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Web Browser + Proxomitron Reborn + PtronGUI --- A How-To Guide

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Posted (edited)

Here I am going to document the steps it takes to configure a web browser to use Proxomitron as a web filter.
I will then use the MSFN reply-box "keylogger" as an example of how Proxomitron can prevent/break that "keylogger" (I figure that is an example all users here will be able to relate to.)
Proxomitron is extremely powerful - I have used it since 2004 at least but have been away from it for a couple of years (still use it for my weekly Microsoft Excel Web Queries).
I used it exclusively as a web browser filter before migrating to Mypal roughly 3 years ago and then to 360Chrome roughly 1.5 years ago.
I have decided that it is officially time to bring it back into the fold and I am confident that several folks here at MSFN will find it extremely useful.
Proxomitron really is extremely powerful and also can be a bit "intimidating" at first because of how powerful it is - I am hoping this guide will remove all intimidation.


Config download links provided in Post #5  --  Jump to Post #5


Edited by NotHereToPlayGames

Posted (edited)

The first thing to remember about Proxomitron is that it can be as simple as you want it be or as complex as you want it be - its power is dependant upon its "config file".

The "config file" can be intimidating but if you are familiar with a web browser's "Developer Tools" or "Inspect Element" than Proxomitron is basically only one step more advanced than what you are already familiar with.
As previously mentioned, I have been a Proxomitron user since at least 2004 (that's my "joined date" at the forum dedicated to Proxomitron (my username on that forum is "ProxRocks")).
The Proxomitron forum isn't as active as it used to be but there are still some very knowledgeable folks that drop by and with thread views in the thousands (ie, still a much valuable resource).
The "config file" that I use is "based off of" a sidki3003 config file from 12-22-2011 and my last save was 1-28-2018  --  which basically tells me that's when I picked up Mypal and used Proxomitron strictly for Microsoft Excel Web Queries.

The good news is that now there is a newer "base config" than the file I was originally using from 2011.
We will be using this newer base config (1-26-2019) and starting brand new, from the ground up - don't let the "age" of the base config fool you, the power of Proxomitron is dependant on the "filters" we add to the "base config".
May end up taking several days to compile this How-To Guide but we'll get there and I am confident that several users here will come to see Proxomitron as a new must-have in their arsenal.

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
Posted (edited)

These are the files to download (listed in the order that they are used in the next post which details how to create our config), do not execute anything yet, just download them.

I have provided a download where all this work has already been done (two posts down), but I do prefer to detail the steps taken to get there.  For users that prefer, you can skip this post and the following post.

Please note that we use the "j" version of the original Proxomitron as opposed to the "m" version because the "m" version was hard-coded to fall-back (without any notification) to a "direct connection" if your assigned "remote proxy" fails to connect.


Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
Posted (edited)

Okay, we now have to put everything together, so to speak.  The next post offers the download, but this post explains in detail what that download is and how it was created.

1)  Extract the downloaded ProxN45j.zip file to a folder of your choice.  I extracted to "ProxN45j", renamed the folder to "Proxomitron", then placed the folder at "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron".

2)  In "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron", delete the original configuration files as these will be too old to use as a "base config" (Proxomitron is only as powerful as its "base config").
     a)  delete default.cfg
     a)  delete default-backup.cfg
     a)  delete FirstRun.txt
     a)  delete Level 1.cfg
     a)  delete Level 2.cfg
     a)  delete Level 3.cfg
     a)  delete Level 4.cfg
     a)  delete Level 5.cfg
     a)  delete Level 6.cfg

3)  Rename/copy the downloaded zlib32.dll file to zlib.dll then copy/paste/replace the zlib.dll that exists in "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron".
     The old zlib.dll was version  The new zlib.dll is version

4)  Extract the downloaded Proxo_OpenSSL_101Q_DLLs.zip to a folder of your choice.
     Copy only the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files from the extracted folder (we will not be needing the openssl.exe file) and paste into "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron" (these two files will not already exist).

5)  Extract the downloaded ProxomitronReborn_4605R.zip to a folder of your choice.
     Rename proxo.exe contained in the extracted folder to Proxomitron.exe then copy/paste/replace the Proxomitron.exe that exists in "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron".
     The old Proxomitron.exe was version  The new Proxomitron.exe is version

6)  Extract the downloaded PtronGUI_4.6.0.5(h).zip to a folder of your choice.
     Execute the PtronGUI_4.6.0.5(h).exe file from the extracted folder.
     Follow the prompts and select the FOLDER that contains the Proxomitron.exe (version that we copy/paste/replaced in Step 5 ("C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron") then continue to follow the prompts.
     This will create a proxo+ptronGUI.exe file alongside the Proxomitron.exe file in "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron".
     At this point, I delete the Proxomitron.exe file that we created in Step 5 and rename proxo+ptronGUI.exe from Step 6 to Proxomitron.exe.

7)  Extract the downloaded prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1.zip to a folder of your choice.
     Copy the three FOLDERS (html, Lists, and sidki-etc) contained within the extracted folder and paste into "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron".
     Copy the sidki_2019-01-26b1-uNorm.ptron file contained within the extracted folder and paste into "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron".
     Rename the sidki_2019-01-26b1-uNorm.ptron file just pasted into "C:\Miscellaneous\Proxomitron" as default.cfg.
     Note that Proxomitron will load default.cfg by default when you launch Proxomitron.
     You can also use .bat files to launch Proxomitron and load config files not named default.cfg but I find it easiest to just load default.cfg then use the context menu on the systray icon to load config files not named default.cfg.

At this point, this is the download that is provided in the next post.

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
Posted (edited)

Download link for the "base config" compiled in the previous post  -->>  Proxomitron - MSFN - 01-23-2022.zip

Updated download (this is the "base config" PLUS the below list of updates/modifications)  -->>  Proxomitron - MSFN - 01-26-2022.zip  ⇦  I suggest this as the best starting point.

Extract to the folder of your choice.
Launch via the Proxomitron.exe file - I place a link to Proxomitron.exe in my Windows Startup and also add to my desktop and Start Menu.


Tracker for updates to prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1  --  sidki_2019-01-26b1-uNorm.ptron  -->>  default.cfg

all .ptxt file name extensions and references reverted to .txt   [use standard OS extension so that no new file associations are needed]
Lists   --->>>  lists   [folder name]
Docs   --->>>   docs   [folder name]
Textures   --->>>  textures   [folder name]
CSS   --->>>   css   [folder name]
SslPort = 8443   --->>>   SslPort = 443    ---->>>>    reverted to 8443
Use Local.Ptron https file server ProxN46R+ (edit!)  ----  $SET(lpPort=:8443)   --->>>   $SET(lpPort=:443)
renamed  >>  certs.pem   --->>>   certs.pem-disabled
lists  >>  sidki_l_2019-01-26b1  ----  URL-Parser.txt  --  updated 2009-07-04 sidki   --->>>   URL-Parser.txt  --  updated 2019-03-24 JJoe
<link> Remove: Prefetch Tags     19.1.20 [sd] (d.0)   --->>>   <link> Remove: Prefetch Tags     19.03.27 [sd] (d.0)
added   --->>>   Content-Security-Policy: Remove nonce and hash     19.09.15 [jjoe] (d.0) (In) [add+]
added   --->>>   Content-Security-Policy: Remove nonce,hash,strict     22.01.23 [jjoe] (d.0) (In) [add+]
added   --->>>   <script> Remove: Integrity     19.09.15 (multi) [jjoe] (d.0) [add+]
added   --->>>   <link> Remove: Integrity     19.09.15 (multi) [jjoe] (d.0) [add+]
html  >>  sidki_h_2019-01-26b1  >>  proxjs-full.js   ---   " style=\"text-decoration:line-through!important\"";   --->>>   " style=\"text-decoration: line-through !important; display: inline-block;\"";
html  >>  sidki_h_2019-01-26b1  >>  css  >>  proxcss-general.css  >>  div#pr0xDom-Div   ---   Bottom: 5px; !important;   --->>>   bottom: 5px !important;
html  >>  sidki_h_2019-01-26b1  >>  css  >>  proxcss-general.css  >>  input.Pr0xBtn-Input   ---   margin: 4px 0 0 0 !important;   --->>>   margin: 0 0 0 4px !important;
added   --->>>   [WinSizes]
unchecked  --->>>   4.1.b Log to Main (ctrl+shift key) + Rare
unchecked  --->>>   4.2 Log common Nuisances
unchecked  --->>>   5.1 Session Cookies by Default
checked   --->>>   Open normal Menu Links in new Window
unchecked  --->>>   Title: Append Time, Snip Excess
unchecked  --->>>   Title: Append Last-Modified or ETag
unchecked  --->>>   Title: Prepend Proxy Indicator
lists  >>  updated Bypass List.txt to properly bypass local.ptron    ---->>>>    JJoe fix for port 8443

Last Uploaded  ==  01-26-2022

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
Posted (edited)

Next we need to configure our web browser to use Proxomitron.
I will demonstrate this process using 360Chrome (v11) and Mypal (v27.9.4).
The process is identical for newer browser versions and Chromium-based users should be able to follow the 360Chrome setup and Mozilla-based users should be able to follow the Mypal setup.
There are several extensions/addons available to set your browser proxy but I prefer to just use the operating system's internet proxy settings -
Please note that we intentionally use Port 8080 for both HTTP and HTTPS (our config file transfers HTTPS to port 443 on the backend but uses port 8080 on the frontend) -


Operating System's Internet Proxy Setting (required for 360Chrome, optional for Mypal depending on which Connection Settings you prefer to use) -

image.png.74e07062f2061a95021e26dfac808f7f.png   image.png.69ee623101b060a0cd8a25c59c88d066.png   image.png.8582bee23c931b9317788b1a08683a09.png


In 360Chrome -
After this, 360Chrome is ready-to-go and you can skip the next post.


You have done everything correctly if https://www.google.com/ now looks like this -



In Mypal -
After this, Mypal requires certificate issues to be resolved (next post).

image.png.487d9a64ebcfdb548a1c739682b518af.png   image.png.0aff38670bd12b63c28c1d1e111b3fef.png  OR   image.png.90c145e344d5660221c599d9d53d2981.png

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
Posted (edited)

This post for Mypal only -

Next we need to resolve this Mozilla-based error -



Follow these steps to generate and install a new SSL Certificate (I just accept the default entries for all dialogs) -

Part 1 -
Download and extract this file to the folder of your choice  --  make-proxcert.zip
Execute the proxcert-MakeCert.bat file contained within the extracted folder and follow the prompts (I just accept the default entries).
This will create a new proxcert.pem file in the same folder as the proxcert-MakeCert.bat file that you just executed.
EXIT Proxomitron if you have it running and then copy/paste/replace the new proxcert.pem file to the folder that contains Proxomitron.exe.

Part 2 -
Launch Proxomitron.exe with the new proxcert.pem file already in place and follow the below -

image.png.fdb37b63243a43b4e11cbc7e2db880fb.png   image.png.0509d68df90050ad774fff45831d01be.png   image.png.ec29a98cd02e6a7df1ecb11355fa5b43.png


image.png.a7ae1e1ba8453fb1d2561ab7ac7722c8.png   image.thumb.png.85b6baff9fa6ea007ef41c5d5116be69.png


I intentionally select Cancel here otherwise the config thinks that a Save/Exit/Relaunch is required when we do not need to do a Save/Exit/Relauch until after the next step -



You should now have a proxcert_certonly.pem file in your Proxomitron directory.

image.png.439ea1bb4b587104be36a25baf465de3.png   image.png.e8606591d586cae7241c182a2cd4c7af.png


image.png.f7d60f75e31385bd82f87e5828529b29.png   image.png.1754a57c6d04c8a3e352464040a2893a.png


Part 3 -
At this point I had to EXIT and Relaunch both Proxomitron and Mypal.
You have done everything correctly if https://www.google.com/ now looks like this -



Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
Posted (edited)

In order for Proxomitron to function correctly, these settings need applied to extensions which would otherwise block javascript or css being injected by Proxomitron.
I use NoScript and uMatrix as examples but other extensions with similar functions would require a similar setting.


NoScript -  (note that we trust http://local.ptron and https://local.ptron) -



uMatrix -


Edited by NotHereToPlayGames

Yes , yes , thank you !!! Everything related to proxies deserves my upvote ! Will it help to fight the damn instagram block , described here . 

Does it have it's own proxy lists ? Again, thank you !

The moderator edited my post, so I can't write the words I used to describe that before , but let me rephrase . Instagram lets certain countries in without issues . Let's say with certain regimes . It's not a coincidence , I tried many times . But as soon as I choose a French or any Western EU IP (or use my original IP) - I'm blocked.

msfntor has the same problem !

So , this tool , can it fetch IP lists from the countries I tried to desribe ,not using the forbidden by the respected moderator word ?



3 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

Does it have it's own proxy lists ?

3 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

can it fetch IP lists from the countries ... ?

It can be configured to route through proxies, yes.

It can also be configured to 'spoof' being routed through a proxy without actually routing through a proxy.

It uses "lists" extensively but you have to create the lists manually, I don't recall any method where it "fetches IP lists from countries".

3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

It uses "lists" extensively but you have to create the lists manually, I don't recall any method where it "fetches IP lists from countries".

Thank you , but it's a big downside then . The problem is, I don't know where to find clean proxies from certain countries that instagram "likes".

As for the software , I already have a similar one . It accepts proxie lists and then tests them . It's much less sophisticated , of course.

Posted (edited)

I'm talking about countries similar to the one below . Instagram loves them . But as you can see , they are dead or slow.

Will delete the image soon . (deleted)


Edited by D.Draker

You may find that you might be making the Instagram "block" more difficult than it might be.

I say "might" because I've never in my entire life visited Instagram (or Facebook)  --  BUT speaking from Proxomitron experience, I have used Proxomitron to access otherwise "blocked" web sites.

So I do think Proxomitron will have a "way" to do what you want it to do  --  although circumnavigating Instagram "blocks" is not my primary focus in creating a Proxomitron thread here at MSFN.

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