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Version 3.3 - Themes

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Downloaded your latest but am still getting this error when I use the autorun.inf I posted above and double click on usb pen drive




What is odd is if I double click on wpi.hta manually it runs ok. But if I have the autorun.inf and right click and choose autoplay or if I just double click on the driver letter of my usb flash drive I get the javasript error.

I wish I can remember exactly what was the latest version of wpi that worked with the autorun but I can't. I think it was 4 or 5 versions ago when I last tested this.

Any ideas?


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Yes there is a problem running the new version.

I tried to start it from guirunonce but i got the same error message.

if i try to start it manually it works fine.

Who can help?


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Very interesting that it works if you put wpi in the root instead of in a wpi folder. Using the code you posted does work. But as soon as you move wpi into a folder it no longer works. Since it worked in older versions of wpi there has to be something causing this to fail when put in a folder.

Good work around for now though.


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hi guys. try 3.3.2 - i've changed the path handling especially for your needs (WPI wasn't meant to be run from autorun)

Autorun doesn't set the correct path, if you call wpi.hta directly. If you called a cmd-skript, that changes to the wpi directory and then calls wpi.hta, it should have worked.

Now it should work from within autorun when called directly as well.

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Yes there is a problem running the new version.

I tried to start it from guirunonce but i got the same error message.

if i try to start it manually it works fine.

Who can help?


Still not wrking here :no:

heres my insatll cmd which i call from guirunonce

cmdow @ /HID
REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\registry.reg
REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\macromdeia.reg
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\netfxsp1.exe
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\dx\dxsetup.exe /silent
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\ATI.CMD
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\wpi\wpi.hta
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\cleanup.cmd
start /wait poweroff Reboot -warn -warntime 30 -msg "This System Must now Reboot , This Is necessary for applications to complete installation, shortcuts to update. Disk Defrag will start after login"

Now with older versions i can load up wpi ok but not with the new ones

i dont use the wpi.cmd as i alread have the registry fix we need .its already being applied ..do i need to use the new cmd that come with WPI??

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try, if the following works:

cmdow @ /HID
REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\registry.reg
REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\macromdeia.reg
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\netfxsp1.exe
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\dx\dxsetup.exe /silent
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\ATI.CMD

cd \install\wpi
start /wait wpi.hta

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\cleanup.cmd
start /wait poweroff Reboot -warn -warntime 30 -msg "This System Must now Reboot , This Is necessary for applications to complete installation, shortcuts to update. Disk Defrag will start after login"



start /wait d:\Unattended\Source\$OEM$\$1\Install\wpi\WPI.hta

works on my comp if called directly on the command prompt (on another drive, in another directory). so it should, when called from a cmd-file, too.[/EDIT]

Post the error message, please.

Edited by hasi001
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Thanks for fixing the bug. Now it runs perfectly from GUIRUNONCE.



I run this from winnt.sif



and it works fine for me.

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3.3 is working perfectly now for autorun.inf, even on my usb flash drive. Also conditions exlc deps, its all working beautifully. This version meets every need I have at this point.

Awesome work!


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I'm still having problems with the cond[pn] feature. Last time you solved the display generation problem which was located in boxes.js. But right now I'm facing the same problem when I want to actually install the conditional programs.

With my almost zero knowledge of java, I located the problem in generate.js where the condition is evaluated twice: first for selection and secondly for installation. I was able to solve the first eval expression by copying the same lines of code from boxes.js. Unfortunately I do not have enough knowledge to solve the second eval expression.

Can you look into it?

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possibly related I found a big problem when using cond statement. Cond works in that it will show or not show the program when you launch wpi, but any application you put the cond statement on will not install. They show up in the menu but do not intall. As soon as I remove the cond statement all apps install ok.

Here is my cond statement


When turning on debug it appears everything is ok until you check a box, then it runs through a condition statement which fails on every app because it is looking in "Irom%\Install" which I is my cdrom driver so it seems to be replacing cd with I instead of replacing %cdrom% with I:

Also I get this error when trying to exit after debugging



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