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acrobat alternative: recommendation needed


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foxit has annoying banner ads,if it weren't for that i would switch,bundling adware and spyware into an app isin't what i would use.and no i am not paying to get rid of the ads.

The a banner yes, But no spyware in foxit Pdf Reader, And it a portable application !

Does adobe acrobat is portable ?

The install size of Foxit is 2.46 Meg ! , Adobe with all its share rep take about 100 meg and it"S very slow.

Unfornately, some new pdf using adobe 7.0 features are unstable under foxit pdf reader :( But for every uses, Foxit Is my Choice...

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I view PDF once and a while and I see everything fine. People shouldn't be so picky about the "rendering" engine or whatever. it's fine. And the reg tweaks supplied will hide the banner ads. Don't let a small piece of the GUI stop you from using such a great alternative to AA.

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For those "pesky" files, you could "convert them back":


PDF Version Converter  Freeware 293KB Version 1.0 

Convert PDF file between different versions for compatibility purpose.

Every PDF file is generated or produced according to a specification. This specification has evolved from version 1.0 to version 1.6. Sometimes users are faced with the dilemma that a certain application only recognizes a specific version of PDF file. For example, some journal publishers only accept submission of PDF files of version 1.4 or later, some obsolete Windows applications only read PDF files of version 1.2. Suppose you have a PDF file of version 1.1, what would you like to do? PDF Version Converter is the answer. This freeware utility enables you to convert PDF files between different versions,

PDF version 1.0     (Adobe Acrobat 1.x)

PDF version 1.1     (Adobe Acrobat 2.x)

PDF version 1.2     (Adobe Acrobat 3.x)

PDF version 1.3     (Adobe Acrobat 4.x)

PDF version 1.4     (Adobe Acrobat 5.x)

PDF version 1.5     (Adobe Acrobat 6.x)

PDF version 1.6     (Adobe Acrobat 7.x)

Tweak PDF (Freeware)

The initial view of a PDF document can be tweaked. Is it a secret of PDF file? Well, we are not sure about this, and very few pieces of software can tweak PDF files.

With the freeware utility Tweak PDF, you are allowed to set the initial view preferences of a PDF document, such as whether to center window of the PDF file when opened, whether to display document title, to fit window, to hide menubar, to hide toolbar, and to hide window UI. When window UI is made hidden, a PDF file is just like a PowerPoint slide zoomed to full screen. You can even set the page mode of a PDF document, such as show PDF files in full screen mode, outlines mode, thumbnail mode, or simply without any special mode. Page Layout also comes as an option for you to tweak. PDF document properties such as title, subject, author, keywords can be modified with Tweak PDF.

You can even tweak PDF version from 1.0 to 1.5 for compatibility concerns, and shrink PDF files by setting the compression level and choosing the compression algorithm.


P.S.: BOTH are portable apps, no install needed

Edited by jaclaz
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