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I applied the reg tweak... But I couldn't find the key for change desktop icons title thing hmm I know I couldn't explain it well :) hmm picture will show you I want to change this to default...



Its "Use drop shadows for icons on desktop."

Search the attached file in first post, its prsent there under visual effects. You have to apply it at T-12 for this setting to work.


Drop shadow didn't work but I re check ''use drop shadows for icon labels'' form system properties <<< advanced <<<performance options now it is okay...

Thanks anyway...

Posted (edited)

Heres a Large List of Registry Tweaks for Disabling Services.

NOTE: I dont recommend you use these unless you know what your doing.

For more information: http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/service411.htm

[EDIT] Update Coming Today, will be worth it.


BlackViper Service Configurations Registry Keys


Edited by DigeratiPrime

Just like to repeat the statement from the previous post. Please do not apply these settings unless you really do know what you are doing.

Some of the settings should only be used in specific personal circumstances. Black Vipers 'SAFE' settings for example would recommend a dword value of 00000002 (Automatic) for all of the following services from the above file, regardless of the service pack level or Home /Pro:












Also there is no need whatsoever to apply any of the ControlSet001 settings.

The Disables Error Reporting Service appears to be exactly the same as the Disables Media Center Scheduler Service.

The RemoteRegistry setting is available in XP Professional version only


Anyone notice that this registry setting doesn't work?

;Disable Windows Picture and Fax Viewer


The Windows Picture and Fax Viewer still pops up when I click on a picture to view it.

Also for this registry setting:

;Alphabetically sort Start Menu

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu]

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu2]

The item's in the Start Menu is only alaphetically sorted after Windows is formatted. As I install more applications, the Start Menu no longer sorts it automatically anymore. What gives?


Thanks for the helpful reply Yzöwl.

Im just playing with Windows to see what the minimum services needed are for Basic Computing. Some things may not work with these services disabled, but I'm having no trouble so far with my software at all (Firefox, Thunderbird, Zonealarm, Office).

I compiled that list myself, thats explains the errors, and 'useless' entries (FIXED). I am only posting these risky tweaks because i havent seen a complete list elsewhere.

  Sgt_Strider said:
Anyone notice that this registry setting doesn't work?

;Disable Windows Picture and Fax Viewer


The Windows Picture and Fax Viewer still pops up when I click on a picture to view it.

Also for this registry setting:

;Alphabetically sort Start Menu

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu]

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu2]

The item's in the Start Menu is only alaphetically sorted after Windows is formatted. As I install more applications, the Start Menu no longer sorts it automatically anymore. What gives?

Alphabetically sort Start Menu, you need to apply it each time you install or modify any items in the Start Menu. That means, whenever you see menu items is out of oder you need to re-apply the tweak. Therefore, its best to create a batch file called tweak.bat and tweak file called tweak.reg and put it in the Startup floder.


  Astalavista said:

thank you for volunteering to compile the tweaks.

when will it be ready?

So we're not allowed to make suggestions now? How is your new Police State going? :P


lol, Police State!

Don't worry methanoid, the new set is being collected and worked on. It will probably be put in a db on the unattended guide.... lets see. :)

I will make an announcement about it when it is finalised, anyway.

  prathapml said:
lol,  Police State!

Don't worry methanoid, the new set is being collected and worked on. It will probably be put in a db on the unattended guide.... lets see. :)

I will make an announcement about it when it is finalised, anyway.

Thanks dude.. Your work IS appreciated, honest! :D

  kenneth11zz said:
Alphabetically sort Start Menu, you need to apply it each time you install or modify any items in the Start Menu. That means, whenever you see menu items is out of oder you need to re-apply the tweak. Therefore, its best to create a batch file called tweak.bat and tweak file called tweak.reg and put it in the Startup floder.


I don't think this is entirely true. I believe there is a way to make it permanent by granting an account Read-Only permissions to the registry key that houses the menu order. The following was posted in the same Maximum PC issue where I got the registry tweaks I posted earlier:

  MaximumPC "PC How-to Guide: Winter 2005" said:
Force alphabetic sorting of the Program menu

...This tweak will permanently sort all your programs alphabetically.

  • Open the Registry (Start>Run, type "regedit") and go to HKEY_Current User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Menu Order.
  • On the Edit menu, select Permissions.
  • In the "Permissions for MenuOrder" dialog box, click Advanced.
  • In the "Advanced Security Settings for MenuOrder" dialog box, clear the "Inherit From Parent" check box.
  • In the security dialog box that appears, click Copy.
  • Click OK to return to the "Permissions for MenuOrder" dialog box, and then clear the "Full Control Access" entry for your own account and for any security groups that you're a memebr of, leaving the "Read Access Control" entry in place.

Since this isn't really a reg tweak, per se, I didn't include it last time. Again, I want to stress that I haven't tested this, so please use caution in implementing it. That batch file added to the startup folder is certainly a good alternative though. :)


@Sgt_Strider, about fax and picture viewer: for me this tweak works ok, when i try to open an image file the "open with..." window will appear to ask you. pict viewer always highlited by default but you can use the program you want to. i usually register image filetypes with other program to avoid it :)


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]

i can't identfy these tweaks





















i am compiling registry tweaks ,but i don't know what they do and which value they take.

for example bootmaxnumsection do blablaaa.....

please help

  Sgt_Strider said:
Anyone notice that this registry setting doesn't work?

;Disable Windows Picture and Fax Viewer


The Windows Picture and Fax Viewer still pops up when I click on a picture to view it.

Also for this registry setting:

;Alphabetically sort Start Menu

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu]

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu2]

The item's in the Start Menu is only alaphetically sorted after Windows is formatted. As I install more applications, the Start Menu no longer sorts it automatically anymore. What gives?

Use this to comletely disable Windows Picture Viewer. It disable thumbnail-view too however.

regsvr32 /u /s shimgvw.dll

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