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Going by the lack of enthusiasm for people to get on board with things, I'm wondering whether I should even be bothering working on XPlode further.

Goes for the mailing list too - nobody's giving me any ideas, so at the moment, there's nothing to improve on.

Has anybody got any ideas for another project to do, because at this stage, with the lack of interest, I don't see a point continuing with XPlode. Maybe some docs, but that'd probably be it.

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Hey Man.

Don't give up. I have definitely a few sugestions and ideas and also some solutions that are interesting. I live in the GMT+1 time zone and I am fully available from 5 pm. to 12 pm...That 5 pm here is 11 or 12 pm in Sydney. But if you contact me through the day I can arange my time to have some free time. We could have a conversation on MSN messenger.

You can also contact me at kristian@rebus.sk anytime and leave a note you are online.

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I sent it to the mailing list as well, but I'll post it here for redundancy:

Since you asked, apart from Installation Selection there are two things

I would like in the Shortcut plugin:

  • to select the icon for the shortcut,
  • set how the shortcut is run (normal window, minimized, etc)

As for helping out: I'm not a coder, or web developer, but if need be I

could see what I can do with the documentation (although there seem to

be plenty who volunteered to do that).

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Integrating XPDeploy and XPlode could be good, we could use the image tag to give a better feel to the install also if i'm doing a install on my friends computer i could, before install, select only whats required to be installed.

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probably the new feature is a modular setup runtime, in order to select with check box the program we want to preinstall. Suppose you own only five AV license, you will so able to not bypass number of licenses and at the same time to have only a DVD for all the installation,

Second , maybe some of use doesn't need it by I think XPlode could integrate both alternative, full unattended ot interactive program setup.

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Yup! that could be nice (not referring to wraith's post above).

Maybe a merge/integration of XPlode and XPdeploy (core being same, but extra plugins to facilitate it).

Then, maybe have some attribute in the XML header of XPlode which tells it to run in one of two modes:

1}. mode=XPlode

which will run the entire set of tasks/processes in unattended mode (like it does now)

2}. mode=choose

which will give an XPdeploy type of dialog box to tick the individual items you want to install (no selection for sub-processes within items) (possibly, this mode would require the XML to be at a writable/non-readonly location).

In either case, the XML would be the same - just change the "run mode" to have it behave the way you want. This would be desirable, since many people would like to have a way to *NOT* install some items from among the pre-determined list.

EDIT: maybe this post doesn't belong in this thread - if so, is it possible to move this post to the feature requests thread?

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I'm wondering whether I should even be bothering working on XPlode further  .......because at this stage, with the lack of interest, I don't see a point continuing with XPlode. Maybe some docs, but that'd probably be it.

Well, as a matter of fact there doesn't seem like anything more could possibly be needed. Whatever anyone could ever want is already present. I'm not able to think of any new features that could be added - nor do any bugs seem to exist.

Please don't take the above sentences as a negative comment. I actually mean to tell the above in a congratulatory tone

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I'm wondering whether I should even be bothering working on XPlode further .......because at this stage, with the lack of interest, I don't see a point continuing with XPlode. Maybe some docs, but that'd probably be it.

Well, as a matter of fact there doesn't seem like anything more could possibly be needed. Whatever anyone could ever want is already present. I'm not able to think of any new features that could be added - nor do any bugs seem to exist.

Please don't take the above sentences as a negative comment. I actually mean to tell the above in a congratulatory tone

Those were exactly my thoughts on it.

I'll see how things go.

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nor do any bugs seem to exist

Well I don't know if it is a bug or not, but, I posted a query here and have the same problem as MCT here, when I run taskkill it says

Error:Critical Error


I have tried the copying of files and shortcuts at T-13, T-12 and from Gui RunOnce, no joy, the files do seem to be copied but the install hangs after.If you could help Wraith that would be great

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All I can say is: I've used XPlode at T-9, copied from there and it worked fine.

I haven't used taskkill, and I'm not going to go out of my way to test things, when there are other things to worry about. If, when I have XPlode 2 running, I have any free time, I'll look at these issues, but at this point in time, it's not much of a problem by my standards.

If you'd like, go to http://mantis.voidfx.com/ and fill out a bug report - add the logfile, xml, and everything else you see as being relevant. I'll be more likely to look at something if I don't have to go wading rhrough multitudes of posts.

Just so you know, I don't mean to seem p***ed off at you, even though after reading it again myself, I seem that way. No animosity intended.

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