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Windows 2000 "Hotstream" Project


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Sorry no leeching. lol

Just make a php file to point to it. Need to vist my site first this way. Just tired of GB going out the window.

So here:


Gurgelmeyer edit to your liking. Put please keep using whatcounter.com like I have.

Also you might want to edit the first post.

Testing directx 9.0 atm.

Well maybe you could add a link to directx home page in Add Remove Programs when clicking support information.

You know:


Ok same for windows 2000 data access. Like link to:


Sweet worked perfectly.

Now uninstalling.

Um sucks when clicking finish pc automaticly restarts. Anyway to popup the restart question box instead? You know the one asking if you wish to restart or not when clicking finish.

Ok same goes with data access and i guess all of them I would bet on.


Well ran into zero problems so looks great to me!

Testing data access now. No problem installing. Uninstalling now!

Um maybe not. Nothing in add remove programs now. WTF!! :(

Um ok another restarted fixed that. Werid.

Ok uninstalled perfectly as well. :thumbup

Will test the other two too. See you removed ie though.

oh ok Internet Componenets hehe

Installing now!

Sweet, installed perfectly.

Um one bug. The close botton under support information does not work. Does nothing when clicking. Also add link to ie home page maybe. Like the other two.

Ok and cant read entire uninstaller:


Now onto Script Engines.

No problems with it either. :)

So are these ready for intergrating? Wont waste my time till I hear from ya.

Take Care,


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Um maybe not. Nothing in add remove programs now. WTF!!

ARP depends on MDAC and MSHTA, so the reboots are important - don't skip them :) - once these components are merged into one - the Option Pack - only one reboot will be required of course. B)

I'll edit the links...

Best regards


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Hmm.. can't edit my post :} - please download from http://www.willsdownloads.com/hotstream/hotstream.php

Update Pack

Gonna upload the Update Pack too - Windows2000-URP1-x86-ENU.exe - consider it beta until the MS URP hits the web this tuesday - I'll do a rebuild when the time comes to include the MS URP. The Update Pack is the one with ALL known hotfixes for W2k Pro/Server.

Option Pack

These are just BETA components - the final Option Pack will be a single file update.


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WOW! Great! Could it be integrated into the source? I mean the Update Pack.

And I think it's better to have separete modules for Option Pack because not all would like to upgrade to IE6.1 or don't need DirectX9.

Best regards,

Oleg 2

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Slipstreemed the Update Pack with the bach file from MSFN - W2K IE6SP1 Total Slipstream

There is one issue: when I check with Windows Update it founds only 5 missing updates and they are IE6.1, DX9 and othe stuff that really aren't needed. MS tool qfecheck.exe says

Hotfixes Identified:

KB890859: Current on system

SP5-001: Current on system

- - -

SP5-100: Current on system

But when I check with Daisy v2.2 wich uses Security Hotfix Checker v3.86 from Shavlik Technologies it says there are 16 hotfixes are missing. I guess it checks the regestry and doesn't find references on installed hotfixes. I'd rather change it manually but need to know the real name for each SP5-hotfix. Is it possible to get the list of all included hotfixes and their correspondence to the numbers SP5-...?

Best reagards,

Oleg 2

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@Oleg_II - I won't rename the .cat files for the publicly available updates in the final version then, and I'll update the registry so it looks the way WU expects it to look. If QfeCheck only looks at the 100 catalog files installed it will miss the other >120 updates. Daisy v2.2 is probably not MS URP1 aware (?), which is why it will list a lot of pre-MS URP1 security updates.

Generally - only one (1) security update is included in my Update Pack: the latest MS URP beta, which someone sent me a week or two ago (don't remember). BUT: the MS URP includes all "native" W2k security updates (more than 100 I'm told), and the registry is updated to reflect that already. None of the other >220 updates (except for one I think, which is not a security update) are available from WU anyway. So the only KB-number you need to worry about is KB891861 - the corresponding .cat file is SP5-099.CAT in this build and its original filename is SP5.CAT. B)

@boooggy - I'll look into it then :)

Best regards


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PS - (Just to clarify) The Update Pack contains W2K "native" hotfixes - the Option Pack (which is not a pack yet) includes all the new components and the fixes for those - so Update Pack + Option Pack = Fully patched W2k with all fixes, the latest components and all fixes for those too.

There are a few IE6SP1 fixes that I haven't included yet (316116, 323061, and 325666) - I got one of them myself (yeah!) and someone is working on getting the other two fixes for me B)

Stay cool - more news soon :yes:

And finally: A BIG THANK YOU to those of you who are testing my packages :thumbup

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I'll be happy having only the Update Pack :)

And I have one question about future hotfixes-updates. If I slipstream the Update Pack to the source and there are some new hotfixes out will it be possible to slipstream them into the source also? I mean on top of already slipstreamed source.

Best regards,

Oleg 2

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Installing update pack now.

Support Info: about:blank

Nice! :D

Glad to see you decided to add it. Appreciate it.

Well that was another, expected by now, great experience.

Installed and uninstalled perfectly. Another great job well done! :thumbup

BTW you should be able to edit your first post now. ;)

Take Care,


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what you did looks like hell of a work, great job :)

would it be possible to get a post-sp4 package in other languages too?

well, i guess thats too optimistic from me, so maybe just a list of all the updates needed for post-sp4, so i can look them up in my language.. ?


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Thanks moris ;)

I don't think all files in the Update Pack are truely localized - I doubt that such things as device driver files contain many localized strings. But check your PM's. :yes:

Btw I'm working on some "post-MSURP" hotfixes right now (rebuilt versions of existing ones - I just got them!!), and a slipstreaming tool (codename "NTGRATE"). If I can't finish NTGRATE soon, I'll write a batch file or something to slipstream the next Update Pack. B)

Best regards


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