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I've got to travel up to Chicago tonight (dunno why that is relevant), but anyway I will design some more later tonight and try and post them tonight. If not tonight, tomorrow morning then...

Also is sonu27 right about it being 88x31 or should it stay 90x33?

The animated one I did was 95x33, same size as SiMoNsAyS animated one just because that's just enough room to add animation to.

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ok i've recolored/modified a couple of things, older versions plus big sized can still be found here:


on the others i tried to mantain the look of the msfn forum, the next two are just to fit my Aero-Signature and will be the last :P

fun is that some areas are transparent so they can be seen different over different backgrounds :)


@TheBlackMan, doesn't look bad ;)

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Yeah, I like the transparency idea. I'm posting everything that comes to mind trying to see if we want something new and fresh, or something with an older feel to it. I'll have more posted soon!

Okay, here is one before I have to leave :


I really like this one, but I don't have time to animate it, tell me what you think.

Was looking at the letters and thought they were too flat so here is a little more depth (which looks better?) :


NOTE : These have a slight transparency to them on the right side of the background.

Another :D ! This one I made the background a little more bubble like to add to the whole cartoonish look of it all (I personally like #2 the best). I'm just posting some variety...


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I realized what SiMoNsAyS was saying about staying with the forum color scheme, so I changed up the background a bit. The first one I mized the forum background color with the previous one I had and the second one is just the forum color.



I kind of screwed up #1 with the transparency and all, but if you all like it enough I'll redo it.

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