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Error message (api.js) when opening WPI

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Hey there.

I'm pretty embarassed abotu myself that I couldn't find a solution for my problem in this excellent forums here :}

I use the most recent version 3.3.5 of WPI and converted my 2.x version to it. But I always get errors and don't know, where they exactly come from.

Here is the message I get:


In english it says something like:

"Message: The property (?) or method is not supprted by the object."

What confuses me about this is the line it gives me. Neither WPI.hta nor api.js have 271 lines! :blink:

The message always appears, when the wpi.hta is loaded or when I click ANY checkbox or button in the program (apart from the exit and the install buttons).

If you need any of the files I use, here is the zip:

Download wpi.zip

I would be very pleased if you could help me.


Testing environment is a virtual machine (VMWare 4.5) with Windows 2000 Professional SP2. It is not important, which SP is installed, because it does not wirk with SP4 + patches either :(

When I'm trying to run WPI on a WinXP SP2 machine, it does not even show anything. Just brings up many error messages an stuff, but I do not really care, because I want to use it on W2K.


Oh ****! I fogot to put a useful title to the topic. This ist not really my style though, but just forgot :crazy:

Better title would be "Error message (api.js) when opening WPI"... Could anyone please change it? I can't...



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Warning! Newbee response follows....

I downloaded your wpi.zip and extracted the files in a empty directory. After doubleclicking on wpi.hta everything worked fine with no error messages at all.

I'm running XP-Pro SP2 and have Sun Java 1.4.2 installed. (I didn't try installing applications though)

Since you also tried it on WinXP SP2, my guess would be the absence of a Java runtime environment that gives you errors.

P.S. Nice company theme, Especially the category headers look nice with the fading light blue.

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Thanks a lot. I will try to install the Java RE and try again.

OK, I just tried it here at home and it works, too. Well, I'm curious if this is the only thing that is needed ;) Did anyone post or describe, that the Java VM is needed to run WPI?



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It is javaSCRIPT, not Java!!!!

Java uses a virtual machine to translate COMPILED code so that the os understands it.

Javascript is just a scripting language, that is not compiled, and has nothing to do with Java.

It's like saying batch files are exe files :P

What I do to debug javascript code is copy all the code of all script files into one html file (be sure to put the code in correct places) and then try to run it. Then you'll normally get the correct line.

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Ooops... I misunderstood something there ;)

I also tried to launch WPI on a WXPSP2-VM and it worked also. So I still do not know, why this won't work on the other machines.

The W2K-VM is a pure 2K with SP2 and also if I install the SP4 it brings th message seen above. I will try it on a normal workstation at work and hope, it won't give me any errors, but... Well, I'll try and hope ;)



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So it runs fine on your pc in a normal environment, but doesn't in vmware? Oh and by the way, I tested it in normal environment on xp-pro sp2.

Could you try it in virtualpc? (just get the demo)

And yeah, post those results here of that testing on a workstation...

I don't have w2k to test on, maybe someone else could try?

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Not completely perfect. It is like this:

W2K Pro SP2 VM: error message above

W2K Pro SP4 VM: error message above

W2K Pro SP4 workstation: works fine

WXP Pro SP2 VM: works fine

WXP Pro SP2 workstation (with VMWare installed): many other error messages

I could try Virtual PC, but is so **** lame on the PC I got here... :(


Just tried to run it on a normal workstation and it works :w00t:

So I need to test it on the WXP-VM :(



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Found the error :w00t:

If you get this error, try this:

Start => Run => regsvr32 scrrun.dll

Then it will work properly. Found it by accident, because another program didn't work. I registered the dll an then both programs worked as they should :)


****! This works for WinXP SP2, but not for W2KSP4 :blink:



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OK, here we go:

W2K Pro SP2 VM: error message in first post

W2K Pro SP4 VM: error message in first post

W2K Pro SP4 normal workstation: works fine

WXP Pro SP2 VM: works fine

WXP Pro SP2 normal workstation (with VMWare installed): Works fine WHEN used "regsvr32 scrrun.dll"

So the regsvr-fix only works in WinXP. Not in W2K. There it doesn't matter, if the dll is registered or not :( You still get the error in my first post. The error always occurs, when I open WPI. AND when I click any item in the programme.

Another bug (maybe) is, that the dependencies don't work, when I get the error message. But they do work on the other systems...

Hope you get it. My english surely is far away from perfect, so if there are any more questions, ask me :)



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