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Anyone got the new PS2 Slimline?

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Has anyone got the new PS2 Slimline?

Just bought it recently. I think that is rules!

The very best in interactive home entertainment has a new, streamlined face - PlayStation 2 is sleeker, smaller and more stylish than ever before.

But this dazzling downsizing hasn't extended to the console's superb range of features. PlayStation 2 still has the same awesome processing power, the same immense, diverse library of great games, the same fantastic DVD and CD-playing capabilities, the same stunning versatility... In short, PlayStation 2 offers the same amazing array of entertainment possibilities in a single, simple to use console.

In fact, PlayStation 2 manages to squeeze even more into its svelte, lightweight frame; the newly-integrated NETWORK connector gives you the power to directly hook your console up to a broadband Internet connection and take a variety of network-enabled games and applications online. It's possible to compete, cooperate or even chat with fellow PlayStation 2 owners across Europe and, in some cases, the rest of the world.

Quote from PS2.co.uk

Here are some of the new console:







New Features

  • Built in Network Adapter
  • Built in Infrared Port
  • Updated Firmware
  • 75% Smaller!
  • Plays DVD+/-RW now.
  • Some people say it is faster.
  • "Flip top" now.

Removed Features

  • Cool blue light gone :(
  • No Firewire Port (Not need anyway!)
  • Hard drive add-on can not be installed.
  • Old multitap will not work, new one needed.

I know that this is old news, but I search and found no topic for this.


Hi there,

I'm selling my old PS2 for $150 (CAD) and buying the new one at Future Shop for $180... pretty sweet deal for me.

I think that the new PS2 looks sweet, and unless you definately want to play FF-XI, you don't really need a hard drive.

The new PS2 definately gets my :thumbup


I just got mine and WOW!!!

This thing is just sexy... I can't believe how small it is...

The only think that I can think of that's really different (and allowed Sony to save lots of space) is that the power supply is now external, with a DC connector into the actual box.

Other than that... it's just sweet...

Oh and as for the "faster" bit... I think I've noticed it being a bit faster loading DOA2:Hardcore... mmm.... get me to Ayane faster!!! :P

Oh and as for the "faster" bit... I think I've noticed it being a bit faster loading DOA2:Hardcore... mmm.... get me to Ayane faster!!! :P

Do you think it is so much faster that it could persuade current PS2 owners into getting the slimline? Allos, thanks to the infrared port, being able to use the remote without having to plug in a thing to the controller slot is a big plus (yeah, I have the oldest US PS2 model [7 days after initial release :thumbup ])

BTW: I like Kasumi

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