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Browsers, Is it today the websites scripts are in more control than we are have control ? Can we regain control using about:config or other

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BTW I need to say I use No Script Add-On and when visit the site mentioned above or other sites I will only allow top level site so it is the site above .com that I allow. Sometimes I may need also to allow a script for payment but I find that out later at payment. But always only top level of the site and not normally any other site I accept as I'm only dealing with the top level site.

No other plugins I use that would harm or hamper the site. I have tested with VMWare-Player with a new XP3 install and with browser and no plugins the result is the same. I don't normally do that but did so to test and that was last week. Result is as written above. The above is the same for normal desktop XP3 and the one in VMWare-Player with XP3. Using Roytam1 browsers SSE and IA32 versions of Palemoon-Newmoon v27 and v28 also basilisk52 and Firefox-ESR. all failed the same not one had any difference for the above post mentioned site.
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11 hours ago, exogenesis said:

PC has 1.5 GB memory with normally over 1 GB available in Task Manager with browser open before browsing.

The following information is still missing: your OS, including the state of updating, your main browser and the exact specification of your CPU. I assume you have a CPU limited to the instruction set SSE. Is that correct? And is that the link to your grocery shop: https://www.asda.com/ ?

Cheers, AstroSkipper ordi1fun.gif

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1 hour ago, AstroSkipper said:
12 hours ago, exogenesis said:

PC has 1.5 GB memory with normally over 1 GB available in Task Manager with browser open before browsing.

The following information is still missing: your OS, including the state of updating, your main browser and the exact specification of your CPU. I assume you have a CPU limited to the instruction set SSE. Is that correct? And is that the link to your grocery shop: https://www.asda.com/ ?

Cheers, AstroSkipper ordi1fun.gif

In the most recent version of New Moon (palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20220618-d849524bd-uxp-43cfc69b2-xpmod) I can open the site mentioned above and search for products. When adding a product to the shopping cart, the browser redirects me to the login page. This is the end of my test due to the fact that I am not a registered customer and don't want to become one. Generally I can say the site works although it is crappy and heavy on loading. I use the extensions uBlock Origin and eMatrix to adjust the loaded content. For me, it is the best combination in New Moon and in roytam1's other browser editions. With eMatrix you can adjust exactly which content needs to be loaded or not, in contrast to NoScript. While searching for milk on ASDA, for example, uBlock Origin shows a count of 33 blocked requests. Without this AD blocker, it would be certainly awful or stressful to search for products using an old computer with less hardware resources.
My testing system is a very old computer with 1.5 GB SD-RAM and a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz Northwood single core CPU. The OS is Windows XP Professional SP3, fully updated, and all POSReady updates are included,

Kind regards, AstroSkipper ecrire-ordi.gif

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Are the uBlock Origin and eMatrix add-ons very much out of the box use in that for the site you could install in browser both of them and as is they would work fine. I had heard of these add-ons but didn't realize they control scripts also as noscript will do. I thought they were just add blockers and I don't have need of those, I don't see any ads really the browser takes care of that. Ok that said some Russian sites have thin porn pictures on the side of pages. But I never visit Russian sites enough to be concerned about them. And yes I would prefer not to see them there, I don't need ads.

For no script I would install it and remove all the whitelist sites and I think that is all. Why would noscript that accepts only the top level site be worse than two add-ons uBlock Origin and eMatrix yet to be seen. Does uBlock Origin and eMatrix show what sites it is accepting and those they are rejecting.

If uBlock Origin and eMatrix need adjustments what are the best settings for use so only top level site that I visit such as this site.com is only one that is white-list allowed. Also do you have noscript installed, even though for this site you don't use it.

Have you a link for the versions that work best with Palemoon-Newmoon for P3 SSE 1.5gb mem running XP3 updates are mostly all SP3. Or maybe more if softwares have installed any. Didn't bother with MS when they fuddled there XP updating system for everyone long ago. They told us to get lost for far to long to ever go back and try again.

The link is correct but I don't, didn't want to promote or advertise. This said a thought occurs it seems ridiculous to me shops shops need customers to survive. But make it near impossible or harder for customer to shop with them at all when our browsers aren't able to do so. All we need is to browse, choose and checkout do so quick and easy. This site isn't doing this maybe they don't need customers.

Also is the browser user agent you used a mobile one or standard Palemoon-Newmoon default

Browser updates latest well I visit find it bad then get an update and try again always the same result

OT: Any softwares you know that work today that can do same as microsoft update used to be able to do, that is update XP3 to 2014 or maybe up[date further if possible POS updates to 2018 while still been XP3. That is like MS was with descriptions for each update and ability not to download. But unlike MS can be downloaded as one pack or all at once so able to do all the updates off-line. I've had a quick look but all I see is Windows 7, 8 and 10.

The problem with web sites today is the rely heavy on Google script and I think that is problem many sites have.

I agree the site is crappy heavy on loading. I wonder why any shop would want to lose customers. They outsource their site design but seems they never check the site, for what browsers and PC's people are actually using to visit their site. Or optimize their site so they could visit and shop. Isn't this what any shop would normally do for more customers and profit.
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19 hours ago, exogenesis said:

Have you a link for the versions that work best with Palemoon-Newmoon for P3 SSE 1.5gb mem running XP3 updates are mostly all SP3.

With regards to your hardware resources, I urgently recommend using uBlock Origin in combination with eMatrix. As already mentioned, your grocery online shop is full of ads and they will additionally slow down your browsing experience beside the tons of scripts and images. Generally, an ad blocker is the first extension when I configure a new browser, and uBlock Origin is the best choice in New Moon or Pale MooneMatrix provides an menu/navigation bar icon with a matrix for setting up each websites to the user's needs. Unlike NoScript, much more can be adjusted, and eMatrix loads additional filter lists. Viewing the matrix, you definitely know which sites are blocked and which are allowed. 
Here are the links to the most recent versions:
uBlock Origin: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/releases/download/firefox-legacy-
eMatrix: https://addons.palemoon.org/?component=download&id=eMatrix@vannilla.org&version=5.0.2
And here is a wiki for uMatrix/eMatrix: https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/wiki
eMatrix is a fork of uMatrix for old legacy browsers like New Moon. The further development of uMatrix for legacy browsers was abandoned.
uBlock Origin is a mighty instrument and actually much more than an ad blocker. You can use it in an advanced mode, but not recommanded for a first-time user.
Truth be told, do not expect miracles on those crappy, cumbersome websites! pcwut.gif

Kind regards, AstroSkipper. matrix.gif

PS: When installing eMatrix, you have to deactivate or uninstall NoScript first. You should backup your settings in NoScript first if you want to restore this extension eventually which I do not recommend.

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