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Windows ME Service Pack


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After releasing 98 SE SP 2.0 final, I hope I will work on Windows ME Service Pack. :thumbup

hopefully this will stablize this operating system's explorer interface. I cant remember how i did it exactly, but i did manage to achieve this on a clean install of windows ME. Im pretty sure i used a combination of IE radicator and 98lite 4.5/4.6 to achieve this. Im thinking i used IE radicator to remove IE 5.5 and then i installed IE6 and used 98lite to re-integrate it into the desktop. but last time i tried this with IE6 SP1 i ran into problems. i got an error wen i tried to install IE6 SP1

When I use 98lite 4.7 to install MElite, I have to first install IE55, then remove it, then it will install IE60SP1. Trying it first it gets an error because it [erroneously; I have all the files!] believes it has to contact an MS file server and it can't do it, etc.

Also, the Help stuff that comes up [forcefully!] in safe mode is now fixed in MElite; however, it requires the WBEM option be set [MElite will prompt you warning you to NOT delete it, etc.] but the WMI interface is still optional.

Additionally, I reported [just under the wire for the release of 4.7!] various other ME-isms that were broken in MElite SLEEK [V1] such as the OSK, etc.

Improved in 4.7 but not totally fixed: MSCONFIG with SLEEK [V1] will apply correctly when you exit, but will create a minor crash and will not actually reboot. Manual reboot will work OK, etc.

Anyway, try 4.7; most of the effort was placed on fixing ME past 4.6, etc. [sLEEK [V2] still on hold :( .]


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I'm looking forward to a new release of Windows ME service pack :D

I used to use Linux for OS studying and Windows XP for backup OS on my laptop.

However, I recently installed bundled Windows ME with recorver CD.

It's just because installing Windows with recover CD is the fastest way to get windows OS on my VAIO laptop and I'm kinda bored with the XP interface. :}

I know ME is the most unstable OS ever from Microsoft and I have hated it.

but some bundled function accomplished by Sony is great (ie: Active Desktop with function to change wallpaper according to current season.) .

So,, I'm currently playing with Active Desktop in Windows ME and studying JAVA Script.

Anyway, I always look for new things and different things, and unofficial Windows ME /98 servicepack is my current head topic. ;)

Thank you for your all effort on Service packs and bringing us a new and good things.

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After releasing 98 SE SP 2.0 final, I hope I will work on Windows ME Service Pack. :thumbup

hopefully this will stablize this operating system's explorer interface. I cant remember how i did it exactly, but i did manage to achieve this on a clean install of windows ME. Im pretty sure i used a combination of IE radicator and 98lite 4.5/4.6 to achieve this. Im thinking i used IE radicator to remove IE 5.5 and then i installed IE6 and used 98lite to re-integrate it into the desktop. but last time i tried this with IE6 SP1 i ran into problems. i got an error wen i tried to install IE6 SP1

When I use 98lite 4.7 to install MElite, I have to first install IE55, then remove it, then it will install IE60SP1. Trying it first it gets an error because it [erroneously; I have all the files!] believes it has to contact an MS file server and it can't do it, etc.

Also, the Help stuff that comes up [forcefully!] in safe mode is now fixed in MElite; however, it requires the WBEM option be set [MElite will prompt you warning you to NOT delete it, etc.] but the WMI interface is still optional.

Additionally, I reported [just under the wire for the release of 4.7!] various other ME-isms that were broken in MElite SLEEK [V1] such as the OSK, etc.

Improved in 4.7 but not totally fixed: MSCONFIG with SLEEK [V1] will apply correctly when you exit, but will create a minor crash and will not actually reboot. Manual reboot will work OK, etc.

Anyway, try 4.7; most of the effort was placed on fixing ME past 4.6, etc. [sLEEK [V2] still on hold :( .]


i hav had 4.7 for a whilte, just at the time of doing this i had 4.5/6.

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Hmm, WinME an unstable OS, huh?

If you install the right updates for ME, adjust a few settings

and preventing some stuff from loading such as 'Pchschd.exe -s'

WinME will run a little faster and be a little more stable. The

Pchschd thingy is barely worthless and can easily be disabled

from the Msconfig tool.

Note that Windows ME patches work a little differently than

Windows 95 & 98 patches. Read MS article 295413 on

how Windows ME updates work:


It'll be a little harder to make a service pack for WinME because

you can't just install updated files. Note that WinME's system file

protection [sFP] feature will reject files that are older than the

ones included in ME AND ones that are not approved by the WinME OS

such as updated system files greater than ME but do not come with

a digital signature file [a .cat file] that tells SFP to accept the updated

files. Only .CAT files are made by MS.

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Gape et all,

what about not a SP for ME, but instead an "Enhancement Pack" B) to 98SE ? It would include IE6 with SP1 and hotfixes; WMP 9 plus codecs; .NET Framework; MSN 6.2 (maybe 7) and DirectX 9.0c... all installable in a single click !

Just a suggestion, since there's not too many users of ME as of 98SE... ;)

Oh, please don't forget to write the guide to localize 98SE SP 2.0 after its release ! :thumbup


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there is a program called system restore remover that can remove the system file protection,if he makes one there should be a requierment before installing the sp that you need it and will not install it without using that app

i've had win me stable but i had to format it within a few days

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Gape et all,

what about not a SP for ME, but instead an "Enhancement Pack"  B)  to 98SE ? It would include IE6 with SP1 and hotfixes; WMP 9 plus codecs; .NET Framework; MSN 6.2 (maybe 7) and DirectX 9.0c... all installable in a single click !

Just a suggestion, since there's not too many users of ME as of 98SE...  ;)

Oh, please don't forget to write the guide to localize 98SE SP 2.0 after its release !  :thumbup


great idea. perhaps with WMP 8 codecs included as well, and WMP9 (preferable the extracted version from winxp sp2??). server space for this could become reasonably big for a single update, but perhaps some DIY instructions? (ive read the WMP for sp2 tutorial)

there may not be as many users of ME as there are for 98se, but i still believe it would be worth creating one for ME as there are people who do still use it. hey, my systems with 98 would be running it if it would run stable on their hardware...

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Hmm, WinME an unstable OS, huh?

If you install the right updates for ME, adjust a few settings

and preventing some stuff from loading such as 'Pchschd.exe -s'

WinME will run a little faster and be a little more stable.  The

Pchschd thingy is barely worthless and can easily be disabled

from the Msconfig tool.

Note that Windows ME patches work a little differently than

Windows 95 & 98 patches.  Read MS article 295413 on

how Windows ME updates work:


It'll be a little harder to make a service pack for WinME because

you can't just install updated files.  Note that WinME's system file

protection [sFP] feature will reject files that are older than the

ones included in ME AND ones that are not approved by the WinME OS

such as updated system files greater than ME but do not come with

a digital signature file [a .cat file] that tells SFP to accept the updated

files.  Only .CAT files are made by MS.

this is not just a matter of software tweaks to get it running stable. ME is picky with its hardware. i would say forget using ISA hardware with it, even if you do use a third party driver.

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I used ME for a full 2 years before moving to XP Pro.

Those were bright days. The only frustration at stablility became of own occassional doing!

But, at the end of the day, it was a quick OS, and looked more modern, based partly on the Windows 2000 interface. The feature set was much improved too.

I far, far prefer it to 98SE! I am afraid (not being scathing) 98SE was horrid, from the slow start up times, to the heavy DOS components to that nasty murky green background colour to the random unreliablility.

98SE has "outdated" written all over it, and whilst creating service packs will extend its use, its only fair that ME has the same star treatment, when it is actually better.

me hates crappy hardware

98 will accept crappy hardware

me is more picky than xp is

Not true in my opinion ;)

ME has far better support for hardware. Especially USB devices such as flash drives and zip drives. ME just gets on and installs them, 98 needs 10 million driver files to even detect them half the time.

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As long as I can remember, I used ME for about 18 months without any problem at all, running stable on a Asus A7V + Duron 800 MHz. B)

But at that time I noticed something that must explain this. I customized my whole installation from the very beggining, and some friends of mine *never* became happy using ME, maybe because they installed it with the default settings. :wacko:

Of course it's just a hint, can't assure if this was the difference - or not - for a stable ME to a "average erratic" ME... :whistle:


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As long as I can remember, I used ME for about 18 months without any problem at all, running stable on a Asus A7V + Duron 800 MHz.  B)

But at that time I noticed something that must explain this. I customized my whole installation from the very beggining, and some friends of mine *never*  became happy using ME, maybe because they installed it with the default settings.  :wacko:

Of course it's just a hint, can't assure if this was the difference - or not - for a stable ME to a "average erratic" ME...  :whistle:


I agree with thundernetbr on customizing installation of WinME. It ran better

that way than with the default install options. Also Windows ME is best suited

for HOME usage, not for business usage. ME was built for the consumer & home

user while NT/2000 was built for small & large businesses.

I even installed some old hardware such as this Star NX2460c dot matrix color

printer from the mid-90s and used it on my HP computer with pre-installed

WinME and it ran fine. So SOME old hardware can work with ME, but not all of

them; you just need to install the LATEST drivers for the old hardware.

If you want to use hardware from the Win3.x days, use Win98 first or second

edition instead of ME. 98 is also best suited for home/consumer users.

Note that removing system file protection will prevent WinME users from

uninstalling IE from Add/Remove programs as the uninstaller will fail if SFP

is not running or disabled.

FAT chance of an "Enhancement Pack" being made.

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