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PROB | ATI DVD-Decoder


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[url="http://www2.ati.com/drivers/setup.exe"]http://www2.ati.com/drivers/setup.exe[/url] unpacks the same as [url="http://www2.ati.com/drivers/6-8_xcode_35179.exe"]http://www2.ati.com/drivers/6-8_xcode_35179.exe[/url] (byte-identical as verified on 2006/11/02).
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  • 3 months later...
I downloaded and installed [url="http://home.valornet.com/ddriver/download/ATI_Decoder.exe"]http://home.valornet.com/ddriver/download/ATI_Decoder.exe[/url] and it works fine. Unfortunatly, my 3D accelleration doesn't work as well. Tuxracer is like riding a tricycle in the snow. The unninstall is a dead link. Does anyone know how to rip it out manually? You'd really be helping me out a lot, as if i cannot rip it out, i most likely will rip out my hair instead... and that's *just not productive...
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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Is there any advantage to using the official ATI DVD decoder over the Cyberlink decoder included in Shark's [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=66826&st=0"]"Vista Codec Pack"[/url]?
From what I understand, the ATI DVD codec is 3d hardware accelerated while the Cyberlink codec is software emulated.
Does anyone know for sure? Does anyone have CPU utilization numbers for both? Edited by mr_smartepants
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Nevermind, I just built a switchless installer for this and installed it but the ATI package is just a repackaged Cyberlink PowerDVD decoder.

CPU utilization on my notebook is identical between both packages (between 20-30%) :rolleyes:
So much for the "hardware accelerated" claims.

Oh well, if someone requests it, I'll post directions to build your own switchless installer (.exe) for this.

Anyone know how to enable hardware acceleration in WMP11?
Tools->Options->Performance->Advanced->Prefered decoder (greyed out)

I have 9800Pro with ATI decoder installed properly.
Is there a reg entry that I missed?
I tried this utility to 'force' the decoder but it didn't work either.
[url="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=DE1491AC-0AB6-4990-943D-627E6ADE9FCB&displaylang=en"]MS Link[/url]

Edited by mr_smartepants
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  • 5 years later...

good news, i repackage ati dvd decoder with install rite and it work for me and no need for cd checking or anything... It'll install silently and the only way to tell if it's installed, go to control panel and look at listing under add/remove programs and you'll see "ATI DVD Decoder"


ATI DVD Decoder Ver 3.0.1 / 2.8mb / Updated 8-16-04

no switch are need and let me know if it worked or not.

EDIT: Uploaded newer one, and got rid of bunches of useless registry, mostly are unrelated to ati.

Hey dude, the link to the file is dead. Just tried it and it locked up my browser, had to go through the task manager to shut down the browser and then restart. (BTW... Windows XP MCE)

Not sure when it went, but I had to goto another post that allowed me to download directly from ATI. Been looking for that file all darn day. :lol: I have the CD from my dads ATI card (Raedon 9500), but the decoder says can't find ATI hardware. :} Oh well. Found the link to the ATI decoder from the site, and since the wizard wouldn't download it it took me forever to find the darn thing. Oh well, if you get the file back up you can repost. Koodous for trying though, I was hoping the link was still up.

Third page here on the forum you can find the file from ATI directly if you want it. Till later dude, nice try though.

Edited by davidlb11
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Hey "dude". What did you expect from a link that is over EIGHT YEARS OLD, and that was last discussed over five years ago? It must have worked well since no one has needed to discuss it since. I think that deserves a whole lot more than "nice try". Since you were able to find a link to a file that worked for you, it would be kind of you to post that link just in case there are others looking for that type of solution, you know, save someone else from having to look "for that file all darn day", ie give back to the community.

Cheers and Regards

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?Post#16 - SETUP.EXE

Clear TEMP folder, Run, DO NOT click "ok" when msg "must be run from", copy files/folder from TEMP folder to "elsewhere", follow install instructions (see other posts) for the two MSI files.


This may or may not work/function depending on your ATI card. "Buyer beware".

Why? Bro had gotten a used "ATI All In Wonder VE PCI" (no CD - obtained drivers/software from ATI - YES the correct ones) and it refuses to allow non-copy-protected (recorded himself for a sermon) videos to be played from his videocam to edit for the WWW. He wound up using a webcam instead.

So... if it works for you, fine, otherwise don't complain and don't post saying "doesn't work". Why? I do NOT know and it wasn't worth the effort to figure it out. In addition, trying this may be construed as questionably legal even though you own the card but have no CD.

Frustrating, isn't it? :(

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