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Compiling ACPI v2.0 driver for Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2003 SP2 (x32/x64)

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Posted (edited)


I cant install win8 bit32 on the Asrock z690 Extreme.

When the message about to choose language appears, compi hangs


PS: May be, this happens because of DDB error in the acpi.sys of win8.

But when I try to edit the win8.iso with UltraIso, I see only a *.txt file.

With Virtual Clone I can see all the files on the win8 DVD,

so I can extract them and change acpi.sys against the DDB error modded one,

but how to put this install.wim with modded acpi.sys back into the win8.iso?


Edited by Dietmar

Posted (edited)


can somebody here write a short Tutorial,

how to change a single file acpi.sys in install.wim from win8 bit32?

And can I use ImgBurn to make a new win8.iso from all those files extracted from the original win8.iso?

Best Tutorial would be for XP SP3,

but I also can use Win7 SP1 or Win8.1


Edited by Dietmar


Nlite gives to me often error because of disrupted DVD structure.

After a lot of searching I found the nice tool  gimagex.

This works also under XP SP3.

Waaoh, now I can edit any *.wim files simple with copy and paste under XP.

And I set up a new version of Ultraiso.

Now I have new win8.iso with my for DDB error hacked acpi.sys

and soon I test it



Posted (edited)

I succeed to change the acpi.sys on the win8 installations DVD.

But setup on the Asrock z690 Extreme board still hangs also with the new acpi.sys, modded against DDB Bsod,

at the menu, where I get choose the language



PS: @Damnation

Do you remember, which acpi.sys win8 works for you for win8 bit32, modded for DDB BSOD?

I make acpi1.sys, acpi2.sys, acpi3.sys and acpi4.sys for win8.

Just now I try with acpi4.sys.

EDIT: With the for DDB Bsod modded acpi.sys I can install win8 on the Asrock z370 k6 board.

So, may be it is not an acpi Bsod, also possible, that the Sata driver from win8 does not work on the Asrock z690 Extreme board.

Edited by Dietmar
Posted (edited)

Now I just copy the whole content under win8 from the 200Gbyte Sandisk USB stick to the harddisk. There is only the original win8 USB3 driver.

Crazy, it starts fast with about 200MByte/s but now it is sometimes slow as much as possible, speed goes down to 5(!!!)kb/s, less than from Floppy disk:thumbup



PS: Whole time for to copy is more than 1 hour on Intel USB3 until now.

In 40min on the VIA PCIe USB3 slotcard on XP SP3 all(!) was copied.


Yesssa, at the end speed goes down as much as possible but does not crash.

Then, I copy the same content of the USB stick (without disconnect(!)) to a new folder,

and, voila crash, see photo.

This simple means, that the Intel USB3 is not so very good:angel


Edited by Dietmar

The Asmedia USB3 chip on the Asrock z370 k6 did not crash. It has the same original win8 driver as before.

In 34min the whole 200Gbyte from the Sandisk ultrafast USB3.2 stick are copied.

And I also make the same test, without disconnecting the stick, once more I copied ALL,

same speed, no crash on Asmedia USB3





not nlite - that's for XP - NTLite - that's for windows 7 and later, Vista is SOL.

I don't remember exactly which one I used, I think it was acpi4.sys, not sure.

Posted (edited)

Now I make a test with the same Sandisk 256Gb ultrafast USB3.2 stick, the same board Asrock z370 k6 with Win8.1 (all Updates).

On the Intel USB3 the situation is not better. Even copy starts faster, after 30 min the speed goes down to zero for about 60sec few times, see photo.

No crash. Time for copy is 43min, means compi with FX58m from 2009 is faster:cheerleader:.

Second run without disconnecting the stick was 40min, may be because of deleted files..

And the most crazy: Win8.1 refuses some files to copy, tell some are malware and delete(!) some on the Sandisk USB3 stick without asking, brrr..

At once I understand, why I like XP


PS: Asmedia USB3 with same original Win8.1 USB3 driver needs 38min for to copy whole Sanddisk stick.


Edited by Dietmar
Posted (edited)

I thought,

that may be the crash on Intel USB3.0 is because to which device the files are copied.

But the same crash happens,

when I copy whole content of 200 GB from Sandisk USB3.2 to the Optane 905P drive,

from which I know, that read and write speed does not matter at all,

how big and how much splitted the files are.

This test I do on the Asrock z370 k6 again.

Now, copy is much faster, only 17 min until crash ;))


EDIT: No crash on Asmedia USB3. Whole content of 200Gb is copied from Sandisk to Optane in 20min.

EDIT3: Correction: On the Asmedia USB3 only with the own Asmedia USB3 driver no crash happens.

With the from Win8 modded driver, it crashs also on Asmedia very fast after 3 min.

This makes the situation a little bit more difficult.

So it seems, that only the VIA USB3 on XP SP3 works perfect with the from Win8 modded USB3 driver.

So it makes sense, to make a try with an USB3 driver for XP SP3 from Win8.1 build.

EDIT2: I also test the for XP modded USB3 AMD 145 driver on Intel USB3.

Same crash with this driver after 3min on Intel USB3.




Edited by Dietmar
2 hours ago, Dietmar said:

with an USB3 driver for XP SP3 from Win8.1 build.

There's a Windows 8.1 build USB 3 driver for XP? I thought there was only a windows 8.0 version?

Posted (edited)


it would be interesting to understand why only once the copy of 224GB ended without problems while in the other my 5 tests the usual message "insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" appeared.

In my tests the block occurred randomly, sometimes after a few GB while another time when there were only 20GBs upon completion of the copy of 224GB.

I got the crash also with the Etron UAS driver.

P.S.: tests done on Q370 and H470 systems for the intel USB3 controller with installed the ported USB3/UAS driver from Win8 by copying files from an external NVMe to USB 3.2 Gen.2 adapter (connected to a USB 10GB port) to an internal NVMe and vice versa.

The copy successfully ended was on the Q370 board from the external NVMe to the internal one.

Edited by Andalu

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