I've had no problem silently installing sav10, but I get this weird little quirk...

At every startup, an explorer window opens to C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec and I can't figure out how or why.

Also, my sav taskbar icon seems to have disappeared.

The icon 'issue' can probably be overcome easily, but the explorer window opening? That's just strange.


it has somethig to do with this regtweak. also this bug happens on nforce2 systems, mostly on asus a7n8x motherboards






  • 1 month later...

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