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Will you be upgrading to Longhorn?

Will you be upgrading to Longhorn?  

255 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be upgrading to Longhorn?

    • Yes, but will buy with a new computer.
    • Yes, I will install on the same computer.
    • Yes, but I will have to upgrade my computer first.
    • No I will not be upgrading.
    • No, my computer can't handle Longhorn.
    • No, don't like Longhorn!
    • What the hell is Longhorn?

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What the hell is LongHorn?

Longhorn is the next Windows OS and it's due to be released in 2006

HeHe, i know, I was kidding, I was the only one to vote that :D

  • 1 month later...

Hmmm... bloated so-called software, that is taking centuries just to beta test, and doesn't have one thing working correctly ever sense the first build. I wonder if the CR1 will have at least one non-bloated Application that runs without having your 3.0GHZ CPU and 1GB or RAM Usage at more than 20% while you Play a mp3 or simply just surf the net.

LOL - you have to let your computer set there for an hour after a fresh install just to update the the new great idea that Microsoft calls a File System (WinFS). Can't image myself upgrading to "Longhorn". Then again this is Micro$oft. They own the OS Standard in about 95% of homes, and 2/3 of most business. If anything they will find a way to "Make" you upgrade... :realmad: , not to mention buying a new computer that can run the OS as well.

What's really funny, anyone who has a working copy, will notice that there is a 3 page tweak guide to Longhorn. Without using the Tweak Guide - LongHorn is just that, A LongHorn in your a**!

OK, I'm done rating for now....

LongHorn is just that, A LongHorn in your a**!

(A little off the topic)

Hey, MSFN didn't block 'a**'.

a** Monkey

a** Munch

a** Hole


Big a**

Small a**

a** In Your Face

Kiss My a**

Up Your a**

Smell My a**

Kicking a**

Shake That a**

Smart a**

Dumb a**

Cheap a**

Stupid a**

Kick a**

Bad a**

Nice a**

Spank That a**

Crazy a**

Weird a** s***

Half a** Job

Candy a**

Whoop a**

Fat a**

a** Backwards

Sucks a**

Kiss a**

Broke a**

Hungry a**

p*** a**

Cover Your a**

Any More? :w00t:



a** only just means a variant of Donkey... And visitors here are expected to be mature enough to use words correctly and in decency. We'd rather spend our time in making useful content, than compile a "Top thousand list" of swear-words to block. :P

As for whether anyone will be upgrading to longhorn.... I can bet you that in about a year's time, this site (and others) will be buzzing like mad with beta news and views and tests and tweaks and requests (for cracks) and whatnot..... Every kid worth his salt is gonna feel moronic to be left out of the excitement - and these kids will spread the positive buzz onwards to everybody else. (remember how fearful people were of XP's activation in the early days? But *STILL* everyone wanted to lay a hand on it.)

I'm already on longhorn (alphas). And by the time it finally comes out, I might have upgraded a few system components already. So yeah, its a foregone conclusion. :D

As for the upgrade required for longhorn.... you have to remember that an entire industry is looking towards longhorn to revive sagging demand for "MORE, BIGGER, FASTER" segment of hardware! Whether MS satisfiers them or not, is a moot-point at this time.

Hmmm... bloated so-called software, that is taking centuries just to beta test, and doesn't have one thing working correctly ever sense the first build. I wonder if the CR1 will have at least one non-bloated Application that runs without having your 3.0GHZ CPU and 1GB or RAM Usage at more than 20% while you Play a mp3 or simply just surf the net.

LOL - you have to let your computer set there for an hour after a fresh install just to update the the new great idea that Microsoft calls a File System (WinFS). Can't image myself upgrading to "Longhorn".

hmm how can you even moan about any problems in longhorn? just because you try out these crappy alpha builds doesnt give the right to talk from your a**. if you really think the rtm will be like this then you my friend are an id***

and didnt they remove winfs from longhorn?

What's really funny, anyone who has a working copy, will notice that there is a 3 page tweak guide to Longhorn. Without using the Tweak Guide - LongHorn is just that, A LongHorn in your a**!

again you are an id***. its not even in beta yet? do you really think it will ship like this?


I plan on getting away from Longhorn and staying as far far away from it as I can. Not only are the planned hardware requirements for it totally insane, but it will include even more of the rediculous "authenticate/activate" blah blah software code where it won't install unless you have a dedicated internet connection so that it can talk to a M$ server to get permission to turn itself on the first time you install it. In addition, like most of the recent M$ software that server only gives a set number of "credits" to activate your happy little software package. Once you run out of "credits" i.e. you've intstalled the software after one too many hard drive crashes, that's it. Your done. You can wave the reciept and throw the retail box at the head of a M$ help desk person, and they will tell you the same thing they are telling people already. "We're sorry, but in an effort to prevent piracy of software, we've established this system. The only people getting hurt by it or those who are trying to use our products illegally. Since you seem to be having an issue, that leads me to wonder exactly how legal your own use of this software your trying to make work is. Wait here for a moment." *as technician phones local authorities and turns you in for attempting to use pirated software*

The thing is, M$ has said this in news reports and press briefings alread. If you outuse your "Activation credits" you will NOT under any circumstances be issued more of them. So if you spend $500.00 buying a copy of Microsoft Office 2003 Professional(which has this software built into it already), and install it one too many times....your now the proud owner of a $500.00 drink coaster. They will not replace your CD. They will not issue you more activations. Thanks for giving M$ another $500.00, we can direct you to several retail outlets where you can purchase another copy.....BLEH!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm staying as far away from anything even remotely like that as I can. I only use a small install of Windows 98Se on my actual PC, and that is only for game compatability. I'm also an active supporter of the DosBox, Wine, and Cedega projects. The instant any version of Linux will decently support my vintage game collection, M$ and all their bunk is going nowhere near any PC I ever own again.

They are already a multi-billion dollar coorporation. Now they are fleecing people for $500.00 drink coasters with pretty labels on them. Next thing you know it will be legal for McDonalds to charge you for food you can't actually swallow, just for the licensed right to taste food that they have cooked for you, and Disney will be able to charge you for just listening to someone tell you about a new movie they are releasing because if you share the information with anyone else, even by word of mouth, without paying for the right to do so, your violating their licensing and copyrights. What's next? Wal Mart making you pay them every time their 80yr old door greeter guy gropes you and smiles? :realmad:

Incidently, is everyone who has thrown out hundreds or even thousands of dollars in purchased games and software because XP doesn't support 9.x style software and games, willing, ready, and able to do the same thing again when Longhorn comes out? M$ hasn't said one thing about any sort of promise that any game or software package that requires the NT core will work on their new file system. Get the trash cans ready everyone, you'll need them again, trust me.


peosonally.. i think that when longhorn come out.. if M$ gonna charge another S$500 for it.. i am gonna to Malaysia and get the pirated version fo it.. and if it not as effective 2003 in performance and stability.. i am just gonna throw it down the building.. cause after XP was realesed.. M$ really sucks now.. all the security flaws and blah blah.. <_<

...doesnt give the right to talk from your a**. you my friend are an id***...

...and didnt they remove winfs from longhorn?...

...again you are an id***....

Hey everyone has the right to an opinion..., including without limitation, a casual Ranting of Mic$oft. :P:D

Sorry if I offended anyone, didn't mean to. Having phun. :whistle:

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