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My Browser Builds (Part 2)

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18 hours ago, TRX101 said:

PM27 bug (?) :

When more then 10 tabs are open, tabs can not be closed.

(Using fresh profile does not solve the problem.)

Latest usable version :

xul.dll :

next build should have this bug fixed

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4 hours ago, roytam1 said:

next build should have this bug fixed

PM28 too often ui freezes and locks up.
This for minutes or longer before it responds again.
1 core maxed out, just as memory is maxed out when it happens.
Re-starting PM does not help. have to re-start XP before I can use it again.
PM27 does not show that problem.
Anyway, thanks for your work

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@roytam1 : Can you please NOT implement upstream issue #1628


in your custom UXP branch?

I don't know about New Moon 28, but in Serpent 52.9.0 we do still support WebExtensions installable from/updatable by AMO, and the use of a modified value for the


pref is a viable way to keep checking for WE updates (from AMO), while the standard


pref can be left pointing at the Basilisk extension repository (or, possibly, vice versa; point the main URL to AMO and the background one to addons.basilisk-browser.org...).

FWIW, in my copy of Serpent 52.9.0 I have:


Thanks in advance, take good care! :)

Edited by VistaLover
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@VistaLover You shouldn't freak out so much whenever you see a commit from me.. As https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=711679 CLEARLY states.. versioncheck-bg.amo was done for server load reasons as part of their infra.. I believe stuff at versioncheck-bg.amo was cached results whereas versioncheck.amo are always live results.

So assuming you are using AMO for Phoenix 52 and WebExtensions it won't make a bit of functional difference. I did check the history of this before I made the change. These days, I don't even think they are tangibly separate since Mozilla does TONS of cdn s*** now across the board which was NOT the case back in 2012. Least according to their add-ons server software code.

However, checking his commits it goes to my infra so it really IS redundant in the current configuration. And as for your preference setting..

This situation is not something that can ALLOW you to have TWO different update servers. update.background.url was used when the Add-ons Manager does an autocheck on a schedule and update.url is used when there is a direct request like checking manually or whenever a new version is detected. Having them go to two different servers creates a LOT of discontinuity.

Edited by Matt A. Tobin
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1 hour ago, VistaLover said:

because I haven't check this out when I'm compiling, they're reverted afterwards.

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BTW Have I mentioned you are in direct violation of the Mozilla Public License 2.0?

Specifically, Section 3.2 which states:


3.2 If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:

  a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and

The MPL defines Source Code Form as follows:


1.13. “Source Code Form”

  means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.

Your patch files are not sufficient. You MUST provide the full source code with your modifications. All software created with covered code I have worked on is currently in breach of the license.

Edited by Matt A. Tobin
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New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win32-git-20200808-57e81f0-uxp-b5762c6c2-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win64-git-20200808-57e81f0-uxp-b5762c6c2-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win32-git-20200808-57e81f0-uxp-b5762c6c2-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.1a1.win32-git-20200808-5f05a0799-uxp-b5762c6c2-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.1a1.win64-git-20200808-5f05a0799-uxp-b5762c6c2-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #1621 - Part 1: CSSEditUtils should use atom for CSS property if possible. (baa4b609d)
- Issue #1621 - Part 2: Implement nsIAtom version of SetAttribute/RemoveAttribute/CloneAttirubte. (1c0c7cf58)
- Issue #1621 - Part 3: Use nsIAtom to change attirbute if possible. (1115c63bf)
- Issue #1621 - Part 4: Check whether node can be splited. (5f6ecd756)
- Issue #1619 - Convert Intrinsic Ratio to Float (232f987cf)
- Use an alt script to properly determine the OSX SDK version (c3ec6c613)
- Add license header to media/webrtc/trunk/build/mac/find_sdk_uxp.py (02bd56c44)
- Issue #1619 - Missing Dimension Computation (e664d4369)
- Issue #1619 - Add Vertical Writing Testcase (ba0a2e796)
- Issue #1619 - Nits Picked (a90b8d98e)
- Merge pull request #1622 from RealityRipple/master (2e1c5dafc)
- [js] Try to catch bad pointers for GC and bail if not valid. (8d38e3575)
- Issue #1625 - Allow MailNews Oauth2 support to be configured in confvars.sh (7c6d822be)
- Merge pull request #1623 from g4jc/libeditor_patch (267d32f4f)
- Issue #1628 - Remove redundant PREF_EM_UPDATE_BACKGROUND_URL (d357eec56)
- Pref and disable getRootNode() (b5762c6c2)

Official Basilisk changes since my last build:
- Update Back-end branch pointer (c15535d)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1628 - Remove extensions.update.background.url from preferences (57e81f0)

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- Update back-end branch pointer (2762ee9d5)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1628 - Remove extensions.update.background.url from preferences (5f05a0799)

My changes since my last build:
- Revert UXP issue 1628 related changes. (35f288dc4)

Edited by roytam1
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New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20200808-abd05332-uxp-b5762c6c2-xpmod.7z
Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20200808-abd05332-uxp-b5762c6c2-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom

Official repo changes since my last build.
- [Mail] Remove telemetry hooks from application code (cfc6f01d)
- Update platform commit pointer (1298d3a9)
- [Mail] Remove unused showWhatsNewPage function from specialTabs (e0936181)
- [Navigator] Move preferences to components (7bfe4247)
- Update platform commit pointer (3e935f5b)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1625 - Enable MOZ_MAILNEWS_OAUTH2 in confvars.sh for Interlink by default (24506be3)
- Remove the suite help viewer (ea91dcf4)
- [Navigator] Follow up to ea91dcf4 - Remove suite help viewer from themes (c887dce0)
- [Navigator] Remove some left over mail junk (f8c3b451)
- [Navigator] Don't show the context separator for images on standalone image page (800c10fb)
- Move block images context menu item (5fc40daf)
- [Navigator] Remove more help related unused overlays (c8a42be8)
- [Navigator] Move prefwindow binding to components/preferences (3629371a)
- [Navigator] Move directory to components (0789c38f)
- [Navigator] Follow up to 0789c38f - Move locale for directory to components (a79f037f)
- [Navigator] Remove duplicate file (170da409)
- [Navigator] Move security prefpanes to components/preferences (227f01f8)
- [Navigator] Reorganize the preferences window (1191b51f)
- Update platform commit pointer (be282eb6)
- [Navigator] Change most Contract IDs (1f530ded)
- Update platform commit pointer (dd43811e)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1628 - Remove extensions.update.background.url from mail preferences (fddb8cd1)
- [Navigator] Branding prefs (d6ef0213)
- [Navigator] Don't bi*ch about being old and insecure if there is no update service to be had. (41ffb47a)
- [Navigator] Remove Shell Service and Windows Installer (abd05332)

My changes since my last build:
- Reverted "Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1628 - Remove extensions.update.background.url from mail preferences (fddb8cd1)"


New build of IceApe-UXP for XP!

Test binary:

for UXP changes please see above.

Edited by roytam1
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New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200808-91d74d7d9-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200808-91d74d7d9-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200808-91d74d7d9-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win64-git-20200808-91d74d7d9-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- Revert AppConstants related changes, some more frontend codes reverted, and import some bits of DOM push:
 - Bug 1150683 - Add XPCOM interfaces for push notifications. r=dougt (24f4ff207)
 - Bug 1151664 - Make claim return undefined for now. r=nsm (510b60e02) (3c920dd82)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - pointer style (52162925e)
 - pointer style (782500aa1)
 - Bug 1136898 - IonMonkey: Remove the LinearScan allocator and associated code r=jandem (d5459d1da)
 - Bug 1160267 - JS build files should not declare IMPL_MFBT. r=glandium (70e1deef1)
 - Bug 1146267: Define XP_DARWIN as appropriate in js/src stand-alone builds. r=sfink (d2ef67aca)
 - Bug 1122640 - Free nursery huge slots off main thread r=terrence (d0cc9dcca)
 - Bug 1140773: Ensure that GCParallelTask subclasses properly join at the start of their destructor. r=shu (67810c1ee)
 - Bug 1140773: Address review comments. r=shu (2c85652b3)
 - Pointer style (016a4eb34) (d68e5b7fc)
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - #614: M1642792 M1650811 M1634872 (9e33379e7)
 - #614: update TLDs, HSTS (fee8edf77) (61184c458)
- add minimal prerequisites for previous commit (7e48ec5ca)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Missing comment of Bug 1139466 (9aef1d5aa)
 - Bug 1147662: LexicalCheck should be a guard, so as not to be removed; r=shu (5e8692b68)
 - Bug 1142844. When xdr-decoding a non-lazy but relazifiable function, don't forget to set up the source object on the LazyScript we create for it. r=luke (90fc40f53)
 - Bug 1146743. Remove use of compileAndGo in JS debugger. r=shu (12d7d6f19)
 - Bug 1147686 - Make mutableScript private and only use it when hasScript. (r=terrence) (69910e021)
 - Bug 1149811. When XDR-decoding a non-lazy function that can be lazified, we need to set up a backpointer from its LazyScript to its JSScript. r=luke (db2dedf39)
 - Bug 1150513. While we're working with a function's script (e.g. cloning it), prevent that function getting relazified. r=luke (7bd53397d)
 - Bug 1147216 part 1 - Give JSOP_LINENO a 4-byte instead of 2-byte operand. r=luke (f9c6f376a)
 - Bug 1147216 part 2 - Use the right line number for strict eval. r=luke (954b9376a)
 - Bug 1166742 - nsFilePickerProxy::SimpleEnumerator should return false when HasMoreElements is called on an empty array, r=smaug (0cadd90bf)
 - Bug 1168346: Backout the patch from bug 1160279 after a broken merge. (1cbdbcdd6)
 - Bug 1071562, redirect child process methods to the clipboard proxy, r=fabrice (f5d4219fb)
 - Bug 1161215 - Don't fire spurious resize events to content when the size didn't actually change. r=smaug (551bc0eef)
 - Bug 1163945 - Handle aborted CompareNetwork jobs properly in CompareNetwork::OnStartRequst; r=nsm (d3b6d47c8) (d8b96f03c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1162787 - Make the service worker periodic tests robust to the idle daily service firing its notification when the tests are being run; r=nsm (b67a612c2)
 - Bug 1162787 - Check for null before calling Equals. r=ehsan (97f50bf9d)
 - Bug 1156771 - Part 1: Ensure that each channel uses a unique ID to compute its cache entry extension; r=michal (5002d5d21)
 - Bug 1156771 - Part 2: Assert that the cache entry for the intercepted doesn't exist in the cache storage before we try to open it for the first time; r=michal (a2a6d85b7)
 - Bug 1156432 - Part 1: Unregister the service worker when we are done with it; r=nsm (e192e7007)
 - Bug 1156432 - Part 2: Use different error messages for the hello-after-extracting.gz test; r=nsm (f2b626f11)
 - Bug 1157714 - Move browser_monitorUncaught to a xpcshell test. r=self (f148d5923)
 - Bug 1151840 - Make a couple of messages urgent to deal with CPOWs properly. r=billm (6cdab16ad) (91d74d7d9)

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New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 1c277ecd2..91d74d7d9:
- Revert AppConstants related changes, some more frontend codes reverted, and import some bits of DOM push:
 - Bug 1150683 - Add XPCOM interfaces for push notifications. r=dougt (24f4ff207)
 - Bug 1151664 - Make claim return undefined for now. r=nsm (510b60e02) (3c920dd82)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - pointer style (52162925e)
 - pointer style (782500aa1)
 - Bug 1136898 - IonMonkey: Remove the LinearScan allocator and associated code r=jandem (d5459d1da)
 - Bug 1160267 - JS build files should not declare IMPL_MFBT. r=glandium (70e1deef1)
 - Bug 1146267: Define XP_DARWIN as appropriate in js/src stand-alone builds. r=sfink (d2ef67aca)
 - Bug 1122640 - Free nursery huge slots off main thread r=terrence (d0cc9dcca)
 - Bug 1140773: Ensure that GCParallelTask subclasses properly join at the start of their destructor. r=shu (67810c1ee)
 - Bug 1140773: Address review comments. r=shu (2c85652b3)
 - Pointer style (016a4eb34) (d68e5b7fc)
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - #614: M1642792 M1650811 M1634872 (9e33379e7)
 - #614: update TLDs, HSTS (fee8edf77) (61184c458)
- add minimal prerequisites for previous commit (7e48ec5ca)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Missing comment of Bug 1139466 (9aef1d5aa)
 - Bug 1147662: LexicalCheck should be a guard, so as not to be removed; r=shu (5e8692b68)
 - Bug 1142844. When xdr-decoding a non-lazy but relazifiable function, don't forget to set up the source object on the LazyScript we create for it. r=luke (90fc40f53)
 - Bug 1146743. Remove use of compileAndGo in JS debugger. r=shu (12d7d6f19)
 - Bug 1147686 - Make mutableScript private and only use it when hasScript. (r=terrence) (69910e021)
 - Bug 1149811. When XDR-decoding a non-lazy function that can be lazified, we need to set up a backpointer from its LazyScript to its JSScript. r=luke (db2dedf39)
 - Bug 1150513. While we're working with a function's script (e.g. cloning it), prevent that function getting relazified. r=luke (7bd53397d)
 - Bug 1147216 part 1 - Give JSOP_LINENO a 4-byte instead of 2-byte operand. r=luke (f9c6f376a)
 - Bug 1147216 part 2 - Use the right line number for strict eval. r=luke (954b9376a)
 - Bug 1166742 - nsFilePickerProxy::SimpleEnumerator should return false when HasMoreElements is called on an empty array, r=smaug (0cadd90bf)
 - Bug 1168346: Backout the patch from bug 1160279 after a broken merge. (1cbdbcdd6)
 - Bug 1071562, redirect child process methods to the clipboard proxy, r=fabrice (f5d4219fb)
 - Bug 1161215 - Don't fire spurious resize events to content when the size didn't actually change. r=smaug (551bc0eef)
 - Bug 1163945 - Handle aborted CompareNetwork jobs properly in CompareNetwork::OnStartRequst; r=nsm (d3b6d47c8) (d8b96f03c)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1162787 - Make the service worker periodic tests robust to the idle daily service firing its notification when the tests are being run; r=nsm (b67a612c2)
 - Bug 1162787 - Check for null before calling Equals. r=ehsan (97f50bf9d)
 - Bug 1156771 - Part 1: Ensure that each channel uses a unique ID to compute its cache entry extension; r=michal (5002d5d21)
 - Bug 1156771 - Part 2: Assert that the cache entry for the intercepted doesn't exist in the cache storage before we try to open it for the first time; r=michal (a2a6d85b7)
 - Bug 1156432 - Part 1: Unregister the service worker when we are done with it; r=nsm (e192e7007)
 - Bug 1156432 - Part 2: Use different error messages for the hello-after-extracting.gz test; r=nsm (f2b626f11)
 - Bug 1157714 - Move browser_monitorUncaught to a xpcshell test. r=self (f148d5923)
 - Bug 1151840 - Make a couple of messages urgent to deal with CPOWs properly. r=billm (6cdab16ad) (91d74d7d9)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

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6 minutes ago, ClassicNick said:

What makes you say they're illegal builds?

The builds of the navigator and mail client are illegal according to the Mozilla Public License because the source code is not properly disclosed only patch files. I already explained that.

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