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[Tools] Unattended Programs

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Does anyone have a link to the latest version of RyanVM's SP2 update pack? His site has been down for a long time :\

Yeah, also noticed that. Exceed bandwith :( Haven't found any good mirror for the pack....


What do you mean by 'old Format' ?

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for Unattended Codec-Pack

Enhanced MSI Version for this Pack. No batch files. Customizable during silent install.

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Added ankap! Thanks for your work !

Just thought I should highlight that both the above should be referenced at ver 2.3 in your front page not 2.2

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for Unattended Codec-Pack

Enhanced MSI Version for this Pack. No batch files. Customizable during silent install.

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Added ankap! Thanks for your work !

Just thought I should highlight that both the above should be referenced at ver 2.3 in your front page not 2.2

Euhm, I'm having a little hard time figuring what was the actual tool you were talking about :P

There's Unattended Codec Pack, the Enhanced MSI version from ankap, and also Inf file and cmd by you...are they nearly the same or not really ?

Thanks for the clarification,

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Your first page on the thread when I posted had a direct link to CODECS22.rar file when it was running at 2.3 thats all I meant.

It also suggested therefore that the new msi version was therefore also at 2.2, which was obviously not the case.

You appear to have changed the reference now, and all is okay.

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Your first page on the thread when I posted had a direct link to CODECS22.rar file when it was running at 2.3 thats all I meant.

It also suggested therefore that the new msi version was therefore also at 2.2, which was obviously not the case.

You appear to have changed the reference now, and all is okay.

Thanks! Great to know :) Yes, I removed the link for less confusion :thumbup

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