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RetroZilla Community Edition

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Took me long enough, but I've noticed that updating an installation of official RetroZilla 2.2 with Roytam1's build merely by extracting his package over it actually doesn't work properly. The problem is that while Roy's build, unlike the official 2.2 release, has many components statically linked into the EXE instead of in separate DLLs, it will still load and use unnecessary DLLs left over from the old version. Symptoms include the wrong Gecko build date in the user agent as seen on the "About" page ("Gecko/20190223" instead of "Gecko/20200201") and the additional TLS ciphers supported by Roy's build not actually being presented to web servers (as reported by, e.g., https://www.howsmyssl.com/).

The fix is to delete all of the 2019-dated DLL and XPT files in the root installation folder and the "components" subfolder, except for gkgfx.dll in the root folder and gkwidget.dll in "components", and also delete the compreg.dat and xpti.dat files in the "components" folder to ensure that RetroZilla regenerates them to reflect the changes. The reason I advise keeping those two DLLs is due to a bug in Roy's build where it does not display a "hand" cursor when the cursor is over a link; Windows 95 and NT 4.0 do not support a "link select" cursor at the system level, so applications such as browsers must use their own, and Roy's build on its own fails to do this. Retaining those two DLLs from the official 2.2 release fixes this.

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Thank-you for clarifying this install process @loblolly986, looks like it took a fair amount of testing and research. A link to your post was added to footnote [3] on the first post. It appears @rn10950 has yet to release a formal RetroZilla update based on some of these improvements, hopefully still forthcoming.

Edited by Wunderbar98
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On 5/10/2021 at 3:24 PM, Wunderbar98 said:

It appears @rn10950 has yet to release a formal RetroZilla update based on some of these improvements, hopefully still forthcoming.

since he merged some PRs few weeks before, I created some more PRs for him.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/24/2020 at 5:21 AM, loblolly986 said:

Regarding TLS in RetroZilla, note that Roytam1 released an unofficial build of RetroZilla with updated cipher support earlier this year:


You can extract the contents of this over an existing RetroZilla 2.2 installation to update it. This update appears to also make the about:config additions to manually enable certain ciphers unnecessary (those entries were no longer highlighted in bold after I installed the update).

Roy also released a copy of K-Meleon 1.5.4 with the same updated cipher support; you can also extract this over an existing K-Meleon 1.5.4 installation (and replace k-meleon.exe with k-meleonW9x.exe):


Hi, does somebody know, if it's only me on Windows 10 and current firefox, that those links are redirecting to some other sites and Roytams website may be hijacked?
If so, here ist an archive, but I don't know, how much is already saved.

This Link looks okay for me. (ml versus win)


Edited by Jarsin
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On 8/10/2021 at 7:53 AM, Jarsin said:

Hi, does somebody know, if it's only me on Windows 10 and current firefox, that those links are redirecting to some other sites and Roytams website may be hijacked?
If so, here ist an archive, but I don't know, how much is already saved.

This Link looks okay for me. (ml versus win)


I no longer own rths.ml / rths.cf domains.

Edited by roytam1
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The RetroZilla Search Engine Collection was updated, linked on the first post of this thread. Note Dogpile and Startsearch require the User Agent Extension, one of the built-in user agents should work or add another like Firefox 60, example:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0.2

Added FrogFind!

Added Mojeek
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  • 7 months later...

How does the webpage http://www.httpvshttps.com work for Retrozilla?

Im asking because I tested it several times on Opera 12.02 in 2020 or so. But today it shows an error message that https2 isnt supported. So test can only be conducted in http mode.

On a special version of Opera 12.01 it will load and show no error message. But regardless of http or https mode will load everything in 0.0 seconds.

Thats not to say that msfn will load properly. Alot of viewing errors so besides logging in and reading a bit comment function didnt work. Is that better on Retrozilla?

All tests done on Windows 98SE with Upgrade Pack 98, KernelEx.

But Im writing on Windows 10 now. The 98se machine is a bit unstable and overheats or freezes after sometimes. And even when rebooting will then not boot besided the boot logo for some time.

Edited by winxpi
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Hi @winxpi. In RetroZilla your link loads, eats bandwidth for each check and displays ~360 green checkmarked circles. Clicking HTTPS link also loads and displays the same green checkmarked dots. Don't know this page, is this what you're supposed to see? Regardless, here RetroZilla still connects fine to almost all sites.

This forum loads fine here on RetroZilla without JavaScript. Can even log in and post. Due to forum software updates PM access was recently lost, but the rest is good. I provided a userContent.css file earlier for download that better displays this forum, otherwise it's best viewed with View -> Use Style -> None.

Upgrade packs and KernelEx aren't needed for RetroZilla. If you're running KernelEx you may want a newer browser.

Assuming '98se machine' means running the OS on real hardware. Properly configured on supported hardware, Windows 98 boots fast, does not overheat or freeze. Sounds like a configuration or hardware maintenance issue. Windows 98 can, however, take a bit of customization and configuration to get running well.
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On 5/26/2022 at 7:11 PM, Wunderbar98 said:

Hi @winxpi. In RetroZilla your link loads, eats bandwidth for each check and displays ~360 green checkmarked circles. Clicking HTTPS link also loads and displays the same green checkmarked dots. Don't know this page, is this what you're supposed to see? Regardless, here RetroZilla still connects fine to almost all sites.

This forum loads fine here on RetroZilla without JavaScript. Can even log in and post. Due to forum software updates PM access was recently lost, but the rest is good. I provided a userContent.css file earlier for download that better displays this forum, otherwise it's best viewed with View -> Use Style -> None.

That sounds great. Thanks for the feedback! Actually its to Test compability of a Standard somewhere between http/1.1 and http/2 (basically https). Spdy protocol Standard. I was asking to ensure that the test results apply to other 9x compatible browser aswell.

I forgot. Some years ago this freezing occured also while in BIOS.


Edited by winxpi
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