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Who can I pay to make a custom install cd for me..

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... and how much would it cost?

I've got a regtweaks file, an unattended.MST for O2K3, a default theme, and a list of programs I want installed. I've put about 3 days of work into this and I know I'm close but can't get things working. I have no more time to waste on this (I could have installed the OS and all the settings 10 times by now) and need someone experienced. Also, it might be cool to use one of the post installer programs, but I don't have time to figure out which one would be best for me. It would be great to have a direct discussion with someone.

I'm very serious. Reply here or PM me. Thanks!

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Do it bit by bit then you know were you are going wrong. Dont do everything at once cause it p*ss you off everytime it fails and you cant find were the problem lies.

PS i will do it for £100000000000000000000000000000000000. i accept paypal only. :P


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If you spend the time to learn it now it will be easier to maintain and add features to it. I would be glad to help you if you wanted to PM me, I admit I don't have tons of extra time but I would be willing to help. I'm sure there are many other willing to help if you pm'd them. Maybe list where you are getting the errors.

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... and how much would it cost?

I've got a regtweaks file, an unattended.MST for O2K3, a default theme, and a list of programs I want installed.  I've put about 3 days of work into this and I know I'm close but can't get things working.  I have no more time to waste on this (I could have installed the OS and all the settings 10 times by now) and need someone experienced.  Also, it might be cool to use one of the post installer programs, but I don't have time to figure out which one would be best for me.  It would be great to have a direct discussion with someone.

I'm very serious.  Reply here or PM me.  Thanks!

Hey stringer,

If you really want to pay someone to do it for you, PM me and we can talk more about it. It would take about 4-8 hours for me to do it for you depending on the stuff you aready have and what you want incorporated.

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Lol :thumbup


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how about 2 hours and your 50% done

check this link it

gets down and dirty. You will be done in 2 hours.

If u need switches it is easy to find.

Instead of paying someone why not contribute to MSFN like a million dollars.  :thumbup

OK, I'm going to give this one more try following your steps to the letter. It's just frustrating that I can't figure some seemingly simple things out. Although there's no such thing as a stupid question, I still don't like to post one. ;)

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