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[Tools] Unattended Programs

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Here's a link to my "hivefix.inf" project.


HIVEFIX is about integrating changes before the first user profile is built. You can make considerable changes to the user profile, eg replace Documents And Settings\ThisUser\My Documents\My Pictures with something like "Users\ThisUser\Personal\Pictures", as well as get rid of many other setup irritations.

We currently are adding two files (other than hotfix), being tweakui.exe and directx.cpl. These are added not just to the control panel, but to the "Performance and Maintanence" catagory.

There is also some guide about changing the default settings from the USA to somewhere more local. The settings in the file refer to Queensland, Australia. You can customise the strings section to match your locality.

Wendy is an os/2 fan, too!

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TGUP - The Great Unattended Project

Online Unattended Installer

The Solution for Windows Silent Software Installation. The Great Unattended Project - TGUP is an executable Package that downloads and installs latest versions of commonly-used freeware silently in sequence and sorts them into the startmenu.

based on WIHU



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