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About risolutore

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  1. you can you grub 4dos with iso in ram optiom just copying the iso on the media and make a proper menu.lst
  2. I 've got a Fortemedia Sound card that at the moment doesn't get recognized under Vista. The latest driver avaible are 2004 and they install only a cpl file, but NO SOUND any help^
  3. I am building a forensics PE cd mainly based on opnsource utility. Can someone post your experience. Actually I use WinHex, but it can only recover lost and deleted files...and for registry? for events? and for index.dat reading? and for syskey files? Thetheera I also want to cover the tracks,
  4. I used the previous ver 2.2 and the update dosn't report the new ver, why?
  5. Where I con download the full Pack?
  6. what is is in your to do loist for WPI? Why not autopopulate checkboxes parsing the file structure?^
  7. XPSP2 + NET framework+ vbruntimes + Java VM +DirectX9c + Office2003 mst file with all my needed feature, 930 MB using CDImage. :-(( Also using shrinker..But it is not a localized program and for italian it's too weak
  8. Powerquest deploy...what a program I have never seeen a BartPe plugin for it. then as you know it switched to symantech and to .NEt framework...a long history
  9. If you use the runscanner plugin you can scan the boot.ini file for the right installlation, and then poiunt to that registry
  10. Give a try to BArtPE and the subscribe MS OEM program to get 2005 OPK.
  11. but has anyone solved the read only issue with OEM folder? If you copy connection setting *pbk you will unable to change... :-( how to bypass it? using runoncec,m with a batch file that change file attributes?
  12. Windows Server 2003 SP1 build 1218 has many updates including support for new support for: IIS-specific settings, Audit policy settings, Additional registry values, Group Policy-based deployment of SCW-generated security policies, Inclusion of security INF templates and many others
  13. yes sp1rtm is n. 1218. But is not a bug of server but of unattended install, I must think. Has anyone tried this rtm? it is equivalent to xp sp2 , I have read. Any effort on trying it? it is also on filemirrors
  14. not so stupid iI used google STOP: c00021a fatal system error The Unhandled Exception in session manager system proces terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000005 the system has been shut down 2003_ENsp1rtm
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